Are you worried that your computer’s hard drive could die without any warning? Here’s how you can keep tabs on it and get the first warning signs of potential problems before you actually lo your critical data.
沟通的重要性及意义您是否担⼼计算机的硬盘驱动器会在没有任何警告的情况下死掉? 在您实际上丢失关键数据之前,可以按照以下⽅法进⾏管理,并获得潜在问题的第⼀个警告信号。
Hard drive failures are one of the most common ways people lo important data from their computers. As more of our memories and important documents are stored digitally, a hard drive failure can mean the loss of years of work. Acronis Drive Monitor helps you avert the disasters by warning you at the first signs your hard drive may be having trouble. It monitors many indicators, including heat, read/write errors, total lifespan, and more. It then notifies you via a taskbar popup or email that problems have been detected. This early warning lets you know ahead of time that you may need to purcha a new hard drive and migrate your data before it’s too late.
硬盘驱动器故障是⼈们从计算机中丢失重要数据的最常见⽅法之⼀。 随着更多的记忆和重要⽂档以数字⽅式存储,硬盘故障可能意味着多年的⼯作损失。 Acronis Drive Monitor通过在硬盘驱动器可能出现问题的最初迹象时发出警告来帮助您避免这些灾难。 它监视许多指⽰器,包括热量,读/写错误,
总寿命等。 然后,它通过任务栏弹出窗⼝或电⼦邮件通知您已检测到问题。 此早期警告使您提前知道可能需要购买新硬盘并迁移数据,以免为时过晚。
Getting Started
最早的Head over to the Acronis site to download Drive Monitor (link below). You’ll need to enter your name and email, and then you can download this free tool.上海旅游住宿攻略
难忘记前往Acronis⽹站下载Drive Monitor (下⾯的链接)。 您需要输⼊您的姓名和电⼦邮件,然后才能下载此免费⼯具。
Also, note that the download page may ask if you want to include a trial of their for-pay backup program. If you wish to simply install the Drive Monitor utility, click Continue without adding.
另外,请注意,下载页⾯可能会询问您是否要包括其付费备份程序的试⽤版。 如果您只想安装Drive Monitor实⽤程序,请单击继续⽽不添加。
Run the installer when the download is finished. Follow the prompts and install as normal.
下载完成后,运⾏安装程序。 按照提⽰进⾏操作,然后按常规进⾏安装。
Once it’s installed, you can quickly get an overview of your hard drives’ health. Note that it shows 3 categories: Disk problems, Acronis backup, and Critical Events. On our computer, we had , an imag
e backup utility bad on Acronis Backup, installed, and Acronis detected it.
安装完成后,您可以快速了解硬盘的运⾏状况。 请注意,它显⽰了3个类别:磁盘问题,Acronis备份和严重事件。 在我们的计算机上,安装了 (基于Acronis Backup的图像备份实⽤程序),Acronis对其进⾏了检测。
Drive Monitor stays running in your tray even when the application window is clod. It will keep monitoring your hard drives, and will alert you if there’s a problem.
即使关闭了应⽤程序窗⼝,Drive Monitor仍在托盘中运⾏。 它会⼀直监视您的硬盘,并在出现问题时提醒您。
Find Detailed Information About Your Hard Drives
Acronis’ simple interface lets you quickly e an overview of how the drives on your computer are performing. If you’d like more information, click the link under the description. Here we e that one of our drives have overheated, so click Show disks to get more information.
Acronis的简单界⾯使您可以快速查看计算机驱动器的性能概述。 如果您需要更多信息,请单击说明下的链接。 在这⾥,我们看到其中⼀个驱动器过热,因此请单击显⽰磁盘以获取更多信息。
Now you can lect each of your drives and e more information about them. From the Disk overview tab that opens by default, we e that our drive is being monitored, has been running for a total of 368 days, and that it’s health is good. However, it is running at 113F, which is over the recommended max of 107F.
现在,您可以选择每个驱动器,并查看有关它们的更多信息。 从默认打开的“磁盘概述”选项卡中,我们可以看到驱动器正在监视中,已经运⾏了368天,并且运⾏状况良好。 但是,它以113F运⾏,超过了建议的最⼤107F。
The S.M.A.R.T. parameters tab gives us more detailed information about our drive. Most urs wouldn’t know what an accepted value would be, so it also shows the status. If the value is within the accepted parameters, it will report OK; otherwi, it will show that has a problem in this area.
SMART参数选项卡为我们提供了有关驱动器的更多详细信息。 ⼤多数⽤户不知道可接受的值是多少,
因此它还会显⽰状态。 如果该值在可接受的参数范围内,它将报告OK ; 否则,将表明在该区域存在问题。
One very interesting piece of information we can e is the total number of Power-On Hours, Start/Stop Count, and Power Cycle Count. The could be uful indicators to check if you’re considering purchasing a cond hand computer. Simply load this program, and you’ll get a better view of how long it’s been in u.
我们可以看到的⼀个⾮常有趣的信息是上电时间,启动/停⽌计数和电源循环计数的总数。 这些可能是有⽤的指标,可⽤来检查您是否正在考虑购买⼆⼿计算机。 只需加载该程序,您就可以更好地了解其使⽤了多长时间。
Finally, the Events tab shows each time the program gave a warning. We can e that our drive, which had been acting flaky already, is routinely overheating even when our other hard drive was running in normal temperature ranges.
最后,每次程序发出警告时,事件选项卡都会显⽰。 我们可以看到,即使我们的另⼀个硬盘驱动器在正常温度范围内运⾏,已经表现为⽚状的驱动器也通常会过热。
Monitor Acronis Backups And Critical Errors
In addition to monitoring critical stats of your hard drives, Acronis Drive Monitor also keeps up with th
e status of your backup software and critical events reported by Windows. You can access the from the front page, or via the links on the left hand sidebar. If you have any edition of any Acronis Backup product installed, it will show that it was detected. Note that it can only monitor the backup status of the newest versions of Acronis Backup and True Image.
春笋汤除了监视硬盘驱动器的关键状态外,Acronis Drive Monitor还可以跟踪备份软件的状态以及Windows报告的关键事件。 您可以从⾸页或通过左侧⼯具栏中的链接访问这些内容。 如果您安装了任何版本的任何Acronis Backup产品,它将显⽰已检测到该产品。 请注意,它只能监视Acronis Backup和True Image最新版本的备份状态。
If no Acronis backup software was installed, it will show a warning that the drive may be unprotected and will give you a link to download Acronis backup software.
If you have another backup utility installed that you wish to monitor yourlf, click Configure backup monitoring, and then disable monitoring on the drives you’re monitoring yourlf.
如果安装了另⼀个希望⾃⼰监视的备份实⽤程序,请单击“配置备份监视” ,然后在要监视⾃⼰的驱动器上禁⽤监视。