OCB是由教授等⼈设计的⼀种认证加密模式。到⽬前为⽌它已有三个版本:OCB1(2001年)、OCB2(2003年)和 OCB3(2011年)。其中,OCB1 是IEEE 802.11i 的可选⼯作模式之⼀(也叫WRAP);OCB2 是ISO/IEC 19772:2009提及的标准之⼀。有鉴于此,关于OCB的⽂章⽐较多,需注意区别。按照OCB主页上的说法,OCB的主要⽂章是以下⼏个:
1. The original OCB paper. The proceedings version is in (2001) and the journal version is in (2003).
2. A paper about dealing with associated data. Appears in (2002).
带乐的成语3. A paper to develop the message authentication code, PMAC, that shaped the way AUTH is computed in OCB. Appears
in (2002).
炸饼4. A paper about efficiently realizing tweakable blockciphers, and about using tweakable blockcipher to improve OCB.
Appears in (2004).
北京的蓝天5. Finally, a timing study about AE modes, along with refinements to get to the final version of OCB. Appears at .
LibTomCrypt中的OCB模式是实现了OCB1,参见⽂章OCB: A Block-Cipher Mode of Operation for Efficient Authenticated Encryption。OCB各版本差别⽐较⼤,且OCB1存在某些设计上的不⾜。
Mode OCB1 had a defect that practitioners were quick to point out: it had not been designed to natively handle associated-data (AD). Associated-data refers to stuff, say a message header, that needs to be authenticated but should not encrypted.
1. OCB主页
2. OCB相关问题
3. 维基百科OCB
朴素什么意思4. P. Rogaway, M. Bellare, and J. Black. OCB: A block-cipher mode of operation for efficient authenticated encryption.
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security,vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 365–403, 2003. Earlier version, with T.
Krovetz, in CCS 2001.