1_General Description

更新时间:2023-07-01 21:16:18 阅读: 评论:0

甲癣的症状图片1. General Description
1.1 General
Sumatra Island is one of the bigger islands in Indonesia, and strike NWW. WAMPU I hydropower station is located at KUTA MBARU Village, LANGKAT County, MEDAN City in Sumatra Province, the dam site is 80km away from MEDAN City. Sei WampuⅠhydropower project is located at middle reach of Wampu River; the controlled rainwater catchment area at upper dam is 1758 km². The main river cour is 135 km long, and average gradient is 0.010303.
Sei Wampu river basin originates from Lau Biang River, flow along Mount. Pamujaan (±1375 m.a.s.l) in Barus Jahe district, along Mount. Sibayak (± 1750 m.a.s.l) in Berastagi district, and along Mount. Sinabung (±2450 m.a.s.l) in Payung District. The upstream area is covered with protection forest, production forest, bushes, orange forest, and irrigated rice fields. The middle-reach area is covered with jungle and bushes, while downstream areas are plantations of PT. Nusantara II (Perro) and palm oil tree and rubber plantations owned by the local community. The rivers have not been utilized for power generation so far.
WampuⅠ hydropower station mainly functions as power generation。The total rervoir capacity is 1.95
million m3 when in checked flood level. T otal installed capacity is 12MW.
Ⅰtype; project grade is according to
ⅣStandard for Project scale is small scale ()
Classification and Flood Control of Water Resources and Hydroelectric Project SL252-2000.
1.2 Hydro-meteorology
Sei Wampu river basin belongs to the tropical rain forest climate, featuring high temperature, frequent rain, moisture, and large relative humidity all year round. It is in the wet equatorial climate area, and annual rainfall is 1500~3000mm, with monotonous climate variation. The solar radiation is strong but in slight annual change. The day and night duration is in slight difference, therefore, the climate changes are in double-peak characteristics. The area is in summer all year round under the control of equator air mass. The mean monthly temperature is 24~28℃, and minimum monthly temperature is no less than 18℃, absolute maximum temperature ldom exceed 35℃. Annual temperature difference is no more than 5℃, daily difference is l0~15℃. Humidity is 81~91%, wind speed is 0.1~0.6 m/s, solar radiation is 20~44%, evaporation is 3.60 mm/day.
The climate at project area is divided into two asons: wet ason and dry ason. The hydrological data of Sei Wampu river basin are collected from 2 hydrological stations. It collected from Sungai Wampu – Stabat Station of SEI WAMPU River about the mean daily flow data in 1989~1998, 2003, 2005, and 2007~2010, including 6 years complete daily flow data, which are in 1989, 1990, 1991, 1994, 1995, and 1996. As the Sungai Wampu –Stabat Station only has discontinuous data, the runoff ries need to be interpolated and extended. For this calculation, the S. BINGEI- KP PAHLAWAN Station will be regarded as the reference station for design of Interpolation and extension to Sungai Wampu – Stabat
Station in Wampu River.波澜壮阔造句
Dam Runoff calculation is adopted with interpolation and extension (1989~2010) runoff
data that measured from Sungai Wampu –Stabat station, shifting to dam site by hydrological analogy method. The dam mean annual flow is calculated to be 87.0m3/s,
mean annual runoff is 2.74 billion m3, and mean annual runoff depth is 1558.6mm. The
annual distribution is uneven, runoff in wet ason (Oct~ next Jan) accounts for 43.2% of
the full year runoff, and dry ason (June~July) runoff accounts for 18.9% of the full year.
The flood in SEI WAMPU River is mainly caud by rain storm. The flood character is affected by character of river basin and rainstorm. The SEI WAMPU river basin is within
the tropical climate zone, posssing abundant rainfall. In terms of the Client provided hydrological data of Sungai Wampu-Stabat Station and SEI BINGEI Station for SEI WAMPU river basin, the data of flood peak discharge is too less (11 years data of flood
peak discharge provided by Sungai Wampu-Staba Station, and 9 years data provided by
SEI BINGEI Station), therefore, it could not meet the Specification requirement.
As there is no data collected from other hydrometrical station, the dam site designed flood
带花的网名will be calculated through area analogy method from data of Sungai Wampu-Stabat and
SEI BINGEI station. The flood peak discharge corresponding to each frequency is shown
in Table 1.2-1.
Designed Flood Result of Sei WampuⅠDam Site
T able1.2-1 Unit: m3/s
Design value of each frequency(P%)
0.5    1    2    3.33    5 10 20 50 75 Qm 1990 1790 1340 1210 1120 948 777 526 400 As the client provided hydrological data fail to analyze the flood occurring time or calculate construction flood frequency, it agreed to control the construction flood discharge around
10% guarantee rate of mean daily discharge. The 85% guarantee rate of discharge is defined as 350m3/s according to mean daily discharge statistics in 1989~2010.
As the measured water level and flow data for dam site is unavailable, measurement of
low water level is done at the dam. Due to the shortage of level and flow data, it adopts measured low water level, measured dam site ction, and 1/1000 geological map, and calculate bad on uniform flow of natural river cour by Manning Formula.
