哈利波特里出现的所有咒语(All the Harry Potter spell)Spells, spells, us
The cur Accio brings things
Aparecium Aparecium makes invisible ink appear
The illusion shifted Apparate, allowing itlf to move somewhere el in a flash
The Alobomora opens something from the cave
丧尸电影排行榜Bat magic cur Bat-Bogey Hexes fell to the ground
Colloportus the opponent Tara dance Talang crazy jump tap
Conjunctivtus Cur damages vision
Disappear without trace, Deletrius makes things disappear
Densaugeo Densaugeo incisors lo control of hemp
Copy the cur (duplicate pairs). Geminio copies something into two parts
In front of God like a knife to cut the object Sectummpra.
The whirlwind cleaned Tergeo to clean something
笃定是什么意思Disintegrate; Diffindo caus something to tear or parate
The thunderbolt exploded and Confringo let things explode
Relashio Relashio for winding or caught up in your own thing
Split left and right Disndium make things open
Wake up quickly and Enervate make things lively
A hidden Evanesco makes an object disappear immediately
名言英语The humanoid body Homenum Revelio lets hide in the surrounding person or the phantom appearance
All Protego Totalum hid themlves from being noticed, and Harry, three, was constantly using defensive spells while camping out
Muggle shield Repello Muggletum hides himlf from Muggles and finds that Harry, three, is often ud as a defensive spell when camping out
Clo the earplug and listen to the Muffliato, so that the people around you are buzzing, and you can't hear yourlf. It's good to say "whisper" in class
Confundo confu others audiovisual confu the public
Standing erect, Erecto hid himlf from being discovered by others; Harry, three, often ud protective spells while camping out
The Cave Inimicum hid himlf from being discovered by others, and Harry, three, often ud protective spells while camping out
Deprimo let the hou collap into housing collap
不见黄河心不死Driving three feet Defodio dig, Harry, when Hermione flew out from gringott lapras ud the spell
Plertotum Locomotor let stone stone out and fight
滑道平平 gliso 把楼梯变平
幻形石板 duro 变出无形的石板
呼神护卫 expecto patronum 变出一个守护神
除你武器 expelliarmus 使对手解除武装
赤胆忠心魔咒 fidelius charm 将一桩秘密告诉另一个可信赖的人
咒立停 finite incantatem 结束其他咒语
障碍重重 impedimenta 阻止某人或某物
火焰熊熊 incendio 用飞路粉从壁炉到壁炉的旅行时使用
水火不侵 impervius 用于防水防火的
飞沙走石 expulso 飞东西, 如同一阵大风刮走的
摄魂取念 legilimens 进入别人大脑
荧光闪烁 lumos 使魔杖发出亮光
诺克斯 nox 熄灭魔杖发出的光
一忘皆空 obliviate 使人忘却
统统石化 petrificus totalus 使人无法动弹
全部定身 immobulus 赫敏对付康瓦尔郡绿仙是用的可以使他们全定住
倒挂金钟 levicorpus 让人倒挂在空中
金钟落地 liberacorpus 倒挂金钟的反咒
清水如泉咒 aguamenti 从魔杖顶端冒出水来
固执近义词盔甲护身 protego 可使自己不受侵害什么组名好听
超强盔甲护身 protego horribilis 加强防护力度
速速禁锢 incarcerous 从魔杖尖端射出一根粗绳子, 把对方捆住的咒语
永久粘贴咒 permanently sticking 把某东西永远粘在某个地方
闪回前咒 prior incantate 再现魔杖施的前一个魔咒
咧嘴呼啦啦 rictumpra 挠人痒痒
滑稽滑稽 riddikulus 使某种东西变得荒唐可笑
粉身碎骨 reducto 使对手粉身碎骨
修复如初 reparo 把东西修好
无声无息 sliencio 使自己做事没有声音
昏昏倒地 stupefy 使对手立刻昏倒
恢复活力 enervate 使东西变得有生气
Clean up a new Scourgify and clean up somewhere
Yu Gadi M, Leviosa Wingardium Leviosa make things fly
The bones reappear, and Morsmordre calls out the black magic signs
* the Cruciatus (crucio) Crucio can bring extreme pain
* The Cur of the soul (Imperio) caus the victim to be completely under the control of the Shaman
* the Killing Cur (Avada Kedavra Kedavra) a person to death
(above three are Unforgivable Curs.)
Engorgement Charm ud to cur eating pumpkin grown Hagrid accelerated the spell.