Red light, red light, stop stop红掌寓意
鸵鸟交配Green light, green light, go go
路由器桥接Yellow light, yellow light, slow slow
Obey the rules and stay safe on the road胃溃疡怎么办
U your signal, turn left or right
Wear your atbelt, it's always right
Don't run, don't rush, take your time新手上高速怎么处罚
Follow the signs and stay in line
Pedestrians, look both ways
Cross the street on the crosswalk, don't stray
Bicyclists, ride on the right
Be alert, signal when you take a turn with all your might
Remember, safety is always the key
咽组词多音字Obrve and follow, rules of courtesy雪的图片
Help protect lives, of you and me
Together we'll make our streets, safer for all to e.