01 - M37/40 battle dress, regiment banners on the collar tabs, 8th Army's "Crusaders' Shiled" on the right sleeve
02 - decorations: different ribbons from the Polish-Bolshevik war (1920), "armoured badge" above, Hor Artillery and 2nd Armoured Division memorial badges below
03 - armoured corps beret
04 - boots
05 - M37 belt
06 - American woollen shirt
07 - garrison "rogatywka" cap
01 - M1 helmet, ebonite
02 - woollen shirt
03 - M38 jacket
04 - white MP cord
05 - whistle
06 - armband
07 - belt
08 - gloves
白夜行解析09 - Colt M1911A1 pistol
10 - trours
11 - "Baush and Lomb" sunglass
12 - MP forage cap
13 - wooden baton
14 - "Victory" matches
15 - white leggins
16 - boots奶瓶简笔画
01 - M-40 helmet with Kriegsmarine badges
02 - M-42 Kriegsmarine jacket, with rvice branch insignia on the shoulder straps, Matrongefreiter's insignia on the sleeve, Iron Cross 2nd Class ribbon on the button, coastal artillery badge on the left breast
03 - trours
04 - boots
05 - main belt with ammo pouches
06 - M-38 gas mask
07 - 7,92 mm Maur 98k rifle
08 - M-24 grenade
09 - bag
10 - militay payment book
11 - odds and ends
12 - official Kriegsmarine towel
中药可以加糖吗01 - M40 battle dress, AAA colors on the collar tabs
02 - American woollen shirt
03 - M40 overcoat
04 - M42 beret
05 - boots
06 - M37 breadbag
07 - dog tags
08 - ribbons of the Monte Cassino Cross
09 - 2nd Polish Corps' Artillery memorial badge
10 - Polish-English pocket dictionary
11 - Propaganda leaflet
01 - M-42 helmet
02 - M-43 summer jacket
03 - shoulder straps with Unteroffizier's insignia and bright yellow colors of the signal troops (ud by the PK until 1943, later changet to grey)
04 - trours
05 - Leica camera
06 - infantry assault badge
07 - "Propagandakompanie" armband