chine traditional virtue
chine traditional virtue is the excellent moral heritage we inherited from the ancients. we learned many moral characters, such as, thrift, honesty, affection, filial piety, loyalty, humaneness and so on through many old stories and life practice. i summarized it into three aspects: humanity, courtesy and integrity.
in addition, china, a nation which has civilization of 5,000 years, puts courtesy at a very important position. from the old to the young, from the important events to the trivial things, it is common for people to u this rule to regulate their behavior. the traditional story of kong rong sharing pears is well-known by chine people. the behavior of kongrong to choo the smallest pear and leave the bigger ones to his brothers is a good explanation for the courtesy and comity. courtesy makes us form many good habits in the
daily life, for instance, saying hello to teachers, respecting parents, showing courtliness to our friends, giving up our at on the bus to the people who needs it more. what ’草bs more, courtesy play an important role in the chine diplomatic policy which do great help to the success of building steady relationship with other nations.
last but not least, chine ethics place a great emphasis on integrity. it is the basic
principle when we get along with others. for this reason, i regard it as the most important rule we should obey to regulate our behavior. integrity is needed in every field of our life. to be honest and sincere is the fundamental thing to be a human
being. just as the famous saying of socrates眉心除皱 “自然景观的作文the dishonest life
is not worth living ” . moreover, honesty and integrity is necessary when we are handling the relationship with friends and family members. keeping crets among family and friends often harm them deliberately or in deliberately. still, in a business perspective, integrity is mainly with sincere reception, fair trade, abiding by the contract, pay the liabiliti
es in time, and not cooking the books, etc. as a student, we show our integrity through pursuing the true academic knowledge,
obeying the discipline of test, using the true and correct information to compete in all kinds of award lection.橄榄球英文
in summary, i am deeply convinced that all the great virtues had, have and still will have tremendous effect on the field of
regulating people ’ s behaviors. the chine traditional virtues are not only the esnce of ancient moral civilization, but also
the cohesion of chine national family. great efforts are esntial for us to make in order to pursue and inherit all the invisible spiritual culture heritages.
【篇二:弘扬中华丽德作文 3】
弘扬中华丽德作文 3
中华丽德,无人不晓, “孔融让梨 ”等典故无不表现了中华民族五千年以来至高无上的美德,更说了然中华民族是一个文化之都。可是中华丽德在今日,忧如早已被人们忘掉,人们对它充耳不闻,正所谓:此道今人弃如土。我们伟大的中华民族,孕育了五千年的绚烂,五千年的历史,留下了绚丽的传统文化。在这历史的长河中,中华丽德熠熠生辉。
从小到大,向来以来父亲母亲、老师、尊长老是教育我们要继承 “中华传统美德 ”。那么,真实的中华传统美德是什么呢?
语文老师说: “中华丽德 ”是父慈子孝、夫义妻贤、兄友弟恭;待友
诚信、为人正直、办事循义;尊老爱幼、敬爱师长、抚贫怜弱。 “穷则独善其身,达则兼
善天下 ”。 数学老师说: “中华丽德 ”是一条长长的线段,它连着中华民族上、下五千年的过去,奋发图强地创建灿
英语老师说: chine civilization is one of the oldest in the world 。
地理老师说: “中华丽德 ”位于地球的东半球,它是中国山川艳丽、晴空万里与第一轮阳光所构成的。它是东方不败。
新手怎么转笔历史老师说: “中华丽德 ”就是 “荣华不可以淫,贫贱不可以移,威严不可以屈”,它是一份宝贵的遗产,是中华民族崇拜的时令。美术老师说:“中华丽德 ”是一幅绚烂多彩的图画,它的颜色是光辉而又刺眼的。
音乐老师说: “中华丽德 ”是一首歌,它的音色美好感人,它激励着全部中华子女努力拼搏。