蓝思阅读指数(Lexile Measure)测评题库及答案
1. baby fish may be hard to e.
It is _________.
A) red
B) cold
C) noisy
D) little
2. The dog could not catch the cat.
The cat was very____.
A) fast
B) big
C) long
D) funny
3. Alice heard a car outside. Her mom was home! Alice ran to the door. Her mom walked inside, and Alice smiled. Alice gave her mom a hug. Alice started to tell her mom about her day.
Alice was______.
A) wet
B) happy
C) cold
4. The Schmid family is on a trip. Their trip started more than thirty years ago. The trip has not ended yet. In 2018, the family is still on their trip. They drive their car. They go to many new places.
The trip is ____.
A) new
B) boring
C) hard
D) long
5. It was a good day to be outside. Max was happy to sit on the grass and enjoy the race. He could e all the runners from where he sat. They all looked fast! But he knew there could Max_____the race.
A) finished
B) planned
C) watched
D) misd
6. She asks her mother to take her there almost every day. She likes to play in the water with
her friends. Sometimes, they race from one side of the pool to the other. She is very proud of herlf when she wins.
Tess ____ with her friends.
A) talks
B) swims
C) skates
D) paints
7. Emma wants to join a swimming team. First, she has to show how fast she can swim in one race. She goes to the pool every day after school. Each day, she tries to swim faster than she did before. After a while, she becomes much faster. When it is finally time to race, she wins easily. She can join the team!
A) forgot
B) wrote
C) practiced
D) slipped
8. William Helmreich is an author and a teacher. He grew up in New York City. His father took him on
walks around different neighborhoods. Together, they discovered parts of the city they hadn't en before. As an adult, Helmreich decided to walk along every street in New York City. That's a distance of about 6,000 miles. While he walked, he asked the people he met about their lives. He ud their answers to write a book about the city.
Helmreich likes to______.
9. In 1884, Granville T. Woods began his career as one of America's most talented inventors. His first invention helped steam boiler furnaces heat homes and buildings better. Later that year, Granville invented a new telephone transmitter. It could nd sounds over a longer distance than the old transmitters. The sounds were much clearer and louder, too.
His inventions were______.
10. Caleb sat on the grass between the fence and the blackberry bushes, trying to read for a class assignment. But the warm sun and gentle breeze made him sleepy. He clod his eyes and listened to the bees near the white blackberry flowers buzzing like tiny motors. He opened his eyes and watched the clouds slowly travel across the sky, He heard the screen door open suddenly with a loud squeak. His mother was looking for him. "Have you finished
your assignment yet?" she asked. Caleb sighed quietly and picked up his book again.
Caleb was______.
11. Since 2004, Joph Sekar has been cooking rice and feeding it to some wild parrots near his business in Chennai, India. At first, there were only two parrots. The next day there were more. Soon, there were hundreds. By 201 5, Sekar found himlf feeding more than 4,000 birds and spending nearly half his daily income to do it. The birds gather twice a day for their rice meals. Sekar hopes he can find someone to take his place before he retires.
Sekar is ______.
12. Professor Garcia had reviewed so many applications that they were all beginning to remble each other. He had posted the position for a part-time teaching assistant on the English Department's bulletin board thinking he'd get five or six applications. But he had underestimated student interest in the job. Every one of the students emed like a perfect applicant. Professor Garcia would have to interview each student- -something he didn't have time to do.
婆罗门教The respon was_____.
13. In 2012, university professor Shinichi Mochizuki relead a ries of four papers that together contained a 500-page mathematical proof. He stated that the papers contained the solution to a famously difficult math problem. Normally, his work would have been quickly evaluated by other mathematicians. But Mochizuki had created an entirely new branch of mathematics in order to solve the problem. No one el in the field of mathematics understood Mochizuki's abstract new concepts. By 2015, only four other mathematicians claimed to have even read the entire t of papers.
Mo chizuki’s papers are______.
14. At rock and gem shows, gemstones get flashed about, and people talk of "natural" and
"cultured" pearls. But when they all look and feel the same, how does anyone know the difference? Pearls are made by mollusks when something gets in their shells and irritates them. The mollusk covers the irritant with layers of nacre, which is the same composite that the inside of its shell is made of. Pearl farmers plant objects into mollusks in order to get it to coat them with nacre. Some farmers plant a shell bead to be coated with veral layers of nacre. When X-rayed, the cultured pearls show that they are not nacre all the way through, unlike natural pearls.
Cultured and natural pearls have different____.
15. Earlier in the year, Celia had noticed that her final exams would coincide with her soccer league's championship ries games. She was not concerned at the time, as it was hard for her to imagine her team qualifying for the ries. But by mid-ason her teammates who had suffered preason injuries had rallied nicely, leading them to veral successive victories. Now it was assured that they would be playing in the championship ries, and Celia had to scramble to coordinate her soccer and exam schedules.
Celi a’s team was_____.
16. An innovative blend of technology and artistry, the Rain Room is an art installation that offers a u
nique nsory experience to muum attendees. The roving installation consists of an indoor rainstorm that people can amble through without getting drenched. Using more than 500 gallons of recycled water, the Rain Room is not a misnomer-it really is an indoor rainstorm. The room is equipped with nsors that can detect the prence of humans and prevent water from falling in locations occupied by tho walking through it.
The installation is a(n)_____experience.
1. The kite was caught in the highest branches of the tree, far too high for anyone to climb up and cure it safely. So Lena tried hurling a large ball at the tail end of the kite, hoping it wouldn't tear. After three successive tries, she finally dislodged the kite from the tree and returned it to her itte sister. "Try not to fly it so clo to trees, Ana," Lena said as she walked back to the hou.
Lena ____ the kite.
A) lengthened
B) asmbled
C) concealed
2. Welding is the process of joining two pieces of metal using high heat. In 2015, engineers developed a new welding method. The engineers heated an aluminum sheet between two pieces of metal until the aluminum became a gas. The energy created by the process bonded the two metal pieces at the atomic level. The resulting ams were much stronger than tho that form during traditional welding, and the new method ud significantly less electricity. This method also allowed t
he bonded metals to be shaped during welding, reducing the time and labor necessary to manufacture items. The auto manufacturing industry could greatly benefit from this advance.
Engineers made a(n)____process.
3. Although helmets provide some protection, each year many athletes receive concussions while participating in high-impact sports. Brain injuries such as concussions can be difficult to detect. If concussions go untreated, the damage can be vere, with long-lasting effects. Irish inventor Mark Dillon wanted to create a system that would provide athletes and their trainers with instant data after a heavy impact. He developed a mouth guard that contains electronic nsors that can detect the force of a collision. Trainers monitor a computer that receives the information, allowing a decision to be made about the level of medical attention required. The data____ treatment decisions.
A categorize
B. obscures
C. neutralizes
D. hastens
4. After Evelyn concluded at the age of nine that fine art was her true vocation, she convinced her father to allow her to paint a mural on the rear wall of his hardware store. She spent weeks struggling to depict her father and his employees, each holding aloft a hammer. Her father, unconcerned that his likeness rembled a pink bear in a yellow shirt, watched her work with pride. Years later, the faded mural still occupied the back wall of the store. As an adult, Evelyn found it mortifying, but her father insisted that it never be altered.
The painting was _
5. Malik had received numerous mass-produced cards after his graduation, but the envelope from his grandmother held a handwritten letter. The letter contained a biography of Malik's