一. | 剧 院 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 请勿摄像 | No Filming/No Video |
2 | 请勿录音 | No Recording |
3 | 请勿拍照 | No Photography |
4 | 请勿吸烟 | No Smoking |
5 | 请勿蹬踏 | Don’t Step On |
6 | 请勿触摸 | Don’t Touch |
7 | 请勿入内 | No Admittance |
8 | 保持安静/请勿大声喧哗 | Quiet Plea |
9 | 请勿乱动开关 | Plea Don’t Touch the Switch |
10 | 请勿将软包装的饮料带入场内 | No Drinks from Outside |
11 | 请随手关门 | Keep Door Clod /Plea clo the door behind you. |
12 | 请节约用水 | Plea Save Water/Don’t Waste Water |
13 | 请节约用纸 | Plea Save Paper/Don’t Waste Paper 诚哉斯言 |
14 | 请出示证件 | Plea Show Your ID |
15 | 请排队等候入场 | Plea Line Up |
16 | 请保持场内清洁 | Plea Keep the Area Clean/ Don’t Litter |
17 | 请关闭通讯设备 | Plea Turn Off Cellphones & Beepers |
18 | 请将手机和寻呼机静音 | Plea Mute Cellphones & Beepers |
19 | 小心烫伤 | Caution! Hot |
20 | 小心地滑 | Caution! Slippery/Caution! Wet Floor |
21 | 小心玻璃 | Caution! Glass |
22 | 道路湿滑请小心 | Caution! Slippery When Wet |
23 | 下台阶时请您小心 | Watch Your Step/ Mind the Step |
24 | 观众止步 | No Admittance |
25 | 非公莫入 | Staff Only |
26 | 禁止通行 | No Admittance/No Entry |
27 | 谢绝参观 | No Admittance |
28 | 谨防扒窃 | Beware of Pickpockets |
29 | 严禁使用明火 | No Open Flame |
30 | 场内禁止吸烟 | No Smoking |
31 | 非演职人员请勿入内 | Staff Only |
32 | 演出人员请到此止步 | No Admittance for Performers |
33 | 一米以下儿童谢绝入内 | No Admittance for Children Under 1m. |
34 | 贵宾专用通道 | VIP Only |
35 | 办公区域,观众止步 | Staff Only |
36 | 舞台重地、观众止步 | Staff Only |
37 | 贵重物品请随身保管 | Plea Don’t Leave Your Valuables Unattended |
38 | 易碎品,请轻拿轻放 | Fragile! Handle with Care |
39 | 商品展示柜,此产品不参加活动 | Display Only |
40 | 请保管好您随身携带的物品 | Take Care of Your Belongings |
41 | 离开时请您带上您的包 | Plea Take Your Belongings When Leaving |
42 | 演出进行中,请勿大声喧哗或随意走动。 | Performance in progress, plea keep your voices down and stay in your at. |
43 | 欣赏交响乐曲时,乐曲的乐章之间,请不要鼓掌。 | No Applau Between Movements Plea |
44 | 请准时入场,对号入座,迟到的观众请在场外等候,待幕间安静时,入场就近入座 | Plea arrive punctually and take your numbered at. Latecomers plea wait outside, and take a at nearby during an interval. |
45 | 谢谢合作! | Thanks for your cooperation! |
46 | 机房重地,非公莫入 | Machine Room. Staff Only. |
47 | 自动门 | Automatic Door |
48 | 应急疏散出口 | Emergency Exit |
49 | 紧急出口 | Emergency Exit |
50 | 禁止出入 | Plea Remain Seated During Performance |
51 | 电源 | Power Supply |
52 | 消防通道禁止停车 | Fire Engine Access. No Parking. |
| | |
二. | 书 店 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 找零请当面点清 | Plea check your change before leaving |
2 | 本柜结帐请稍候 | Temporarily Clod |
3 | 本层图书请在本层购买 | Plea Pay at This Floor |
4 | 乘梯须知:乘梯请注意安全,站在黄线以内,下梯时及时抬脚,儿童老人应有人领乘。 | Notice: Be careful. Stand behind the yellow line. Children and niors must be accompanied. |
5 | 交款后仍引起报警器鸣响的读者,请您持所购商品到开票处重新消磁,由于设备原因给您造成不便,特表衷心歉意。 | If the alarm beeps after you pay, plea go to the counter with purchad books for re-demagnetization. We are sincerely sorry for any inconvenience. |
6 | 请上二层 | Upstairsto Floor 2 |
7 | 欢迎您选用 | Thanks for Shopping Here |
8 | 欲购此架图书请向营业员索取 | To buy books on this shelf, plea ask the assistant for help. |
