1. Epic 史诗,叙事诗
A long narrative poem, typically a recounting of history or legend or of the deeds of a national hero and of reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. Many epics were drawn from an oral tradition and were transmitted by song and recitation before they were written down. Later on this literary genre was written down by the poets, such as Paradi Lost, Paradi Regained. Two of the greatest epics are Homer’s Iliad and Odysy. While in British literary history, the national epic is 沉的反义词Beowulf.
2. Metaphysical Poetry [.metə'fizikəl] 玄学派诗歌
The poetry of John Donne and other venteenth-century poets who wrote in a similar style. Metaphysical poetry is characterized by verbal wit and excess, ingenious structure, irregular meter, colloquial language, elaborate imagery, and a drawing together of dissimilar ideas.
3. Sentimentalism 感伤主义
Sentimentalism originated in the 18th century, and was a direct reaction against the cold, hard commercialism and rationalism that had dominated people’s life since the last decades of the 17th century. Besides, it emed to have appeared hand in hand with the ri of realistic English novel. Sentimentalism often relates to ntimentality and nsibility in some literary works such as Richardson’s Pamela; Goldsmith’s The Vicar of Wakefield; Sterne’s A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. In Poetry, we have Thomas Gray’s “An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”, Goldsmith’s “The Derted Village”, and Cowper’s “Task”, not mention the various odes of nsibility which flourished in the later half of the century.
4. Humanism 人道主义
Humanism refers to the main literary trend and is the keynote of English Renaissance. Humanists took interest in human life and human activities and gave expression to the new feeling of admiration for human beauty, human achievement.
5. Puritanism 女生大姨妈推迟是什么原因清教主义
The term is ud in a narrow n of religious practice and attitudes, and in a broad n of an ethical outlook, which is much less easy to define.
1). In its strict n, “Puritan” was applied to tho Protestant reformers who rejected Queen Elizabeth’s religious ttlement of 1560. This ttlement sought a middle way between Roman Catholicism and the extreme spirit of reform of Geneva. The Puritans, influenced by Geneva, Zurich, and other continental centers, objected to the retention of bishops and to any appearance of what they regarded as superstition in church worship---the wearing of vestments by the priests, and any kind of religious image. Apart from their united opposition to Roman Catholicism and their insistence on simplicity in religious forms, Puritans disagreed among themlves on questions of doctrine and church organization. Puritans were very strong in the first half of 17th century and reached its peak of power after the Civil War of 1642-6, a war, which was ostensibly religious, although it was also political.
2). In the broad n of a whole way of life, Puritanism has always reprented strict ob
edience to the dictates of conscience and strong emphasis on the virtue of lf-denial. The word “Puritan” is often thought to imply hostility to arts, but this is not necessarily true.
6. Renaissance [rə'neisəns] 文艺复兴
It is a cultural movement of the rising bourgeoisie. The key word for it is humanism, which emphasizes the belief in human beings, his environment and doings and his brave fight for the emancipation of man from the tyranny of the church and religious dogmas. It originally indicates a revival of classical arts and learning after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism. Its aim is to get rid of tho old feudalist ideas in medieval time and introduce new ideas that express the interests of the rising bourgeoisie. Shakespeare, Spenr, and Marlowe are all famous literary figures in this period.
7.. Neo-classicism:新伙伴新古典派
A revival in the venteenth and eighteenth centuries of classical standards of order, bala洋葱肉丝
nce and harmony in literature. John Dryden was the first person who started the movement at the end of the 17th century, while Alexander Pope brought it to its culmination.
8. Sentimentalism:
Sentimentalism originated in the 18th century, and was a direct reaction against the cold, hard commercialism and rationalism that had dominated people’s life since the last decades of the 17th century. Besides, it emed to have appeared hand in hand with the ri of realistic English novel. Sentimentalism often relates to ntimentality and nsibility in some literary works such as Richardson’s Pamela; Goldsmith’s The Vicar of Wakefield; Sterne’s A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. In Poetry, we have Thomas Gray’s “An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”, Goldsmith’s “The Derted Village”, not mention the various odes of nsibility which flourished in the later half of the century.