1.3 Engineering Geology
1.3.1 R egional Geology and Rervoir Geology Condition
The project area is located at north Sumatra; the landform is higher in southwest, and
何日是归期lower in northeast, the mountain strikes as NNW under affection of geological structure
and old volcanic edifice distribution. SWAMPU River runs via Bohorok, and flows to the alluvial and proluvial plain (El. 30~180m). It first flows to NNW, and then turns to NE after passing BAHOROK. The S.WAMPU River flows into SELAT MALAKA after running via
Aracondong, WAMPU hydropower station is located at the transition zone near the junction of mountainous area and plain.
The topographic type in this area could be classified as etching structure, volcano, and alluvial-proluvial plain. The volcano landform dominates the medium mountain. Other
medium~low mountain is distributed with etching structure. The volcano landform is located at central west of Sumatra, appearing to be NNW distribution, forming by erupted lava. U-Valley at medium mountain is formed after denudation, distributing on both bank slopes of middle-reach valley. The inclined alluvial and proluvial plain belong to river valley
landform. Both banks of the riverbed are distributed with grade& bedrock ated terrace, some scattered bedrock expod outside.
Sumatra is located at the southeast of Eurasian Plate; southwest Sumatra is on the border of Indian Ocean Plate, belonging to one part of the Eurasian ismic zone. The earthquake and volcano activity is very frequent in recent years. The ismic peak acceleration is 0.24g considering exceeding probability of 10% in 50 years. The characteristic period of ismic respon spectrum is 3.2s, and the corresponding ismic intensity is 8 degree.
There is no neighboring valley on both banks of rervoir area; the river valley is in U-shape appearance, with flat slope 15°~25°. Bedrock expod T oba Tuffs Formation (Q vt): distributed with tuff and incomplete cemented variegated or grey-white tuff and basaltic lava. Rervoir bedrock torsi
on fracture plane at rervoir area is developed, prenting in discontinuous and cross-bedding status, slightly open near the ground, and clod at 10~20m under the ground. There is no regional fault at rervoir river ction, i.e. no ismogenic structure exists. The possibility of rervoir induced earthquake is small after its water storage. The abundant vegetation at rervoir area will control the bank collap at small scale, which having slight affect to the project.
1.3.2 E ngineering Geology Condition at Dam Site
The river at dam site flows from south to northwest, river valley at dam area appears to be V-shape. Landforms on both banks are basically symmetrical, with average slope 40°. There is no rious landslide or rockfall exist at the bank. Mountain on both banks is thick. Left bank is El.157.5m, right bank is El.156.3m, mountain peak on both banks appear to be alluvium and pluvial plain.
The formation lithology at dam site mainly includes: alluvium sandy gravel Formation
Ⅰ3pl): It is distributed (Q4al): It is distributed at floodplain and Terrace; Pluvial Formation (Q
with wet red clay, appearing to be hard plastic state, mainly consisting of silicalite, distributing at top of bank slope. Lower Pleistocene Series Tuff Formation (Q vt): dam bedrock is grey-white tuff, fresh r
ock is hard, complete and fragile, slightly-weathered tuff belongs to soft rock. Mineral mainly consist of quartz, feldspar, and mica.
∠tratified structure surface. The attitude of dam area is The tuff forms 5°~15° incomplete s
红烧肉配料N20°~40°E.NW5°~20°, tending to left bank of downstream, closing to forward river valley. Structural fracture along river flow exists at the dam site, fissure attitude is ∠inuous, fissure density is 3~5 pieces/m, clod at 20m N5°~20°W.NE70°~75°, discont
depth under the ground surface. Tuff has three groups of original condensation joints, which characterized by short, spar, irregular, and tenso-surface, their attitude is
∠,③N30°W.NE70°. The three groups of joints ①N60°W.SE78°
∠,② N30°E.NW85°
combine into unobvious and irregular hexagonal or pentagonal columnar joints. The rocks appear to be columnar-massive structure; rust and mud exist in the highly-weathered joint.
The dam site has stable natural slope: Right bank slope has unloading fissure, causing some local rock instability. On left bank, the highly weathering lower limit depth is 4~10m, riverbed does not exist highly weathering. On right bank, the highly weathering lower limit depth is 4~10m. The drilling and water pressure test shows that the dam foundation rock appear to be weak permeability, relative impermeable stratum depth is 15~20m at left
bank, 8 at riverbed m, 15~20m at right bank.
The bedrock is tuff; the rock has low anti-scouring ability, the slope is stable under natural state at prent, but high-speed flow during dam discharge might cau slope instability. It is recommend to conduct slope protection on bedrock near dam foundation at downstream of both banks.
1.3.3 E ngineering Geology condition at Powerhou
WAMPUⅠpower hou is located at the plunging end of confluence between Wampu right bank and small river. The formation lithology of powerhou is the same as that of dam site, locating on the tuff
in slightly-weathering zone, where has integrated rock, simplex lithology and simple geological structure, and less groundwater, without fault. The foundation rock bearing capacity could meet requirement. The higher slope caud from powerhou slope excavation shall be conducted with supporting treatment.