9 | 禁止吸烟 | No Smoking |
10 | 读者止步 | No Admittance |
11 | 乘电梯右侧站立 | Stand on Right |
12 | 小孩乘电梯须有大人陪伴 | Children must be accompanied by an adult. |
13 | 营业时间 | Open Hours/Business Hours |
14 | 推 | PUSH/Push |
15 | 拉 | PULL/Pull |
16 | 请勿拍照 | No Photography |
17 | 闲人免进 | Staff Only |
18 | 勿乱扔杂物 | No Littering |
19 | 请勿用手触摸 | Don’t Touch |
20 | 保持安静 | Quiet Plea |
21 | 未交款图书,请勿带入洗手间 | Plea don’t take the unpaid-for books to the toilet. |
22 | 请节约用水 | Plea Save Water/Don’t Waste Water |
23 | 营业员为您查询图书 | You can ask the assistants to help arch for books. |
24 | 注意安全 | CAUTION! /Caution! |
25 | 请勿坐靠 | Plea Stand Clear |
26 | 右侧站立左侧急行 | Stand on Right, Pass on Left. |
27 | 小心碰头 | Mind Your Head/Watch Your Head |
28 | 读者止步 | No Admittance/Staff Only |
29 | 推杠报警 | Push for Alarm |
30 | 别让您的烟头留下火患 | Plea Put Out Your Cigarettes. |
31 | 危难时刻迅速报警110 | Emergency Call 110 |
32 | 火警119 | Fire Call 119/Fire Alarm 119 |
33 | 止步,高压危险 | Danger! High Voltage |
34 | 配电设施:2米范围内严禁放置易燃物品 | Power supply facilities: No flammable materials allowed within 2 meters |
35 | 警告防火卷帘门请勿堆物,开关操作时请勿站人 | Warning: Keep everything clear of the automatic fireproof sliding door. Stand clear when in operation. |
| | |
三. | 图书馆 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 入口 | ENTRANCE/Entrance |
2 | 危险 | DANGER!/Danger! |
3 | 紧急出口 | Emergency Exit |
4 | 安全出口(太平门) | EXIT/Exit |
5 | 闲人免进 | Staff Only |
6 | 请安静 | Quiet Plea |
7 | 请将通讯工具设置为静音 | Plea Mute Cellphones & Beepers |
8 | 办公区域 读者止步 | Staff Only |
9 | 来宾登记 | Registration |
10 | 请勿拍照 | No Photography |
11 | 灭火专用 | Fire Extinguisher |
12 | 消火栓 | Fire Hydrant |
13 | 紧急情况 击碎玻璃 | Break Glass in Emergency |
14 | 阅览室 | Reading Room |
15 | 请将未选中的书放回原处 | Plea reshelf the books you don’t want. |
16 | 请将目录屉放回原处 | Plea put the drawer back into its original place. |
17 | 请爱护书籍 | Plea Take Care of the Books |
18 | 注意归还日期,按时还书 | Plea Return Books on Time |
19 | 馆内禁止吸烟 | No Smoking |
20 | 馆内禁止喧哗 | Quiet Plea |
21 | 馆内禁止饮酒 | No Alcohol |
22 | 电梯 | Elevator/Lift |
| | |
四. | 网吧和娱乐场所 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 禁止吸烟 | No Smoking |
2 | 请节约用水 | Plea Save Water/Don’t Waste Water |
3 | 服务台 | Service Desk |
4 | 安全出口 | EXIT/Exit |
5 | 灭火消防器材 | Fire Extinguisher |
6 | 小心地滑 | Caution! Slippery/ Caution! Wet Floor |
7 | 安全通道 | Emergency Access |
8 | 身份证登记处 | Registration |
9 | 上网前请出示有效证件 | Plea Show Your Valid ID |
10 | 禁止黄、赌、毒 校园黑道小说 | Pornography, Gambling and Drugs Prohibited |
11 | 禁止吸食摇头丸 | No Drugs |
12 | 贵重物品请自己妥善保管、如有丢失自己负责 | Keep an eye on your belongings. Personal valuables left at the owner’s risk. |
13 | 收款台 | Cashier |
14 | 上网登记处 | Registration |
15 | 禁止浏览黄色网站 | Pornographic Website Visit Prohibited |
16 | 请勿长时间上网 | Plea don’t surf for a long time. |
17 | 游戏区 | Game Zone |
18 | 聊天区 | Chatting Zone |
19 | 上网区 | Surfing Zone |
20 | 请保持场所内清洁 | Plea Keep the Area Clean/ Don’t Litter |
21 | 安全通道 | Emergency Access |
