Doctor and Patient
旁:One day, person A met his friend in the street, then something happened. Here comes the friend.
A: Hello, my young lady, I haven’t en you for a long time, and you look more beautiful than before! Actually, a bit fat(肿) on your face.
P: Just knock it off, and get out of my face right now!
A: come on, I just play a small joke. Don’t be angry, plea.
P: Are you deaf? (做生气状) I said: get out of my face right now!
A: Oh, how can you be so angry? What’s wrong with you? (做惊讶状)
P: Oh, god! Just stop saying anything! (生气) ok? I feel so bad. I don’t know why I always be angry. And I have a horrible toothache, look! My face is swollen.
A: I’m very sorry to hear that. Maybe you are ill. You need to visit the doctor. I have a friend, and he is a western doctor. I can accompany you to visit him! Come on, go with me!
P: ok, maybe I really need to visit a doctor. (无奈)
药膳粥A与P一起到western doctor 那里
A: (敲门) may I come in?
W: come in, plea.
A: doctor, my friend doesn’t feel good. blackboard怎么读Can you help her?
W: ok, let her come here. (随后P 向前去)
W: what’s the matter with you?
P: I have a horrible toothache. And I don’t want to eat anything, I always feels too full. The wor, I didn’t defecate all week.
W: ok, I get it! Open your mouth.
P: uh~
W: your gum is inflamed, throat red and swollen. The symptom is irritated. You didn’t defecate all week?
P: yeah
W: I will give you some medicine. Amoxicilin, it helps eliminate inflammation. And you will feel better, and Phenolphthalein Tablets (酚酞片), it can make the intestinal smooth. Remember to take the medicine three times a day, two pills each time, veral days later, you will be fine.
P: thanks doctor.
乱扔垃圾的图片旁: veral days later, person A meet his friend again.
A: hi, my friend, you look better today!
P: on the contrary, I feel wor.
A: are you kidding me? Your face doesn’t look swollen.
P: you are a fool! (生气,用手指着朋友)my face is not swollen, but I feel belly full. In a word, it’s terrible.
A: ok, I get it. You need visit a doctor again!
P: no, I will never return to visit the western doctor!
A: oh, maybe you need a traditional Chine doctor, look, that’s a traditional Chine hospital. And I have a friend there. He is a good traditional Chine doctor. He can help you.
P: why don’t you tell me earlier? Let’s go
T: what’s wrong with you?
P: I feel belly full, and 白萝卜的作用与功效I don’t want to eat anything.
T: dry mouth and throat?
P: yes
T: dry stools?
P: it’s right.
T: do you want to have a cold water?
P: of cour
T: ok, give me your hand, let me take your pul.
Several minutes later
T: Thready rapid plu. Then open your mouth.
P: A…………
T: OK rad tongue with scanty saliva and coating, The syndrome is Yin deficiency.
I will give you some medicine. Niuhuangjiedu tablets includes bezoar(牛黄) realgar(雄黄) gypsum(石膏) rheum(大黄) scutelliria(黄芩) platycodon(桔梗) borneol(冰片) licorice (甘草) and so on. It helps with heat-cleaning and detoxifying. Then I will give you another medicine. Folium nnae (番泻叶), it helps to improve balance of intestines.
P: thanks, doctor.
旁:two weeks later, the friend feel more terrible than before, one day, person A meet his friend then he run away, something happened
P: where do you want to go? Why do you want to run away? (一把抓住他的朋友)
A: I’m not going to run away, I just …just … oh, why you look so pale?
P: you’晒内衣re a jerk! This is all thanks to you! (这都是拜你所赐)
A: me? Why?
P: you introduce two doctors to me, now, I’m so terrible and so weak. I will never believe you anymore.
A: it’s not my faults. I just want to help you. Maybe you need a better doctor.
P: no, you are a liar. I will never believe, never! Oh, I have a stomachache. (痛苦)
A: come on, I take you to e the doctor. He is very famous, and I promi he will heal you, believe me, I really want to help you. 复合句英语Give me the last chance, ok?(请求)
P: well, I believe you again. (无奈)
旁:then they go to visit the western and traditional Chine doctor? (person B)
A: help, help, doctor!
B: what’旋风少女歌曲s up?
P: I have a stomachache. I feel terrible now. sometimes, diarrhea(腹泻)
B: how many days do you diarrhea?
P: three days.
B: it’s very rious. I will give you an injection. Gluco and sodium chloride injection gentamycin sulfate injection. Come here, and sit down.