1 As the gender bariers crumbled ,the number of women working as lawyers,doctors, or bankers began to increa significantly from the mid-20th century
2 With the data olleted each year, the owner of the shop can discern customer treiendsand how things like weather and economic indicators affect sales performance.
3 His supervisor pushes and motivates him in such a positive manner that he is not onlyable to reach but to surpass . his personalgoals.
4 He is a 龇牙咧嘴的意思man with a(n) shrewd business n. He has built his initial investment into asubstantial and even excessively large fortune.
5 The conversion of nuclear radiation directly into electricity was an exciting possibilitythat was being vigorously explored in many .laboratories in the 1950s.
6 I was not only shocked but also disgusted that the report tried to distort thescientific facts in such a manner that evensomehighly-educated people were fooled.
7 Sixty-two and blesd with his mother's skin, the fisherman had withstood a lifetimeof exposure to the sun and looked as radiant as a man in his forties.
8 French educator Louis Braille invented a simple but ingenious code which has 心语无声had an impact on the lives of generations ofpeople who are blind.
9 The nators didn't expect us to ask such tough questions, and when we finally did, they got stumped and didn't know what to say.
10 This newly established university supports the proposition that a more diver highereducation system is desirable since it would exhance opportunities for life long learning.
1 The brick walls of the ruined buildings were dripping with green mold andmoisture, and she shivered involuntarily,looking down to avoid the sight.
2 As urban populations exported finished goods in exchange for raw materials fromneighboring populations, organized tradegrew substantially
3 Knowing just how quickly a wildfire can spread, some residents of the village decided to leave their homes after the flames flared up 参松养心胶囊成分nearby
4 Biology teachers often make an analogy between the heart and a pump in order to help studentsunderstand how the heart works.
5 They would like to t a date for their wedding and announce their engagementto their families and friends as soon aspossible.
6 He was determined not to sour a perfectly good day with the memory of one jealous classmate trying to make a fool out of him in front of the entire class.
7 The couple made a pact never to work at the same time, so that one of themwas always on full- time parenting duty, andtheir child wouldn't have to be looked afterby strangers.
8 The president said that it's the worst carthquake ever to hit the country, and that he had appealed to the world for help,asking in particular for heavy- lift heicoptersаЫlе lо аrrу rеlіеf ѕuрlіѕ іntо thе іѕоlаtеd 中国邮政储蓄mountain areas.