学 号:白兔和黑兔S110886
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硕 青椒番茄士 学 位 山色有无论 文
摘 要
本文以荷兰弗兰登塔尔研究所编写的高中理科数学教材《几何的应用与证明》(Geometry with application and proofs)系列丛书中的部分章节为载体,通过展现荷兰数学教育现状、荷兰高中数学教材的基本面貌教材以及研究该教材在体系、内容等方面的处理,分析了教材如何借助丰富生动的现实情境和问题串引导学生自主探索、一步一步从现实世界走进抽象世界的过程。本文通过分析中国高中几何教材存在的问题,并将荷兰几何教材与中国教材进行对比,探讨了研究该教材的现实意义,得出了包含情景教学、注重问题解决、学生数学素养的培养、突出学生主体、运用绘图软件辅助教学和“问题解决”成为基本模式等特色,对我国正在进行中的数学课程教材改革有着重要的借鉴和参考价值。
Realistic Mathematics is a proven new mathematics education, is a new mathematics ver
y different from the traditional one. "Reality" of this mathematical expression of the two most important features of education: I. The mathematics education with the "reality" of life-related learning mathematics from reality, and then learned the application of mathematics to the real world, textbooks in mathematics and mathematical reality has always been cloly linked. II. This math education is "to achieve" the education of students by the results of mathematical knowledge is not ready that indoctrination in classroom teachers get, but they are a variety of ways from the familiar life and conclusions found it themlves. The mathematics regarded as a basic human activity view is realistic mathematics education ideas, theories entire realistic mathematics education is to build and develop on this basis.
This paper takes Holland Freudenthal Institute writing application and proof of mathematical textbook "geometry" (Geometry with application and proofs) in part ries, this t of teaching material as the carrier,through status of mathematics education in Netherlands,the Dutch high school mathematics textbooks,study on the system of the teaching material, content processing on the analysis of the teaching materials with practi
cal situation and problems of vivid ries guide students to explore, step by step from the real world into the abstract world, This paper analyzes the Chine high school geometry textbook problems and the Netherlands geometry textbook comparison with Chine textbooks, discussing its practical significance of the study, obtained contains teaching in context , focusing on problem solving, students' mathematical literacy training, prominent position in the student using graphics software assisted teaching and "problem solving" as the basic mode features.There is an important reference materials and reference value for our ongoing mathematics curriculum reform.
Keywords: Realistic Mathematics Education,Mathematics in Context, High school geometry, Holland
目 录
第一章 问题的提出…………………………………………………1
第一节 研究背景…………………………………………………1
蛙跳的好处二、聚焦荷兰的高中几何教材 ………………………2
第二节 研究的内容、目的及意义………………………………3
一、研究内容 …………………………………………………3
二、研究目的 …………………………………………………3
三、研究意义 …………………………………………………3
第三节栀子花几月开 研究思路和方法…………………………………………4
第二章 现实数学教育理念下的荷兰高中几何教材的研究………4
第一节 荷兰数学教育的基本面貌………………………………5
一、荷兰的现实数学教育 ……………………………………5
二、弗兰登塔尔及其教育思想 ………………………………5
三、荷兰高中的数学课程目标 …………………………………6
第二节 荷兰高中几何教材的体系………………………………8
一、荷兰中等教育体系简述 ………………………8
第三节 荷兰高中几何教材内容解析 ……………………………12