身份证件号码(id number.):
the borrower operates manufacture and sale of the spray-stone (the stone business);
for its production and operation, the borrower intends to borrow money from the lender. for the mutual benefits, both parties agree to conclude this contract.
第一条 借款金额 article 1 amount of loan
借款金额280,000美元 (大写:贰拾捌万美元)
us$280,000(capital letter: two hundred eighty thousand us dollars)
the lender agrees to advance the loan us$280,000 to the borrower prior to the signing of this contract. the borrower hereby confirms that it has received the loan us$280,000 advanced by the lender through bank transfer.
第二条 借款用途article 2 scope for u
the loan hereof is only for borrower’s stone business and shall not be appropriated for other u.
第三条 利率及还款期article 3 interest and term repayment
1. 如果借款方在合同约定的还期限内还清借款,贷款方则不收取借款利息。
the lender agrees that no interest will be payable on the loan for the term of the loan while the borrower is not in default of repayment.
2. 借款方应按照以下还款期向贷款方偿还借款:
the borrower agrees to repay the loan to the lender in accordance with the following repayment schedule:
在本合同签订之日起十二个月内偿还借款 美元;
repayment due on or before the date 12 months from the date of this agreement.
在本合同签订之日起二十四个月内偿还借款 美元;
repayment due on or before the date 24 months from the date of this agreement.
在合同签订之日起三十六个月内偿还借款 美元。
repayment due on or before the date 36 months from the date of this agreement.
3. 借款方应根据贷款方合理要求的时间、场所和方式还款。
伊尔马托夫all repayments shall be made at the time and place and in the manner reasonably required by the lender.
第四条 管理费用article 4 management fee
the borrower agrees to pay to the lender a sum equivalent to 1.4% of the total income received by the borrower, from the sales turnover of the stone business, during the term of the loan.
摧残的近义词2. 借款方同意按第4.3条约定自每一财务季度结束之日起三十日内向贷款方支付管理费用,付款时间表如下:
subject to clau 4.3 the borrower agrees to pay the management fee to the lender in arrears on or before the date 30 days following the end of the previous financial quarter in accordance with the following payment schedule:
management fee calculated for the period 1 january – 31 march each year.
management fee calculated for the period 1 april – 30 june each year.
management fee calculated for the period 1 july – 30 ptember each year.
management fee calculated for the period 1 october – 31 december each year.
3.本合同签订之日起的首个季度管理费用自XX年 月 日起正式开始计算。
management fee due in respect of the financial quarter within which the date of this agreement falls will only become due on the date of XX.
4. 如果借款方在本合同签订之日起两年内提前还清借款280,000美元,借款方支付管理费用的义务自合同签订之日起两年后终止。
in ca the borrower repays the loan us$280,000 within 2 years from the date of this agreement then the obligation to pay the management fee will cea at the end of the 2 year period.
第五条 浮动抵押 article 5 floating mortgage
1. 借款方以其现有的和将来拥有的生产设备、原材料、成品和半成品向贷款方提供抵押。
the borrower agrees to mortgage to the lender all equipments, raw materials, finished and unfinished goods owned now and in the future by the borrower.
the value of the mortgaged properties stipulated in the < mortgaged properties list > shall neither be deemed as the price of sale nor as any limit on the mortgagee’s right, while the lender exercis its right.
3. 抵押物的相关有效证明和资料由当事人确认封存后,由借款方交与贷款方保管,但法律法规另有规定的除外。
subject to any the laws and regulations, any information and certifications in respect of the mortgaged properties shall be handed over by the borrower to the lender after aled.
享受海边短句4. 浮动抵押担保的范围为本金、利息、管理费、违约金、赔偿金以及实现债权所发生的一切费用,包括但不限于诉讼费、公证费、仲裁费、律师费、财产保全费、差旅费、执行费、评估费、拍卖费等。
the floating mortgage hereof cures the principal, interests, management fees, compensation, and any other cost arising from the enforcement of the lender’s right pursuant to this contract, including but without limitation court fee, cost for notarization, arbitration fee, attorney fee, fee for custody, traveling expen, compulsory execution fee, asssment fee and auction fee.