第七章 Orders订货 |
第一节 Counter-Offers Letters订货信 |
一、The Steps of Writing Counter-offer Letters订货信的写作步骤 订货信是商业交往中最常用的一种方式,通常可以写给厂商、批发商、或零售商。根据订货数量的大小,公司通常用印好的订单订货,而不是写信。印好的表格比信更有效,花费也少。订货的人要注意订单要包括尽可能详细的信息。 订单一般包括如下内容: ●产品目录号 ●数量 ●商品性质(型号、号码、颜色) ●单价、全价 ●买方身份 ●发货地址 ●运输方式 ●付款方式 ●交货日期 ●其它信息:订单号、订货日期、推销员名等。 订货信的写作步骤如下: 做噩梦怎么缓解1.告知对方已定货; 情景搭配用语:[Uful expressions] ●We are glad to…(很高兴……) ●We are plead to…(很高兴……打工赚钱) 2.具体确认(如品名、条款等); 情景搭配用语:[Uful expressions] ●We confirm…(我方确认……) ●We should like to confirm that…(我们很高兴确认……) ●We are very much plead to confirm…(我方很高兴确认……) 3.告知对方具体订货安排; 情景搭配用语:[Uful expressions] ●We will do our best to…(我方会尽力……) ●We have opened an L/C…(我方已开立信用证……) ●We are arranging for…(我们正安排……) 4.敦促对方尽快发货。 情景搭配用语:[Uful expressions] ●We look forward to…(盼……) ●Since our customers are in urgent need of the goods, we will appreciate…(由于客户急需货物,我方将不胜感激……) 如果客户对订货满意,会继续重复订货。因为彼此间都有所了解,因此在写信时可以更简洁,只说明按照上次订货的某某条款就可以了。 续订信的结构如下: 1.对对方上一次订货表示满意;(Showing your satisfaction for the goods shipped to you by the reader) 情景搭配用语:外贸合同模板[Uful expressions] ●We have received…(我方收到……) 商旅不行 ●The goods ex S.S. XX have been…(某轮运来的货物已经……) ●Thank you for the goods nt…(感谢……运来的货物) ●We are glad to inform you that we find the goods quite satisfactory.(很高兴告知你方我方对货物满意) 2.写明按上述条款再订若干该类产品;(Stating repeat order for the products on the above terms and conditions) 情景搭配用语:[Uful expressions] ●We wish to place an order for…(我方希望订……) ●We shall be plead if you can nd…(如你方能运……我方将不胜感激) ●We are very glad to place a repeat order for…of the same…(我方很高兴以同样的……续订购……) 3.希望对方早日接受;(Hoping the reader to accept early) 情景搭配用语:[Uful expressions] ●As our customers are in urgent need of the goods, plea ship the goods…(由于我方客户急需这批货,请……运货物) ●Plea arrange early shipment of the goods.(请尽早装运这批货,) ●We shall appreciate it if you can ship the goods as early as possible.(如能早日运货我方将不胜感激 |
第一节 Counter-Offers Letters订货信 |
二、The Principles of Counter-offer Letters订货信的写作原则 订货可以以信函的格式,也可以通过寄订单表的方式。写信时尽可能简洁、全面、具体地说明信息。首先应该让读者了解你是在订货而不是在询价。例如,如果你订货数量多时,用列表列出来。应该尽可能具体地写出订货信的内容,比如数量,价格,订单号,以及总金额,等等。还应该解释清楚你想以什么方式付款。提供的信息越全面,越不容易出错。 如果你寄的是订货表,要简洁说明附寄了订货表,并写明你的要求,如请尽早发货等即可,详细信息可以不写。 |
三、强迫症最佳治疗方法Text Explanation and VocabularyⅠ课文分析和词汇1
Dear sirs,
Re:Copper wire
Thank you for your fax dated July 3rdand 12th. We appreciate your cooperation and have pleasure in confirming the revid order as follows1:
“Forty long tons2of Copper Wire at $115 per long ton CFR Shantou, for shipment in August.”
Our Purcha Confirmation3, No. 3637 has been nt to you in duplicate4. Plea return5one signed copy as soon as possible.
We are arranging6the relative7L/C8with the Bank of China, Shantou and will contac9you when it is established10. Becau of urgent needs11, punctual12shipment is expected13.
Thank you for your fax dated July 3rdand 12th. We appreciate your cooperation and have pleasure in confirming the revid order as follows1:
1. as follows如下。
(1)At your request we make you a firm offer as follows. (根据你方要求,我们报实盘
(2)We register our claim with you as follows: …(我们就下列问题向你们提出索赔。)
“Forty long tons2卡通男of Copper Wire at $115 per long ton CFR Shantou, for shipment in August.”
Our Purcha Confirmation3, No. 3637 has been nt to you in duplicate4. Plea return5one signed copy as soon as possible.
2. long ton长吨。重量单位。
例:We need 50 long tons of steel for our fall stock. (我们秋季库存需要定购50长吨钢材。)
3. Purcha Confirmation 购货确认书。
4. in duplicate 一式两份。等于two copies。
(1)Invoice No. 4456 in duplicate.(发票第4456号一式两份)
(2)We enclod our Purcha Confirmation No. 4848 in duplicate.(我们附寄订购确认书4848号一式两份。)
5. return,寄回,归还,退回。
(1)Plea return the signed copy as soon as possible. (请把签好字的一份尽快寄回。)
(2)Plea return the book to us. (请还书。)
We are arranging6the relative7L/C8with the Bank of China, Shantou and will contac9you when it is established10. Becau of urgent needs11, punctual12shipment is expected13.
6. arrange安排。
(1)We are arranging for shipment by the earliest possible steamer.(我方正安排最早的船装运。)
(2)Plea arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with the least possible delay.(请尽快安排装运我方的订货。)
7. relative相关的。
(1)we are glad to inform you that the relative L/C has been opened.(很高兴通知你方相关的信用证已经开立。)
(2)We have opened the relative L/C in your favor. (我方已开立以你方为受益人的相关信用证。)
8. L/C即Letter of Credit信用证。
例:Plea establish an L/C covering 500 ts Sewing Machines. (请尽快开立500台缝纫机的信用证。)
9. contact 接触,联系。及物动词。也可以作为名词用,后面接with。常用结构有:make contact with,hold contact with,be in contact with,get in contact with。
工程竣工 (1)We shall contact you again, as soon as we resume offering.(一旦我方能够继续供货,我将再与你方联络。)
(2)We are making contact with them.(我们正与他们进行联系。)
10. establish开立,动词。等于open。
例:We have established an L/C in your favor. (我们已经开立了以你方为受益人的信用证。)
11. urgent need 急需。词组有in urgent need of急需,也可以说need urgently。
(1)We are in urgent need of the goods.(我们急需这些货物。)
(2)Our customers are in urgent need of the bicycles.(我们的客户急需这些自行车。)
12. punctual 按时的。
(1)We find it necessary to stress the importance of making punctual shipment within t
he validity of the L/C.(我们认为有必要强调在信用证的有效期内按期装运的重要性。)
(2)Being punctual is a good habit. (准时是一个好习惯。)
13. expect 期待。
(1)Your early reply is expected. (盼望你们早日回复。)
(2)We expect to clo business at something near our level. (我们希望以接近我方价格的水平成交。)