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Shih-Chih Chen (陳世智)
Department of Accounting Information
Southern Taiwan University
No. 1, Nan-Tai Street, Yongkang Dist.,
Tainan 71005, Taiwan Office: T0915 ☎: 886-6-2533131 ext.8115  : 886-6-2545122  : ******************.tw
⏹ Ph.D., Computer Science, Tatung University, 2008/12
⏹ Master, Information Management, Tatung University, 2003/6
Area of Specialty
⏹ E-Commerce & E-Business
⏹ Marketing & Consumer Behavior
⏹ Enterpri Resource Pl anning & Management Information System
⏹ Multivariate Statistical Analysis
⏹ Data Mining
Academic Experience需要层次论
⏹ Associate
Professor, Department of Accounting Information, Southern Taiwan University, 2014/8 to prent ⏹ Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting Information, Southern Taiwan
University, 2013/2 to 2014/7
⏹Assistant Professor, Tatung University, Taiwan, 2009/2 to 2013/1
⏹Adjunct Assistant Professor, National Taipei University of Technol ogy, Taiwan,
2012/2 to 2012/7
⏹Adjunct Assistant Professor, National Taipei Coll ege of Business, Taiwan, 2012/8 to
Journal Papers:
1.Shih-Chih Chen & Chieh-Peng Lin (2015). The Impact of Customer Experience
and Perceived Value on Sustainabl e Social Rel ationship in Bl ogs: An Empirical
Study. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 96, 40-50. [SSCI]
2.Chih-Hung Wu and Shih-Chih Chen* (2015). Understanding the Rel ationships
of Critical Factors to Facebook Educational Usage Intention. Internet Rearch,
25(2), 262-278. [SSCI]
3.Lin, C. P., Joe, S. W., Chen, S. C., & Wang, H. J. (2015). Better to be fl exibl e than to
have flunked: The mediating rol e of rvice fl exibility and it s determinant s for
team performance. Journal of Service Management, 26(5), 823-843.
4.Shih-I Cheng, Shih-Chih Chen, and David C. Yen. (2015). Continuance intention
of E-portfolio system: A confirmatory and multigroup invariance analysis of
technol ogy accept ance mod el. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 42, 17-23. [SCI]
5.Li, S. H., Yen, D. C., Chen, S. C., Chen, P. S., Lu, W. H., & Cho, C. C. (2015). Effect s of
virtualization on information curity. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 42, 1-8.
6.Shih-Chih Chen*, Yu-Bin Chiu, Min-Tsai Lai, Chih-Hung Wu, Huei-Huang Chen,
& Shin-Yin Zhang (2014). An Empirical Study of Urs’ Loyalty on Virtual
Communities: The Prospective of Fundamental Interpersonal Rel ations
Orientation. Journal of E-Business, 16(3), 309-338. [TSSCI]
7.Shih-Chih Chen*, Chan-Y en Chang, Kuo-Shean Liu and Chien-Wen Kao (2014).
长臂挖掘机The prototype and application of RFID impl ementation: A ca study of
automobil es asmbly industries. International Journal of Electronic Business
Management, 12(2), 145-156. [EI]
8.Shih-Chih Chen, Din Jong, and Min-Tsai Lai (2014). Asssing the Rel ationship
between Technol ogy Readiness and Continuance Intention in an E-Appointment
System: Rel ationship Quality as a Mediator. Journal of Medical Systems, 38(9),
帝喾1-12. [SCI]
9.Shih-Chih Chen, Chih-Hung Wu, Y en-Chun Jim Wu, & Jing Chen (2014).
Understanding Urs’ Continuance Intention of Facebook Fan Pages: The Social
Capital Perspective. Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, 22(2), 205-238. [TSSCI]
10.Shih-Chih Chen, S. C., Li, S. H., & Yen, D. C. (2013). Understanding the Mediating
Effect s of Rel ationship Quality on Technol ogy Acceptance: An Empirical Study of E-Appointment System. Journal of Medical Systems, 37(6), 1-13. [SCI]
11.Shih-Chih Chen, Ming-Ling Liu, and Chieh-Peng Lin (2013). Integrating
Technol ogy Readiness into the Expectation–Confirmation Model: An Empirical Study of Mobil e Services. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 16(8), 604-612. [SSCI]
12.Yongrok Choi, Ning Zhang, Shih-Chih Chen, and Cui Cui Luo (2013).
