Lesson 3 Inaugural Address (January 20, 1961)
1. inaugural []adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of an
inauguration就职的:an inaugural speech就职演说
2. signify []vt. to denote; mean表明,意味:Plea signify
英文cv模板agreement by raising your hands.请举手表示同意。
3. almighty [] adj. having absolute power; all-powerful万能的,全能的
4. forebear [] n. a person from whom one is descended; an ancestor 祖先,祖宗
5. prescribe [] vt. a)to order a medicine or other treatment开
药,处方:I’ll prescribe some medicines for you.我给你开点药。b)to t
down as a rule or guide; enjoin规定,指示
6. generosity []n. liberality in giving or willingness to
give慷慨,大方:His generosity is proverbial.他的慷慨是众所周知的。7. heir [] n. a person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the
estate of another继承人,后嗣
8. foe [] n. enemy; opponent敌人
9. undoing [] n. the act of bringing to ruin毁灭,破坏:Stress can be
the undoing of so many fine players.紧张可能是许多优秀选手失败的原因。
10. at odds in disagreement; quarreling有争执,意见不一致:She is at odds with her
11. venture [] n. an undertaking that involves risks 冒险,风险
12. asunder [] adv. into parate parts or pieces分离,成碎片:
The enemy hormen had broken rank and were asunder.敌军骑兵队形大
13. subversion [] n. the act or an instance of subverting颠覆:
armed subversion武装颠覆
14. hemisphere []n. a half of the earth, especially one of the
northern and southern halves above and below the equator半球
15. sovereign []adj. lf-governing; independent独立自主的:a
sovereign state一个独立自主的国家
16. outpace [] vt. to go faster, do better, or develop more quickly
than someone or something el超过,胜过:Malthus believed that
population increa would outpace increas in the means of
17. invective []n. denunciatory or abusive language;
vituperation漫骂,辱骂:utter invectives against sb.痛骂某人
18. shield [] n. a person or thing that provides protection保护人,防护物:
Dark glass are an effective shield against the glare.墨镜能有效地遮挡强光。
19. writ [] n. Law a written order issued by a court, commanding the party to
whom it is addresd to perform or cea performing a specified act [法律]
律令,命令;传票:rve a writ on sb.将传票送达某人
20. adversary []n. an opponent; an enemy敌手,对手:Great
Britain and Germany were adversaries in the Second World War.英国
21. anew [] adv. once more; again重新,再:start anew重新开始
22. unleash [] vt. to relea or loo from or as if from a leash解开
皮带,释放:unleash one’s temper发脾气
23. engulf [] vt. to completely surround or cover something吞没,淹
没:The village was engulfed by the flood.村庄被洪水淹没了。
24. civility [] n. courteous behavior; politeness客气,礼貌:You
should show more civility to your host.你应该对主人更有礼貌。
25. belabor [] vt. to discuss repeatedly or at length; harp on喋喋不
休,反复讲:Don’t belabor the point.别再啰嗦这事儿了。
26. formulate [] v. to express in systematic terms or concepts
系统地阐述或提出,简洁陈述:The State Council shall define the scope
and formulate the rules for such reduction and exemption.特定减税或
者免税的范围和办法由国务院规定。[扩展]formulation n. 用公式表达,简洁
陈述/ formulable adj. 可用公式表达的/ formulator n.配方设计师
27. invoke []vt. a)to resort to; u or apply调用,使用:invoke
economic sanctions实行经济制裁;b)to appeal to or cite in support or
justification恳求,请求:invoke the judge’s mercy恳求法官宽恕罗红霉素一次吃几粒
28. eradicate [] vt. to get rid of as if by tearing up by the roots
根除:eradicate crime根除罪恶。其派生词主要形式有:eradication(n. 根
除)/ eradicable(adj. 可根除的)/ eradicative(adj. 根除的,消灭的)30. tap [] vt. a)to strike gently with a light blow or blows轻拍:I tapped you
on the shoulder to get your attention.我轻拍你的肩膀以引起你的注意。b)to draw upon; make u of开发,发掘
31. heed [] vt. to pay attention to; take notice of留心,注意:He did not heed
my gibes, and chattered on.他没有留心我的嘲笑,继续喋喋不休地说着。32. beachhead [] n. a)a first achievement that opens the way for
further developments; a foothold立足点;b)a position on an enemy
shoreline captured by troops in advance of an invading force滩头堡,
33. jungle []n. land covered with den growth of trees, tall
vegetation, vines, etc. typically in a tropical region, and inhabited by
predatory animals; a place or situation in which people engage in
ruthless competition or in a struggle for survival 丛林美术课堂教学
34 endeavor [] n. an attempt to do something new or difficult努力,
尽力:the object of a prolonged endeavor.长期努力的目标
35. summon [] vt. a)to call together; convene召集(会议),集合;b)
Law to order to appear in court by the issuance of a summons召唤,传
唤(被告等):summon a witness传证人
36. testimony [] n. evidence in support of a fact or an asrtion;
proof证据,证明:A witness gave testimony that the accud was drunk.
37. embattle [] vt. to prepare for battle; array列阵,严阵以待
38. tribulation []n. great affliction, trial or distress;
suffering苦难,痛苦:the tribulations of the percuted被压迫人民的
39. forge [] v. to advance gradually but steadily; give form or shape to,
especially by means of careful effort稳步前进;形成:forge ahead with
one’s work在工作上取得良好进展
40. alliance []n. a clo association of nations or other groups,
formed to advance common interests or caus联盟,联合:economical
41. shrink [] vi. a)to become constricted from heat, moisture, or cold收
缩,皱缩:The cloth shrinks in the wash.这布洗了会缩水。b)to draw back
当初的近义词instinctively, as from something alarming; recoil畏缩:He shrank from
making such a sacrifice.要做出这样的牺牲,他退缩了。
1. John F. Kennedy:约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪(1917~1963),美国第三十五位总统。他是美国历史上最年轻的总统,也是第一位信奉天主教的总统。他执政1037天,任职开始
2. …the solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago:prescribe此处意为“规定,指定遵守”。例:The law prescribes heavy penalties for this offence.法律规定,对这种不法行为从严惩处。
3. And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forebears fought is still at issue:短语at issue意为“在讨论或争议中”。例:What’s at issue here is the whole future of the industry.争论的焦点是这个行业总的前景。
4. …for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder:be at odds不和,争吵。例:He’s always at odds with his father over politics.在政治上,他总和父亲意见不一。
5. …tho who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside:该句使用了隐喻修辞。这里指的是“那些寻求社会主义国家援助的国家,最终被社会主义国家吞灭”。
6. …to assist free men and free government in casting off the chains of poverty:cast off sth抛弃,摆脱某事物。例:She’s cast off three boyfriends in a month.她一个月内就甩了三个男朋友。
7. …this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own hou:该句使用了比喻