31. John remarked after the meeting that the speaker was a woman of ___________ wit.
A. emotional B. accurate C. excellent D. exceptional
32. 必须和必需苹果怎么种“Are you worried about your son being alone in a strange country?” “__________ . I’m sure he微波炉多少瓦’ll manage fine.”
A. By all means B. Of cour C. Not in the least D. No wonder
33. The plot of the novel __________ the economic development of the village.
A. evolves with B. emerges from C. blends with D. attaches to
34. The decision to quit school at that young age is, ___________, the most stupid thing I have ever done.
A. at times B. at first sight C. in retrospect D. by comparison
35. At the conference yesterday, our differences were further __________. The next step is to work out a solution acceptable to both sides.
A. narrowed down B. cooled down C. driven home D. brought about
36. Brian cheated in the last math exam, so he thought he could ___________ it again this time, but he war wrong.
A. get rid of B. get away with
C. avoid being caught D. mess around with
37. Wendy ____________ my letter, otherwi she would have replied before now.
A. hasn’t received B. ought to have received
C. couldn’t have received D. shouldn’t have received
38.As a cleaning woman, her __________ duties include cleaning the desk and mopping the floor.
A. continuous B. routine C. initial D. constant
39. Even ___________ what she said about his personal life is true, it is irrelevant to this qualifications as a software engineer.
A. knowing B. assuming C. recognizing D. acknowledging
40. Bonus are meant to __________ hard work and outstanding performance. This means that not all workers are entitled to them.电脑微信如何换行
A. restore B. grab C. push D. reward
41. As a nior student, you are suppod to know better than just __________ until the examination time.
A. fooled around B. to fool around
C. having fooled around D. to have fooled around
42. The president of the automobile company said that short-term profit is not at the top of the company’s __________ list. Their major concern at prent is developing a more competitive model.
A. interest B. priority C. assignment D. job
43. In the past ten years Jack has been with us, I think he has proved that he _________ respect from everyone of us.
A. qualifies B. expects C. rerves D. derves
44. He has been ___________ since he was appointed as president of this university last year.
A. putting up B. getting away
C. making u of his relationship D. throwing his weight around
45. A market economy allows business to compete against each other free from
government _________.
A. restriction B. planning C. interference D. arrangement
46. Mark does not take his schoolwork riously. ____________, no one expects a millionaire’s son to work hard.
A. However B. Converly C. But then D. Nevertheless 蝶字组词
47. Despite a very tight schedule, everyone who came to the meeting agreed that at least one day should be _____________ for sighteing.
A. t apart B. added C. put in D. inrted
48. His ___________ argument against our proposal is bad on misinformation.
A. organic B. valid C. formal D. principal
49. As a receptionist, my job ______________ answering phone calls and offering general information about the company.
A. is involved with B. consists of C. requires D. evolves
50. This entrance is in __________ u: don not block it.
A. constant B. tender C. creative D. critical
51. “Take the medicine and go to bed early. If the headache ________________, you should come for an X-ray examination,” said the doctor.