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IGCSE Biology CIE 8. Transport in Plants
8.1 Vascular Tissue
8.1.1 Xylem & Phloem
传承8.2 Water Uptake
就业推荐表怎么写8.2.1 The Root Hair Cell
8.2.2 Roots to Leaves
8.3 Transpiration
8.3.1 Transpiration
8.3.2 The Transpiration Stream
8.3.3 Wilting
8.3.4 Factors that Affect Transpiration
尖利的反义词8.4 Translocation
8.4.1 Food Transport in Plants YOUR NOTES
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Functions of Xylem & Phloem
Plants contain two types of transport vesl:
Xylem vesls – transport water and minerals (pronounced: zi-lem) from the roots to the stem and leaves
Phloem vesls – transport food materials (mainly sucro and amino acids) made by the plant from photosynthesising leaves to non-photosynthesising regions in the roots and stem (pronounced: flow-em)
元的成语The vesls are arranged throughout the root, stem and leaves in groups called vascular bundles
8.1 Vascular Tissue
8.1.1 Xylem & Phloem YOUR NOTES
Vascular tissue in a dicotyledonous plant
If you are asked to identify the xylem or phloem in a diagram showing a cross-ction of a root, stem or leaf just remember that xylem is always on the inside and phloem is always on the outside.不言不语什么意思
Root Hair Cells
Root hairs are single-celled extensions of epidermis cells in the root
They grow between soil particles and absorb water and minerals from the soil
Water enters the root hair cells by osmosis
This happens becau soil water has a higher water potential than the cytoplasm of the root hair cell
Structure of the root
How the Large Surface Area of a Root Hair Cell is Uful The root hair increas the surface area of the cells significantly
This large surface area is important as it increas the rate of the absorption of water by osmosis and mineral ions by active transport