22 | 应急照明灯 | Emergency Light |
23 | 吧台 | Bar |
24 | KTV包房 | KTV Room |
25 玫瑰的英文 | 吸烟室 | Smoking Room |
26 | 禁止未成年人进入 | Adults Only |
27 | 洗手间 | Toilet |
| | |
五. | 文化馆 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 消防通道 | Fire Engine Access |
2 | 安全出口 | EXIT/Exit |
3 | 厕所 | Toilet |
4 | 消防栓 | Fire Hydrant |
5 | 火警电话 | Fire Call 119/Fire Alarm 119 |
6 | 请勿大声喧哗 | Quiet Plea |
7 | 请勿吸烟 | No Smoking |
8 | 请勿随地吐痰 | No Spitting |
9 | 请勿乱扔废弃物 | No Littering |
10 | 爱护公共设施 | Plea Protect Public Facilities |
11 | 节约用水 | Plea Save Water/Don’t Waste Water |
12 | 节约用电 | Plea Save Electricity |
13 | 请随手关灯 | Turn Off Lights When Leaving |
| | managed |
六. | 音像店 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 欢迎光临 | Welcome |
2 | 营业时间 | Open Hours/Business Hours |
3 | 保持安静 | Quiet Plea |
4 | 禁止吸烟 | No Smoking |
5 | 禁止入内 | No Admittance/No Entry |
6 | 请勿触摸 | Don’t Touch |
7 | 请勿拍照常科 | No Photography |
8 | 拉 | PULL/Pull |
9 | 推 | PUSH/Push |
10 | 小心台阶 | Watch Your Step/Mind the Step |
11 | 小心轻放 | Handle with Care |
12 | 小心碰头 | Watch Your Head/Mind Your Head |
13 | 随手关门 | Keep Door Clod /Plea clo the door behind you. |
14 | 员工专用 | Staff Only |
15 | 灭火专用 | Fire Extinguisher |
16 | 请在此处开票 | Get Your Invoice Here |
17 | 先试后买 | Try Before You Buy |
18 | 不外售 | Not for Sale |
| | |
七. | 影 院 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 消火(防)栓 | Fire Hydrant |
2 | 火警 | Fire Alarm |
3 | 越南英文有电危险 请勿触摸 | Danger! Electric Shock Risk |
4 | 请勿吸烟 | No Smoking |
5 | 请勿外带食品 | No Food from Outside |
6 | 请勿带宠物入内 | No Pets Allowed |
7 | 请勿摄影 | No Photography |
8 | 小心地滑 | Caution! Slippery/ Caution! Wet Floor |
9 | 安全通道 | Emergency Access |
10 | 紧急出口 | Emergency Exit |
11 | 观众止步 | No Admittance/Staff Only |
12 | 闲人免进(请勿入内) | Staff Only (No Admittance) |
| | |
| | |
功能设施信息 |
一. | 剧 院 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 座 | Seat |
2 | 排 | Row |
3 | 东区 | East Area |
4 | 南区 | South Area |
5 | 西区 | West Area |
6 | 北区 | North Area |
7 | 单号 | Odd Numbers |
8 | 双号 | Even Numbers |
9 | 楼上 | Upstairs |
10 | 楼下 | Downstairs |
11 | 东厢 | East Box |
12 | 西厢 | West Box |
13 | 东楼 | East Circle |
14 | 西楼 | West Circle |
15 | 前廊 | Front Aisle |
16 | 中庭 | Middle Stall |
17 | 安全门/安全出口/太平门 | EXIT/Exit |
18 | 出入口 | EXIT/Exit |
19 | 双号门 | Even Numbers Entrance |
20 | 单号门 | Odd Numbers Entrance |
21 | 剧场东门 | East Gate |
22 | 剧场西门 | West Gate |
23 | 剧场南门 | South Gate |
24 | 观众入场门(单号) | Audience Entrance (Odd Numbers) |
25 | 观众入场门(双号) | Audience Entrance (Even Numbers) |
26 | 地上一层/二层 | F1/F2 |
27 | 地下一层/二层 | B1/B2 |
28 | 后台示意图 | Backstage Map |
29 | 夹层示意图 | MezzanineMap |
30 | 博物馆展厅 | Muum Exhibition Hall |
31 | 一楼 | Stall |
32 | 二楼 | Balcony |
33 | 一楼单号侧区 | Stall Odd Numbers |
34 | 一楼双号侧区 | Stall Even Numbers |
35 | 二楼单号侧区 | Balcony Odd Numbers |
36 | 二楼双号侧区 | Balcony Even Numbers |
37 | 化妆间 | Dressing Room |
38 | 一排、二排------二十排 | Row 1, Row 2 …Row 20 |
39 | 贵宾区 | VIP Area |
40 | 公众区 | Public Area |
41 | 办公区 | Administrative Area |
