Safety relays
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PNOZ s2 safety relay
孙悟空卡通The safety relay provides a safety-related interruption of a safety circuit.
The safety relay meets the requirements of EN 60947-5-1, EN 60204-1 and VDE 0113-1 and may be ud in applications with
}E-STOP pushbuttons
}Safety gates
For your safety
}Only install and commission the unit if you have read and understood the operating instructions and are familiar with the applicable regulations for health and safety at work and accident prevention.
Ensure VDE and local regulations are met, especially tho relating to safety.
}Any guarantee is rendered invalid if the housing is opened or unauthorid modifica-tions are carried out.
Unit features表格匹配
}Positive-guided relay outputs:
– 3 safety contacts (N/O), instantaneous
– 1 auxiliary contact (N/C), instantaneous
}Safe paration of safety contacts from all other circuits
} 1 miconductor output
}Connection options for:
– E-STOP pushbutton
– Safety gate limit switch
– Start button
} A connector can be ud to connect 1 PNOZsigma contact expansion module
}Operating modes can be t via rotary switch
}LED indicator for:
– Supply voltage
– Input status, channel 1
– Input status, channel 2
– Switch status of the safety contacts
– Start circuit
– Errors
}Plug-in connection terminals (either spring-loaded terminal or screw terminal)
Safety features
The relay meets the following safety requirements:
} The circuit is redundant with built-in lf-monitoring.
} The safety function remains effective in the ca of a component failure.
} The correct opening and closing of the safety function relays is tested automatically in
each on-off cycle.
} The unit has an electronic fu.
*Safe paration in accordance with EN 60947-1, 6 kV
受戒读后感Function description
} Single-channel operation: no redundancy in the input circuit, earth faults in the ret
and input circuit are detected.
} } Manual start: Unit is active once the input circuit is clod and then the start circuit is
} Monitored start with falling edge: Unit is active once
– the input circuit is clod and then the start circuit is clod and opened again.– the start circuit is clod and then opened again once the input circuit is clod.} Monitored start with rising edge: Unit is active once the input circuit is clod and
once the start circuit is clod after the waiting period has elapd (e technical de-tails).
} Increa in the number of available instantaneous safety contacts by connecting con-
tact expander modules or external contactors/relays;设计院实习日记
A connector can be ud to connect 1 PNOZsigma contact expander module.汽车倒车技巧
Install ba unit without contact expansion module:
}Ensure that the plug terminator is inrted at the side of the unit.
Connect ba unit and PNOZsigma contact expansion module:
}Remove the plug terminator at the side of the ba unit and at the contact expansion module.
}Connect the ba unit and the contact expansion module to the supplied connector be-fore mounting the units to the DIN rail.
Installation in control cabinet
}The safety relay should be installed in a control cabinet with a protection type of at least IP54.
}U the notch on the rear of the unit to attach it to a DIN rail (35 mm).
}When installed vertically: Secure the unit by using a fixing element (e.g. retaining brack-et or end angle).
}Push the device upwards or downwards before lifting it from the DIN rail.
Plea note:
}Information given in the "Technical details" must be followed.
}Outputs 13-14, 23-24, 33-34 are safety contacts; output 41-42 is an auxiliary contact
(e.g. for display).
}Auxiliary contact 41-42 and miconductor output Y32 should not be ud for safety circuits!
}To prevent contact welding, a fu should be connected before the output contacts (e technical details).
}Calculation of the max. cable length l max in the input circuit:
R l / km
R lmax = max. overall cable resistance (e technical details)
R l / km = cable resistance/km
}U copper wire that can withstand 60/75 °C.
}Sufficient fu protection must be provided on all output contacts with capacitive and in-ductive loads.