Tipping the Delicate Balance: Defining How Proteasome Maturation Affects the Degradation of
a Substrate for Autophagy and Endoplasmic
柯基断尾Reticulum Associated Degradation (ERAD)
白醋去水垢期刊名称: Autophagy
作者: Brodsky, Jeffrey L., Scott, Craig M.经典老歌有哪些
年份: 2007年
四川过年习俗期号: 第6期
酒虫关键词: anti-trypsin;A1Pi;proteasome;chaperone;proteasome asmbly常用的修辞手法
chaperone;PAC;yeast;unfolded protein respon;liver dia;apoptosis
摘要:An increasing body of data links endoplasmic reticulum (ER) function to autophagy. Not surpri
singly, then, some aberrant proteins in the ER can be destroyed either via ER associated degradation (ERAD), which is proteasome-mediated, or via autophagy. One such substrate is the Z variant of the alpha-1 protea inhibitor (A1Pi), variably known as A1Pi-Z or AT-Z (anti-trypsin, Z variant). The wild type protein is primarily synthesized in the liver and is creted. In contrast, AT-Zlike other ERAD substratesis retro-translocated from the ER and delivered to the proteasome. However, AT-Z can form high molecular weight polymers that are degraded via autophagy, and cells that accumulate AT-Z polymers ultimately succumb, which leads to liver dia. Therefore, identifying genes that have an impact AT-Z turnover reprents an active