42 | 看台区 | Audience Area |
43 | 场地区 | Performance Area |
44 | 茶台 | Tea Service |
45 | 咨询台 | Information |
46 | 抬 | Lift |
47 | 压 | Press |
48 | 观众席 | Audience Seats |
49 | 主席台 | Stage |
50 | 贵宾通道 | VIP Only |
51 | 演员专用通道 | Performers Only |
52 | 应急疏散通道/紧急疏散通道 | Emergency Access |
53 | 东台 | East Platform |
54 | 西台 | West Platform |
55 | 南台 | South Platform |
56 | 北台 | North Platform |
57 | 记者采访区 | Press Area |
58 | 一区、二区、三区 | Area 1, Area 2, Area 3 |
59 | 前区 | Front Area |
60 | 中区 | Middle Area |
61 | 后区 | Back Area |
62 | 吸烟区 | Smoking Area |
二. 图书馆 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 图书馆 | Library |
2 | 办证处 | Library Card Application |
3 | 读者服务处 | Reader Services |
4 | 咨询台 | Information |
5 | 公共检索 | Catalog Search |
6 | 康复阅览室 | Rehabilitation Reading Room |
7 | 儿童阅览室 | Children's Reading Room |
8 | 冰心奖陈列室 | Exhibition Room for Bingxin Award Books |
9 | 冰心奖儿童图书馆 | Bingxin Award Children’s Books Library |
10 | 成人外借部 | Book Borrowing for Adults |
11 | 儿童外借部 | Book Borrowing for Children |
12 | 集体外借部 | Book Borrowing for Groups |
13 | 多媒体视听室 | Multimedia Room |
14 | 电子阅览室 | Digital Reading Room |
15 | 自习室 | Self-Study Room |
16 | 阅览部 | Reading Room |
17 | 报刊阅览室 | Newspapers and Periodicals Reading Room |
18 | 文化活动室 | Entertainment Room |
| | |
三. | 文化馆 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 文化馆 | Cultural Center |
2 | 剧场 | Theater |
3 | 健身中心 | Fitness Center |
4 | 艺术培训中心 | Arts Training Center |
5 | 歌舞厅 | Song and Dance Hall |
6 | 展览厅 | Exhibition Hall |
7 | 老年活动中心 | Senior Citizen Activity Center |
8 | 青少年活动中心 | Youth Activity Center 青年精神是什么 |
9 | 舞厅 | Dance Hall |
10 | 歌厅 | KTV/Karaoke |
11 | 博物馆 | Muum |
12 | 排练厅 | Rehearsal Room |
13 | 创作室 | Studio |
14 | 书法培训室 | Calligraphy Training Room |
15 | 美术培训室 | Fine Arts Training Room |
16 | 音乐培训室 | Music Training Room |
17 | 摄影培训室 | Photography Training Room |
18 | 剧团/艺术团 | Troupe |
| | |
四. | 音像店 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 推荐商品 | Recommendations |
2 | 新品推荐/新品上架 | New Arrivals |
3 | 排行榜 | Ranking List |
4 | 本周排行 | Weekly Best Sellers |
5 | 本月排行 | Monthly Best Sellers |
6 | 热卖 | Best Sellers |
7 | 进口/原版引进 | Imported |
| | |
五. | 影 院 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 影城出口/散场出口/散场通道 | EXIT/Exit |
2 | 影城入口 | ENTRANCE/Entrance |
3 | 售票处 | Ticket Office/Tickets |
4 | 会员售票处 | Membership Ticket |
5 | 会员卡充值处 | Membership Card Recharging/ Membership Card Refilling |
6 | 即将开场售票处 | Ticket Office for Movie Ready to Show |
7 | 会员自动售票机 | Ticket Vending Machine(For Members) |
8 | 电影衍生品专卖区 | Movie Products Area |
9 | 卖品部 | Shop |
10 | 等候区 | Waiting Area |
11 | 休息厅 | Lounge |
12 | 咖啡厅 | Café |
13 | 贵宾厅 | VIP Lounge |
14 | 单号 | Odd Numbers |
15 | 双号 | Even Numbers |
16 | 衣帽寄存 | Cloakroom |
17 | 残疾人座位 | Seats for Disabled |
18 | 贵宾席 | VIP Box |
19 | 机房 | Machine Room |
| | |
六. | 书 店 | |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
1 | 文学类 | Literature |
