cad命令、快捷键大集合(CAD command, shortcut key collection)
CAD orders, shortcuts big collection,.Txt first laugh becau you met, the first cry is becau you are not, the first smile, tears, becau you can not have. CAD shortcuts list
Creating a 3D array 3A
广州长隆游玩攻略Create 3D surface 3F
Create a multi line 3P consisting of line gments in 3D space Align objects with other objects in both 2D and 3D AL
Load AutoLISP, ADS, and ARX applications AP
Creating arc A
Calculate the area and perimeter of the object or defined area AA
Creates a multiple object copy AR arranged in a specified manner
The management function of executing the external databa command AAD
Output link information for lected objects AEX
Link between managed objects and external databas ALI
Display and edit table data and create links and lection ts ARO
Creates a lection ASE from the line that links to the text lection t and the graph lection t
Execute the structure query language (SQL) statement ASQ
Creating a property definition -AT
Change the attribute information that does not depend on the block definition -ATE
Fill the enclod area H or BH with a pattern
Creates a block definition -B bad on the lected object
Define block B with dialog box
Creates a face or polyline line with a clod area BO
(using command lines) creates a face field or polyline -BO with a clod area
Partially delete objects or break objects into two parts -- BR
Chamfer the object CHA
Modify the properties of existing objects -CH
Draw the circle C according to the center of the circle and the diameter or radius
Copy object CO or CP
Creating a property definition AT
Edit the mutable property of a single block ATE
如何物理降温Modify the color, layer, line shape and thickness of the object CH
Sets the color of the new object COL
Edit text and attribute definition ED
Show clip points and t color GR
Create and modify the annotation style D
Inrt block or another graphic I
Control the properties of existing objects MO
Modify object name REN
Set the drawing aid RM
Set object lection mode SE
Manages the defined ur coordinate system UC
Select the pret ur coordinate system UCP
Display format and accuracy of control coordinates and angles UN
Create and restore view V
Set 3D viewing direction VP
Create aligned linear callout DAL or DIMALI
Create an angle to mark DAN or DIMANG
Mark DBA or DIMBASE concutively in the first dimension of a lected or marked line
Create a circle the center mark or center line DCE
Mark DCO or DIMCONT concutively on the cond dimension line marked by one or chon callout
Create a circular arc diameter DDI or DIMDIA
Edit callout DED or DIMED个人简介写什么
经济理性Create linear dimensioning DLI or DIMLIN
Create coordinate points, mark DOR or DIMORD
Replace callout with system variable DOV or DIMOVER
The radius of circular arc to create marked DRA or DIMRAD
Create and modify the callout style DST or DIMSTY on the command line孕妇能吃燕麦片吗
Move and rotate callout text DIMTED
Measure the distance and angle between two points DI
变形金刚图片大全Arrange a point, object, or block along the length or perimeter of an object, such as DIV
Draw circles and ring filled with DO
Modify the display order of images and other objects DR
Open the bird's eye view window AV
When you enter text, display DT on the screen
Define parallel projection or perspective view DV
Creates an elliptical or elliptical arc EL
Remove object E from graphics
Split composite objects into object components X
Save object EXP in other file formats
Extending objects to another object, EX
Creates a 3D entity EXT by stretching existing 2D objects