Part I Listending Comprehension (25minutes,20 points)
Section A ( 1 point for each)
1.A.Go shopping B.Gocar racing C. Go to work D Go on a trip
2.A Becau she hasn’t been online lately.
B Becau she has too much work to do.
C Becau she is on a vacation.
D Becau she has beenbusy typing.
3. A Go to anemergency exit.
B Enjoy herlf in the park.
C Move her van right away.
D Try to find the road sign.
4. A.A cretary B A salesperson C A tennis player D A receptionist.
5. A She derves the promotion.
B She has to transfer to another job site.
C She’ll pay for the dinner this time.
D She’ll invite her parents over for a celebration.
6. A She should drop the biochemistry class.
B She should try harder
C He prefers to learn rocket science.
D He can’t understand it either.
7. A She totally dislikes it.
B She prefers the old one.
C It may lack practical value.
D It is much better than expected.
8. A 7:00 B 7:30 C 9:00 D 9:30
9. A She was told about the trip beforehand.
B She was helped to pick up the beans.
C She was so excited that she revealed the news.
D She was not enthusiastic abou the trip
Section B
示巴Mini-talk one
10. A High expectations B Excellence and value
C Terror and violence
D Strength and power.
11. A Attend a sleeppover B Play a piece of music.
C Watch TV.
D Be in a school play.
12. A Her parenting methods are limited to Chine families.
B She brought up her daughters with an extreme parenting method.
C Her daughters were given enough time to follow their own interests.
D She had low expectations of her chidlren’s abilities.
Mini-talk Two
13. A. 650 million dollars B. 560 millin dollars.
C 40 million dollars
D 50 million dollars.
14. A Saint Paul B Chapel of Love
C The Nickelodeon Univer
D Underwater Adventure
15. A Tasting the delicious food B Getting married
C Visiting a campus
D Seeing ocean animals
Section C (1 point each)
16. The first tip on how to reduce your test stress is to u a little stress ____(3 words).
17. Good study ___(3 words) are important to learning effectively and doing well on tests.
18. If you find yourlf thinking negative thoughts, replace them with ___ (2 words)
19. Everyone makes mistakes. Learning to tolerate small ___(3 words) is a valuable skill.
20. Taking care of your health can help keep your mind ___(4 words)
Part II Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points)
Section A (0.5 point each)
21. There ud to be many guys who asrted themlves as all-powerful Chi Kung masters in China.
A conformed
B informed
C affirmed
D performed
22. Children from an obscure family have to make greater efforts to climb the social ladder.
A unknown
B prominent
C controversial
D rural
23. A permanent job plus a decent salary is what most of the young guys in China hope for.
A noble
B adequate
C modest
D polite
24. The transit workers went on strike in defiance of the relevant union policy.
A in line with
B in return for
C in respon to
D in spite of
25. This retired scientist takes on leadership roles with nearly every organization she is part of.
A assumes
B oppos
C pretends
D desires
26. Winslow Homer captured the look and spirit of American life with unparalleled eloquence.
A incredible
B inevitable
C unmatched
D unnoticed.
27.Many parents encounter occasions when their child doesn’t turn in their homework assignments.
A participates in
B hand in
C engage in
D invest in
28. The two elements of success that are intimately connected are creativity and innovation.
A familiarly
B approximately
C looly
D cloly
29. Honathan Alter once said that admission of guilt tends to breed public sympathy.
六级查分A produce
B conceal
C evade
D combat
30. Seawater near the Fukushima plant is showing elevated levels of radioactivity in
A stabilized
B reduced
C incread
D saturated.
Section B (0.5 point each)
31. The full impact of the recent tsunami caud by an earthquake in Japan is ___to predict.
A unlikely
B impossible
C unable
D incapable
32 A simple blood test may help identify tho ___ high risk of dying from heart dia.
A in
B on
C at
D for
33. Although US new home sales begin to ____ speed, the rate is still near historical lows.
A turn up
B pick up
C t up
D break up
34. It was already dark ___ I got up from my at and prepared to leave my office.
A by the time
B since the time
C until the time
D during the time
35. Health care providers wish to improve their ____ through regular continuing education .
A equivalence
B competence
C relevance
D prevalence
36. Auto makers should never ___ the quality of products amid fierce competition.
A bring into play
B make n of
C lo sight of
D end up with
37. Mayor Pat Patterson said this new initiative ____ improving parking and pedestrian access.
A involves
B evolves
C dissolves
D resolves
38. Many of the foreign friends of the Chine are ____at the radical changes in China.
A dismayed
B amazed
C startled
D shocked.