2 | 小说 | Fiction |
3 | 传记纪实 | Biographies & Non-Fiction |
4 | 译作 | Translated Works |
5 | 诗歌 | Poetry |
6 | 散文 | Pro |
7 | 古籍 | Ancient Works |
8 | 励志 | Self-Improvement |
9 | 艺术类 | Arts |
10 | 美术 | Fine Arts |
11 | 音乐 | Music |
12 | 戏剧 | Theater Arts |
13 | 雕塑 | Sculpture |
14 | 民间工艺 | Folk Handicraft |
15 | 舞蹈 | Dance |
16 | 摄影 | Photography |
17 | 影视 | Movies |
18 | 书法 | Calligraphy |
19 | 设计 | Design |
20 | 学术类 | Academic Books |
21 | 政治 | Politics |
22 | 经济 | Economics |
23 | 文化 | Culture |
24 | 历史 | History |
25 | 法学 | Law |
26 | 语言文字 | Languages |
27 | 外交 | International Relations |
28 | 心理 | Psychology |
29 | 社会 | Sociology |
30 | 人类 | Anthropology |
31 | 哲学 | Philosophy |
32 | 宗教 | Religion |
33 | 新闻 | Journalism |
34 | 考古 | Archeology |
35 | 体育 | Sports |
36 | 工商类 | Business Administration |
37 | 管理 | Administration |
38 | 金融证券 | Finance & Securities |
39 | 保险 | Insurance |
40 | 财务 | Finance |
41 | 贸易 | Trade |
42 | 营销 | Marketing |
43 | 广告 | Advertising |
44 | 投资理财 | Investment & Financing |
45 | 科学类 | Science |
46 | 环境 | 怎么实现梦想Environmental Science |
47 | 生物 | Biology |
48 | 数学 | Mathematics |
49 | 物理 | Physics |
50 | 化学 | Chemistry |
51 | 医学 | Medical Science |
52 | 动物 | Zoology |
53 | 植物 | Botany |
54 | 天文 | Astronomy |
55 | 地理 | Geography |
56 | 军事 | Military Science |
57 | 基础科学 | Basic Sciences |
58 | 实用类 | Practical Books |
59 | 休闲娱乐 | Recreation & Entertainment |
60 | 烹饪菜谱 | Cookbooks |
61 | 家居 | Home Furnishing |
62 | 服饰美容 | Fashion & Beauty |
63 | 旅游 | Tourism |
64 | 保健 | Healthcare |
65 | 电脑 | Computer Science |
66 | 生活百科 | Houhold Encyclopedia |
67 | 家用电器 | Houhold Electric Appliances |
68 | 教育类 | Education |
69 | 幼儿教育 | Preschool Education |
70 | 小学教育 | Primary School Education |
71 | 中学教育 | Secondary School Education |
72 | 高等教育 | Higher Education |
73 | 成人教育 | Continuing Education |
74 | 留学 | Overas Study |
75 | 外语 | Foreign Languages |
76 | 素质教育 | Character Building Education |
77 | 科普读物 | Popular Science |
78 | 工具书类 | References |
79 | 字典/辞典 | Dictionaries |
80 | 百科 | Encyclopedias |
81 | 统计 | Statistics |
82 | 年鉴 | Yearbooks |
83 | 名录 | Directories/Who’s Who |
84 | 索引 | Indexes |
85 | 工程类 | Engineering |
86 | 电机 | Electrical Appliances |
87 | 电子 | Electronics |
88 | 力学 | Dynamics |
89 | 水利 | Water Conrvancy/Water Conrvation |
90 | 航空、航天 | Aeronautics and Astronautics |
91 | 建筑 | Architecture |
92 | 交通运输 | Transportation |
93 | 材料 | Material Science |
94 | 机械 | Mechanics |
95 | 仪器仪表 | Instruments and Apparatus |
96 | 能源与环境 | Energy and Environment |
97 | 其他工程 | Other Engineering |
98 | 电脑类 | Computer |
99 | 基础 | Basics |
100 | 软件 | Software |
101 | 硬件 | Hardware |
102 | 网络通信 | Network Communications |
103 | 实业类 | Industry |
104 | 工业 | Industry |
105 | 农业 | Agriculture |
106 | 林业 | Forestry |
107 | 渔业 | Fisheries |
108 | 畜牧业 | Animal Husbandry |
109 | 其他 | Miscellaneous |
110 | 教材及辅导资料 | Teaching Materials |
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