企 业 询 证 函
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Dear Sir,
We shall be obliged if you kindly confirm the balance showed in the confirmation directly to our auditors, ** Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd., for audit purpo. This is made according to “Independent Auditing Standards of Chine Certified Public Accountants” .If you find that the data filled in the space indicated billow which comes from our record are different from yours, plea give full details of difference. We shall be appreciated if you nd this confirmation personally or by mail to **巴比伦文明 Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. after giving your signature on it. Plea reply at your earliest convenience.
Address as: Linkman:
Postcode: Tel: Fax:
According to our records, the balance with you is as follows:
截止日期 Balance as at | 贵公司欠硅酸二钙 Due to us | 欠贵公司 暖胃的水果Due by us | 备注 Remarks |
2010-06-30 June 30th 2010 | | | |
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The Business Transactions between our company and your company are listed below:
期间 Time Period | 向贵公司采购的货物总额(即应付给贵公司的发生额) The total purchas of goods from your company (the total amount incurred that need to be paid to your company) | 支付给贵公司的款项, (含应付票据)总额 The total payments to your company (Notes payable included) | 小猫爱吃鱼 备注 Remarks |
乒乓球直板2010年1-6月 2010 Jan.-June | | | |
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2.其他事项 Other events
We appreciated that the account may have been paid or ttled since the date mentioned, but confirmation of the balance is still required.
日期(Date): 2010-07-12
数据证明无误。 Confirmation the above balance to be no difference. 签章(Signed): 日期(Date): | 数据不符,请列明不符金额或说明事项: Giving full details of difference: 成大事者必先苦其心志劳其筋骨签章(Signed): 日期(Date): |
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