39. The rearchers intend to ___ this rearch until there is some substantial finding.
A insist on
B call on
C live on
D carry on
40. Men and women of all ages can benefit from ____amounts of daily physical exerci.
A considerate
B desperate
C moderate
D literate
Part III Cloze Test ( 10 minutes, 10 points, 1 point each)
What relationship is regarded as good for parters? There is no universal, ideal model __41__ which a relationship can be evaluaed. A “good relationship” is one that works for both partners and effectively supports them in achieving their goals. If this is not working at some point, it does not __4
2__ mean that the couple requires therapy. All relationships tend to encounter problems during __43__ periods and at different stages, and many couples have a good ability __44__ their difficulties without professional help. However, some may find that they are continually unhappy with their relationship. Sometimes one partner feels frustrated and misunderstood __45__ his or her mate is totally unaware of the situation.
鲁迅的童年作文If the couple are unable to resolve issues in a __46__ that is acceptable to both partners, professional help should be considered. Many couples only
consider therapy at a last __47__. It may, however, be helpful at any time. __48__, eking therapy soon after things get “stuck” prevents a __49__ of frustration and disappointment. The aim of couple therapy is not only to help the couple deal appropriately with immediate problems, but also to achieve better ways of relating __50__.
41 A to B against C for D at
42 A certainly B definitely C necessarily D fundamentally
43 A fictional B peaceful C eventual D stressful
44 A of solving B to solving C in solving D to solve
45 A while B so C unless D where
46 A respect B manner C method D view
47 A resort B creature C meal D beginning
48 A On the
contrary B On one
C For
D First of all
49 A laptop B jetlag C takeoff Dbuildup
50 A in detail B in general C in vain D in force
Part IV Reading Comprehension (45 minutes, 30 points, 1 point each) Passage One
Remember Farid Seif? Mr Seif is the Houston Iranian-American businessman who mistakenly carried a Glock handgun through curity, onto a plane, all the way from Houston to Indianapolis. When he got to his destination and realized his mistake, he alerted curityofficials. There was reportedly “nothing el” in Mr Seif’s carry-on besides the weapon. Yet the curity screeners at George Bush International, America’s eighth-busiest airport, misd it entirely. The scariest part of that story was that Transportation Security Administration officials told reporters that this type of incident was “not uncommon”.
Now another Texas airport, Dallas-Fort Worth, is proving the point. This wekk, a high-level TSA source told the local NBC affiliate that “An undervocer TSA agent was able to get through curity at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport with a handgun during testing of the enhanced-imaging body scanners.”
The TSA insider who blew the whistle on the test also said that none of the TSA agents who failed to spot the gun on the scanned image were disciplined. The source said the agents continue to work th
e body scanners today.
This is not confidnece-inspiring. If TSA screeners can’t even stop guns getting through curity, why are they taking away our bottled water? Incidents like this only lend incentives to TSA critics why say the whole airport curity apparatus is an enormous waste of time and money. The TSA’s attitude towards the reporting of the sorts of mess isn’t helpful, either. They only provided NBC with a brief statement claiming that they don’t reveal the results of cret testing for “curity reasons” and arguning that “advanced imaging technology is an effective tool to detect both metallic and nonmetallic items hidden on pasngers.” That’s pretty much the public affairs equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears and saying “lalalalala we can’t hear you!”
It is really hard to have an accountable TSA without great transparency about the results of cret testing. Instead of leaking hints to the press that failure rates have decread since the last public reports, the TSA should back up its whispering with actual data. If it won’t, some enterprising congressional committee should order it, “Trust us that this works” just isn’t cutting it anymore.
51. Mr. Seif’s handgun ___________
A pasd the check at the Houston airport.
B caud big trouble for himlf in Houston.
C was tracked down by officials in Indianapolis.
D triggered a ries of fal alarms in Indianapolis.
52. What happened at Dallas-Fort Worth ____
A helped rebuild public confidence.
考述B was merely an unusual accident.
C caud greater concern over curity.
D resulted in unexpected disorder.
53. After the Dallas-Fort Worth report, TSA ___
A reluctantly punished the relevant agents.
B allowed relevant agents to stay in position.
C enhanced curity check at relevant airports.
D began to reconsider relevant curity methods.
54. The TSA’s statement concerning the reported cas shows that they are _____
A practical
B uncooperative
C reliable
D unpredictable
55. What is the author’s demand for TSA?
A No more cret testing
B Promising to be responsible.
C Rapid respon to emergency
D Releasing results with evidence.
56.The last ntence of the passage suggests that the author’s attitude to the TSA is ___
A appreciative
B critical
C tolerant
D indifferent
Passage Two
Once upon a time, staying a healthy weight was easy. To lo weight you simply had to practi the rever of home economics----spend more than you earned. Unfortunatly for many, but perhaps not surprisingly, it turns out that people are rather more complicated than bank accounts.
To stay a healthy weight, you need a hormone called leptin to work properly. It nds “I’m full” messages from the fat cells up to the brain, where they go, among other places, to the same pleasur
e centers that respond to drugs like cocaine. Obe people produce plenty of leptin, but the brain doesn’t em to respond to it properly. Last year, rearchers at the Oregon Rearch Institute scanned the brains of overweight people and found their reward circuits were underactive. They were eatingmore to try to get the enjoyment they were missing.
There’s a lot of evidence for the fact that most, if not all, of us have a t point