1.provide/supply 提供,给
2.tell sb. sth./provide information 告诉某人某事/提供信息
3.do sth. 举行,举办
give back (adv.) 归还,送回
give out (adv.) 用完,耗尽,筋疲力尽
give up (adv.) 放弃(可接动名词)
glad adj.. (gladder, gladdest) plead and happy about something高兴的,乐意的
syn. happy
ant. sad
glance [gla:ns] v. (always +adv./prep.) to quickly look at someone or something once
n. a quick look 一瞥
syn. glimp
glass [gla:s] n. 1. [C] (pl. glass) a container ud for drinking, made of glass; or the drink in it 玻璃杯
2. [U] a transparent solid substance, for example ud for making windows and bottles 玻璃
3. [pl.] a t of two pieces of specially cut glass in a frame, which one wears in order to e more clearly. 眼镜
syn. spectacles
globe n. 1. [C] a round object with a map of the earth drawn on it 地球仪
2. the world 地球
glove n. [C]hand wear, especially one which has parate parts for each finger 手套
syn. mitten
go vi (went[went], gone[g n]
1.to move away from the speaker 去,走,前往
2.to be in or pass into a particular state 变成,成为
3.reach 到达
syn. leave, depart
深开头的四字成语ant. come
go away (adv.) 离开
go back (adv.) 回去
go by (adv.) (时间)过去,经过(地点)
go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming 去钓鱼/买东西/滑冰/游泳
go for a walk 出去散步 迷蒙的意思
go on (adv.) 继续,发生
go on doing sth. 继续做某事(前后是同一件事)
go on with one's work 继续做某事
go out (adv.) (灯、火)熄灭
go over (adv.) 复习、检查
goal n. 1. [C]something that one hopes to achieve in the future 目标 新鲜造句
2. the action of making the ball go into the scoring 球门
syn. aim
goat n. [C] an animal a little like a sheep that can climb steep hills and rocks 山羊
god n. 1. [C] a male Being who is believed to control the world or part of it, or reprents a particular quality 神
2.someone or something to which one gives too much importance or respect. 上帝
gold n. 1. [C] a valuable soft yellow metal that is an element (=simple substance) and is ud for making coins, jewelry etc. 黄金
2. [C, U] the colour of the metal 金黄色
3. adj. 金色的
golden [g uld n] adj.. 1. having a bright, rich, yellow colour, like gold 金黄色的
2. made of gold 金子的,具有金子特点的
syn. gold
good adj. (better ['bet ], best[best]
1. of a high standard 好的
2. of the right kind 高尚品质的
3. healthy 健康的
n. gain or adv. advantage 利益,好处
syn. well, fine
ant. bad, ill, sick
be good at 善于..., 在...方面(学得,做得)好
qq客服人工电话goodbye interjection n. (c.) ud when one is leaving or being left by someone 再见
syn. farewell, bye-bye
goods n.(pl.) things that are produced in order to be sold 货物(只有复数形式,不能用数词及many修饰,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式)
goo n.1. [C] (pl. gee[gi:s]) a bird that is similar to a duck but larger ad makes a hissing or honking 鹅
2. (u.) meat of this bird as food 鹅肉
government n. [C] (pl. governments) the group of people who govern a country or state 政府
grade v. to parate things, or arrange them in order according to their quality or rank. 划分等级
n. standard 1. [C, U] a particular, standard or level of quality that a product, material etc has 等级
2. school year: (c.) a particular year of a school cour in the American school system 学年
gradually adv.. in a way that happens or develops slowly over a long period of time 逐渐地
graduate ['gr djueit] n. someone who has completed a university degree cour, especially for a first degree 大学毕业生
v. 1. to obtain a degree, especially a first degree, from a college or university 得学位
2. to complete one’s education at high school 毕业
斗战胜佛孙悟空graduation [,gr dju'ei n] 1. [C] the time when one completes a university degree cour or one’s education at an American high school 毕业
2. [U] a ceremony at which university degree or diploma is given to students who have completed their cours or school education in American high school or university 毕业典礼,授学位典礼
grain [grein] n. 1. [C] the eds of crops such as corn, wheat, or rice that are 谷物,谷类
2. [C] a single ed of corn, wheat etc 谷粒
syn. corn
[C] tiny, hard bit& a grain of sand 一粒沙子
grammar n. 1. [C] the rules by which words change their forms and are combined into ntences, or the study or u of the rules 语法(学),文法(学);语法规则
2. [C] a particular description of grammar or a book that describes grammar rules 语法书
grand adj. 1. a grand building, occasion etc is very impressive 雄伟的,宏大的
2. a grand plan or idea aims to achieve something very impressive 重要的,极好的,美妙的
3. people who are grand are rich and important but often too proud 自负的,傲慢的