1.3.4 E ngineering Geology Condition of Diversion & Power Tunnel
The tunnel is round pressure tunnel, with diameter 4.5m. The tunnel expod tuff (Q vt) belongs to quaternary stratified rock, which appear to be fragile massive, low mechanics strength, without weathering fractural zone, fault fractural zone, or fissure fractural zone. The tuff has original condensation joints, without obvious rock formation, having joint with dip angle 5°~20°, and joint fissure with dip angle 50°~75° .The fissure rate is weak ~ moderate. Ground water of tunnel surrounding rock is in fissure aquifer, the rock has weak permeability, the tunnel body is normally under the ground water level, but with small water volume, which has no big impact on construction.
1.3.5 Natural construction Material
小孩吐怎么办1) Soil: The soil borrow yard is located at pluvial formation (Q3PL) on right bank, distributed with red clay, 0.5km away from dam site. The quality and quantity of red clay is qualified for weir building mat
2) Sand: The sand borrow yard is in the rervoir area near dam, 0.5km transport distance. The sand quality is qualified for gravity dam or gravity arch dam material. The gravel mainly is compod of silicolite and metamorphic sandstone, very hard, gradingⅡ~Ⅲ. Sand material quantity is less.
3) Block stone: The foundation excavated stone could meet construction requirement. 1.4 Project Task and Scale
1.4.1 Project Task
Sei WampuⅠproject intends to realize power generation, and increa power supply for Langkat County. Rervoir normal water level is 138m, installed capacity is 12MW, guaranteed output is 0.75MW(P=90%), annual power generation is 90.55 thousand Kwh.
1.4.2 Hydropower
Sei Wampu project dam site is located at Kutagajah Village, Kutambaru District, Langkat County in North Sumatra Province. There is obvious inundated object at the rervoir area. The normal water level is defined as 138m according to local requirement and generation water head demand.
Three schemes of installed capacity are compared: 12MW, 15MW, and 18MW. The mean weighed water head is 18.9, designed head is 17.0m, water utilization is 76.0%~90.8%, annual power generation is 90.55 million kWh~106.55milion kWh, annual utilization hours is 7549h~5919h. All the three installed capacity schemes are feasible, it recommends the scheme of capacity 12MW at this design stage.
1.4.3 Rervoir Dispatch Mode
The power station is runoff type, and in basic load operation in the power grid. When the inflow discharge ≤full load discharge, the rervoir water level keeps at the normal level(138m), and the inflow water will pass through turbine and relea. When the inflow discharge >full load discharge, open the gate for relea. When the inflow flood retreats, clo the gate, until water be back to normal level (138m).
1.5 Project Layout and Structures
1.5.1 Project Grade and Flood Standard
Sampu Ⅰ Hydropower Station mainly functions as power generation. The total rervoir capacity is 1.58million m3 when in checked flood level. T otal installed capacity is 12MW.
ⅠⅣStandard for Project scale is small scale () type, project grade is according to Classification and Flood Control of Water Resources and Hydroelectric Project SL252-2000. The permanent main structures (including water retaining dam, diversion &
power tunnel, power hou) ranks grade , permanent condary structures (including bank protection at dam up & downstream, switching station, non-flood control earth-retaining wall) ranks grade Ⅴ. The temporary structure ranks as grade Ⅴ. Flood standard of each structure is: water retaining dam is 50-year meet designed flood, and 200-year meet checked flood; powerhou is diversion type, having no water retaining function, designed as 50-year meet designed flood, and 100-year meet check flood; the inlet of diversion & power tunnel belongs to water retaining and delivery structure, designed as 50-year meet designed flood, and 200-year meet check flood; other structures flood control standard are the same as that of power hou.
The energy dissipation and scour prevention structure is designed as 10-year meet flood control standard.
1.5.2 Comparison and Selection of Dam Line
Site survey is conducted before this design; two schemes such as upper dam line and lower dam line are lected and compared for the recommended dam site. The upstream river is wider. Dam upstream is bell mouth landform, riverbed dramatically narrow down here, the downstream main river bed form a deep quirk due to water scouring, the width is 20m during dry ason. At the 100m river ction from the bell mouth downstream to right bank gully, the landform on both banks is steep, with thick mountain and thin overburden, having better dam construction condition topographically and geologically. According to the site actual condition and comprehensive consideration, the upper dam line is lected at 50m downstream of bell mouth (near existing river crossing bridge); the lower dam line is lected at 30m downstream of upper dam line.
Considering that the upper and lower dam line has the similar topography, geomorphy, strata lithology, and rock weathering degree, and considering water level connection between tail water of power station and downstream rervoir as well, both dam lines have the similar layout: the water retaining dam is designed as low head overflow dam; the power station has to be arranged as water diversion type due to narrow riverbed. Therefore, comparison of both dam line layout schemes is made as follows, adopting with normal water level 138.0m, and installed capacity 3×4kW. The upper dam line has better engineering geological condition, rervoir area inundation loss and power outpu
t is the same as that of lower dam line, but requires less investment. Therefore, upper dam line is recommended.
1.5.3 Comparison and Selection of Dam Type
The propod project is located in the hilly area, and has no good water regulation

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