Quantitative Ecol ogical Risk Analysis by Evaluating China’s Eco-Efficiency and It s Determinant s. Human and Ecological Risk Asssment, 19(5), 1324-1337. [SCI] 13.Ke-Hwa Lee and Shih-Chih Chen*, (2013). Introduction to Partial Least Square:
Common Criteria and Practical Considerations. Advanced Materials Rearch, Vol s.
779-780, pp. 1766-1769. [EI]
14.Shih-Chih Chen, David C. Yen, and Mark I. Hwang (2012). Factors Influencing
the Continuance Intention to the Usage of Web 2.0: An Empirical Study.
Computers in Human Behavior, 28(3), 933-941. [SSCI]
15.Shih-Chih Chen(2012). To u or not to u: Understanding the factors
affecting continuance intention of mobil e banking. International Journal of Mobil e Communications, 10(5), 490-507. [SSCI]
16.Shih-Chih Chen, Shih-Chi Liu, Huei-Huang Chen, and Jang-Ruey Tzeng, (2012).
Thinking the Hedge Strategies during the Financial Tsunami by Data mining: A Ca Study of Taiwan Stock Exchange. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol s.
121-126, pp. 2395-2399, 2012. [EI]
17.Shing-Han Li, Shih-Chih Chen, Chung-Chiang Hu, Wei-Shou Wu, and Mark I.
Hwang (2012). Business Process Auditing on an SOA Foundation," International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 8(1), 243-254. [SCI] 18.Shih-Chih Chen*, Shing-Han Li, and Chien-Yi Li (2011). Recent rel ated rearch
in technol ogy acceptance model: A literature review. Australian Journal of Business and Management Rearch, 1(9), 124-127.
19.Shih-Chih Chen*(2011). Underst anding the Effect s of Technol ogy Readiness,
Satisfaction and El ectronic Word-of-mouth on Loyalty in 3C Product s. Australian Journal of Business and Management Rearch, 1(3), 1-9.
20.Shih-Chih Chen*, Huei-Huang Chen, and Mei-Fang Chen (2009). Determinant s
of Satisfaction and Continuance Intention towards Self-rvice Technol ogies.
Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109(9), 1248-1263. [SCI]
21.Huei-Huang Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, and Li-Hung Tsai (2009). A Study of
Successful ERP –From the Organization Fit Perspective. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 7(4), 8-16.
22.Shih-Chih Chen*and Huei-Huang Chen (2009). The Empirical Study of
Customer Satisfaction and Continued Behavioral Intention towards Self-rvice Banking: Technol ogy Readiness as Antecedent s. International Journal of Electronic Finance, 3(1), 64-76.
23.Huei-Huang Chen and Shih-Chih Chen(2009). The Empirical Study of
Automotive Tel ematics Acceptance in Taiwan: Comparing Three Technol ogy Acceptance Model s. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 7(1), 50–65.
Conference Papers:
1.Din Jong, Shih-Chih Chen, Chun-His Wang and Li-Hua Huang, (2015).
Constructing a Model to Evaluate the Purcha Intention of Environment ally Friendly Product s. Inte
rnational Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2015 Winter), Singapore, February 3-6, 2015.
2.Shih-Chih Chen, Shih-I Cheng, Din Jong, Huei-Huang Chen, (2014). Asssing
the rel ationships of critical factors in social network: an empirical study of Facebook. International Conference on Internet Studies 2014, Singapore, August 16-17, 2014.
3.Shih-Chih Chen and Chia-I Pan, "Applying Partial Least Square to Asss the
Integrated Mod el of Technol ogy Acceptance Model and Theory of Pl anned Behavior," International Conference of Sustainable Asia Forum 2013, Incheon, Korea, June 27-30, 2013.
