Genius and the Craftsman
1. So it is with the reader who comes upon an outstanding story: spellbound, he takes it to his heart, no question asked.
2.…there is more to a story's life than the body of words which carries it into the world.
三水县3. …it does not begin with writing, but with conception in the dark of the mind.
4. genius is not the exclusive property of the master craftsman
5. Mastery is genius afoot.
6. While genius is a natural part of our mental equipment, like perception, memory, and imagination, craftsmanship is not.
7. If the stories that ri within us are to emerge and flourish, each must be provided with a strong, handsome body of words, and only sound craftsmanship can provide this.
民族团结图片8. …it may depend on the individual, as so much does in writing.
9. airy tracery of beauty given form
10. Thus variously laden, we move through life.
11. … now and then an experience, often slight, prizes the memory and izes upon one of tho live, expectant impressions of long age…
12. letting it cool in between times
13. No matter how far short of the mark you fall, it is never failure…
(不论你的工作成果如何不如人意, ... 这绝不是失败。)
14. Things which slip past the eye in rereading leap at you and demand attention.
社保条例15. Such expert knowledge of this one story gives you control…
The Population Surpri
1. The big surpri of the past twenty years is that in not one country did fertility stop falling when it reached the replacement rate -
2.1 children per woman.
2. World population was growing by two percent a year in the 1960s; the rate is now down to one percent a year, and if the patterns of the past century don't change radically, it will head into negative numbers.
3. As long ago as September of 1974 Scientific American published a special issue on population that described what demographers had begun calling the "demographic transition" from
traditional high rates of birth and death to the low ones of modern society.
4. The experts' assumption that population would stabilize becau birth rates would stop falling once they matched the new low death rates has not been borne out by experience.
5. In the United States fertility has been falling for 200 years (except for the blip of the Baby Boom3), but partly becau of immigration it has stayed only slightly below replacement level for twenty-five years.
6. World population can be stable only if fertility rates around the world average out to 2.1 children per woman.
7. Much bigger changes in share are possible for smaller groups if they can maintain their difference from the average for a long period of time.
8. If they do, and fertility rates start to climb, fertility is no more likely to stop climbing at an average rate of 2.1 children per woman than it was to stop falling at 2.1 on the way down.
Food Fight
1. Over the past decade, genetically modified (GM) food has become an increasingly common phenomenon as scientists have rewoven the genes of countless fruits and vegetables, turning everyday crops into über-crops able to resist frost, withstand herbicid
es and even produce their own pesticides.水煮花蛤
(在刚刚过去的十年中,随着科学家们对许多蔬菜和水果中基因的改变,这些人们每天食用的作物已经变成超级作物,这些作物能够防霜冻,抵抗除草剂,甚至它们本身就能杀虫,因此转基因食物已迅速成为普遍现象。) Withstand: remain undamaged or unaffected by.
2. Sales of GM eds ro in value from $75 million in 1995 to $1.5 billion last year, and the crops they produce are turning up not only on produce shelves but also in procesd foods from cookies to potato chips to baby food.