[中图分类号]R6221 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2014)22-1874-03
Clinical effects of combining levator shortening with tarsus rection to treat vere ptosis
LIANG Zhi-wei,HUANG Ze-chun新一线城市名单, ZHANG An-li, YAN Dan,LI Shi-feng,TANG Hong-wei
(Department of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, The First People's Hospital of Chenzhou, Chenzhou 423000,Hunan,China买五笔怎么打字)
Abstract大美中国作文: Objective To explore the effects of combining levator shortening with tarsus rection to treat vere ptosis. Methods 44 patients(49eyes) with vere ptosis were divided in two groups randomly. 24 patients(26eyes) underwent the operation of combining levator shortening with tarsus rection标准工资卡通小猪, the other 20 patients(23eyes) underwent frontalis muscle flap suspension operation. The results are evaluated and reviewed after patients' operation. The gathered data provides insights on patient operation through random interviews on upper eyelid position,upper eyelid radian and form,spacing of the eyelid and post-surgical complications. Results Through a patient follow-up period of three months to two years,the results of patients that performed eyelid shortening operation yield a higher level of patient satisfaction and a lo
wer rate in post-surgical complication compared with the results of patients that performed eye muscle suspension operations. The statistical difference of the two operating methods held a confidence level of (P