4.Shih-Chih Chen, Wen-Hui Lu, and Shing-Han Li, "Constructing an integrating
model to access the urs’ perceptions about the adoption of cl oud computing rvices," International Conference on Business and Information 2012, Sapporo, Japan, July 3-5, 2012.
5.Shih-Chih Chen and Huei-Huang Chen, "Examining the Effect of Switching Cost s
to Operating System Switching Intention: An Empirical Study," Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2010), pp.644-652, Shanghai, China, Dec. 1-4, 2010.
生日蛋糕怎么画6.Huei-Huang Chen and Shih-Chih Chen, "The Impact Of El ectronic
Word-Of-Mouth And Fl o w Experience On Continuance Intention," Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2010), pp.573-581, Shanghai, China, Dec. 1-4, 2010.
7.Huei-Huang Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, and Wei-Kuo Lin, "Asssing the Effect s of
Perceived Service Quaqlity and Perceived Risk on Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention in e-Banking," Proceedings of ISTAM 2010, 2010 International Security Technology and Management Conference, Sept. 8-10, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
8.Shih-Chih Chen, Chia-I Pan, and Huei-Huang Chen, "Asssing a Model of
Continuance Intention in E-tourism: Information System Quality as Antecedent s,"
International Conference on Business and Information 2010 (BAI 2010), Vol. 7, ISSN 1729-9322, July 5-7.
9.Huei-Huang Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, and Chih-Chin Yang, "The Impact of Service
Quality and Rel ationship Quality on Customer Loyalty in E-tourism," International Conference on Business And Information 2010 (BAI 2010), Vol. 7, ISSN 1729-9322, July 5-7.
10.Ke-Hwa Lee, Shih-Chih Chen, and Ming-Yu Zhang, "Toward Understanding of
Subscriber Behavioral Intention and Risk Asssment in adopting 3G Value-added Services from the Secured Handt Enabl er," The Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Risk Management & Global E-business, Vol. 2, pp.
672-681, Korea.
11.Huei-Huang Chen and Shih-Chih Chen, "Constructing the Process Model s for the
Traceability of Rice Production and Distribution," Proceedings of WMSCI 2009: The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume I, pp.1-6, July 10th - July 13th, 2009, Orl ando, Fl orida, USA.
12.Jang-Ruey Tzeng, Shu-Chiung Lin, Shih-Chih Chen, Kuo-Shean Liu, Shih-Lung Fu,
and Shih-Chi Liu, "The Strategic Study of National Quality Award through Business Excell ence Model- The IBM, Panasonic and Yusan Bank cas in Taiwan," Proceedings of WMSCI 2009: The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume I, pp.22-27, July 10th - July 13th, 2009, Orl ando, Fl orida, USA (Session's Best Paper Award).
13.Shih-Chih Chen, Huei-Huang Chen, and Hao-erl Yang, "Towards an
Understanding of the Rel ationship between Satisfaction and Continued Behavioral Intention to U Automotive Tel ematics," Proceedings of the 2008 Management International Conference (MIC2008), pp. 1161-1172, Nov. 2008, Barcel ona, Spain.
经典文章网14.Huei-Huang Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, and Li-Hung Tsai, "A Study of Successful
ERP –From the Organization Fit Perspective," Proceedings of WMSCI 2008: The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume I, pp.12-17, June 29th - July 2nd, 2008, Orl ando, Fl orida, USA (Session’s Best Paper Award).
15.Shih-Chih Chen and Huei-Huang Chen, "The Influence of Technol ogy Readiness
on the Theory of Pl anned Behavior with Self-rvice Technol ogies," Proceedings of WMSCI 2008:
The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume VI, pp.85-90, June 29th - July 2nd, 2008, Orl ando, Fl orida, USA.
16.Huei-Huang Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, and Yu-Cheng Kao, "Construct APS system
pl anning reference model s from a process perspective: a ca study for information manufacturing industries," Proceedings of WMSCI 2008: The 12th

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