1.provided一般而言,是provide(基本含义“提供”)的过去式和过去分词,这是众所周知的,但是在这里,我重点要讲的是它的法律含义,provide在法律英语中的一个含义是:(法律、合同、条文等)规定,其在法律英语中,多用被动表达,因此常见的如 provided by law
2.provided that是法律英语中出现频率非常高的词,位置不同,含义也就不同:(a)出现在句首,通常翻译为“如果”,相当于“if”、“where”;(b)出现在一个主句之后,通常翻译为“但条件是”,后者更为常见。下面可以看两个例句:
例句1:Provided that no objection is raid,the program should be t back.如果没有反对意见,该等项目将会被推迟。
例句2:In the event of electronic mail, the date of connt shall be the date such correspon
dence was nt by the Manager or members of such committee, provided that the electronic mail was nt to the electronic mail address most recently provided by the receiving Managers or members of the committee.在使用电子邮件的情况下,同意的日期应为管理人或该委员会成员发出该等信函之日,但条件是该电子邮件应被发送到接收的管理人或委员会成员最近提供的电子邮箱地址。
WHEREAS, the partieshereto desire to enter into this Amended and Restated Exempted LimitedPartnership Agreement of the Partnership to permit the withdrawal of theInitial Limited Partner and admission of additional limited partners andfurther to make the modifications hereinafter t forth.鉴于,各方希望签署本经修订和重述豁免有限合伙协议我们是朋友
以允许初始有限合伙人退出合伙企业、接受新有限合伙人的入伙并按照本协议条款对原协议作出修订。2 The defendant challenged the admission of the evidence by the court on the ground that the evidence was irrelevant.被告以证据不相干为由质疑法庭采纳的证据。
practice在法律文件中的译法: Ø 惯例 Ø 执业
Operator shall conduct its activities under this Agreement as a reasonable prudent operator, in a good and workmanlike manner, with due diligence and dispatch, in accordance with good oilfield practice and Customary Manner, and in compliance with applicable Law, but in no event shall it have any liability as Operator to the other Party for
loss sustained or liabilities incurred except such as may result from gross negligence or willful misconduct of Operator or any of its Affiliates or their respective officer, partner, member, stockholder, director, manager, employee, agent or contractor.运营方应根据本协议,根据良好的油田开采惯例和惯常方式,按照一个合理审慎的运营人、以良好和符合专业技能的方式、勤勉尽责地进行运营,并符合适用法律,但在任何情况下其作为运营方,不对其他方的损失或责任承担责任,除非因运营方或其任何关联方或他们相应的管理人员、合伙人、成员、股东、董事、经理、雇员、代理人或承包方的重大过失或故意不当行为造成。装订读音
He's pasd his law examinations and is now practising as a lawyer.以上仅代表旗渡观点,欢迎批评指正或讨论交流。
exerci是法律文件中又一使用频率较高的词汇,一般是指“行使某种权利”,例如: exerci of option行使期权 exerci notice行权通知
外国文化exerci the right of first refusal行使优先购买权 exerci price行权价格
债券发行文件、股东协议、认购协议等文件中一般都会使用 例句一
The Paying Agent with whom a Certificate is deposited in a valid exerci of any Bondholder’s option shall hold such Certificate on behalf of the depositing Bondholder until the due date for redemption of the relevant Bond(s)conquent upon the exerci of such option, when subject as provided below, it shall surrender any such Certificate to itlf for payment of the amount due in accordance with the Conditions and shall cau the Principal Paying Agent to pay such moneys in accordance withthe directions of the Bondholder contained in the Exerci Notice.在任何债券持有人有效行使任何期权时,接收交存的凭证的付款代理应代表存放凭证的债券持有人持有该凭证,直至该期权行使之后
The procedures for exercising the right of first refusal shall be as follows: the Shareholder proposing to transfer any shares shall nd the non-transferring Shareholders a notice for inquiring whether they will exerci the right of first refusal and each of the non-transferring Shareholders shall, within thirty(30)days after its receipt of the Notice of Right of First Refusal, inform in writing the transferring Shareholder and the Company of the amount of shares to be transferred by it and the terms on which such shares are to be transferred.行使优先购买权的程序如下:打算转让任何股份的股东应当向不转让股份的股东发送通知询问该等不转让股份的股东是否将行使优先购买权,且各不转让股份的股东应当在其收到该等优先购买权通知后三十(30)日内以书面方式通知该等将要转让股份的股东和公司其将要转让股份的数量和该等股份转让的条件。
all governmental authorization required under the PRC laws, rules and regulations in connection with the Ownership Structure and the VIE Arrangements have been granted, duly made or unconditionally obtained in writing and are in full force and effect, provided that any exerci by the Company of its rights under the relevant exclusive option agreements will be subject to:(a)the approval of and/or registration with the PRC governmental agencies for the resulting equity transfer;and(b)the exerci price for equity transfer under the VIE Agreements complying with the PRC laws
中国动漫排行榜understanding在法律文件中除了其最普通的含义“理解、明白”之外,还有一层最具代表性的含义“谅解”,相当于“协议”或“协定” 1理解
甲方已通读上述条款,并全面、准确的理解条款内容,乙方已应甲方的要求作了相应说明,甲方对所有内容无异议。Party A shall go through the foregoing terms, with full and accurate understanding of the content of the terms;Party B may provide corresponding clarification upon the request of Party A, and Party A rais no objection to all the contents.2谅解
This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties, replacing and superding all prior understandings and agreements covering the Scope of Services, whether oral or written.本协议应构成双方达成的完整协议,取代和代替先前就服务范围达成的所有口头或书面谅解和协议。