Located in New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world.
But what is it doing there? And where did it come from?
Officially called "Liberty Enlightening the World," the Statue of Liberty was a gift to America from the French in 1886 as a reprentation of international friendship,but its story really began more than 20 years earlier in 1865 when Frenchman Edouard de Laboulaye propod that France should create a monument for the United States.
自由女神像被正式命名为“启迪世界的自由”,它是1886年法国赠送给美国的礼物,象征着国际友谊,但它的故事真正开始于20多年前的1865年,当时法国人Edouard de Laboulaye提议法国应该为美国建立一座纪念碑。
It would be a long time before Laboulaye's dream was realized:love歌词
it wasn't until ten years later that the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi was commissioned to design the statue.
The American people agreed to pay for the pedestal for the statue to stand on, while the French people would fund the Statue of Liberty itlf, but raising enough money was difficult.
The statue was completed in France in 1884, almost ten years after it was commissioned, but the pedestal wasn't finished for another two years, in April of 1886.
The statue was transported in 350 individual pieces which were packed in 214 parate crates.
Once the pedestal was completed, it took four months to reasmble the statue.
Finally, on October 28, 1886, President Grover Cleveland 天天吉祥dedicated the Statue of Liberty, an event celebrated by bands, parades, speeches, and fireworks.
The Statue of Liberty quickly became a famous landmark.
For many immigrants who came to the United States through New York, it was their first sight of their new country.
For others, it symbolized the idea of freedom that America was built on.
The statue depicts a woman in a robe, reprenting Libertas, the Roman goddess of liberty.
She has a crown on her head with ven points, said to reprent the ven as or the ven continents of the Earth.
She is holding a stone tablet in one hand which reads July 4, 1776 in roman numerals, honoring the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
In her other hand, she holds high a flaming torch covered in gold leaf.
The Statue of Liberty itlf is covered in a layer of copper less than 2 pennies thick.
Originally, the statue was the same bright copper color as a new penny, but after less than 20 years of standing out in the sun and the rain the copper began to 薛谭学讴于秦青oxidize, turning her the green color we recognize today.
The statue weighs 450,000 pounds or 225 tons, and stands over 151 feet or 46 meters high, not including the pedestal she stands on.公民教育
With the pedestal, from the ground to the tip of the torch, the Statue of Liberty stands as tall as a 22 story building!
About 4 million people visit the Statue of Liberty every year.