
更新时间:2023-07-01 05:08:06 阅读: 评论:0

《蝴蝶梦》(Rebecca)是英国女作家达夫妮·杜穆里埃(Daphne du Maurier)的成名作品,甚至被视为与《简爱》齐名。我手中的这一版为:
原著:陈伟霆个人资料Daphne du Maurier
1. Last night I dreamt that I went to Manderley again. It emed to that I was going in by the iron entrance gates. The private road was just a narrow ribbon now, its stony surface covered with grass and weeds. Sometimes, when I thought it lost, it would appear again, beneath a fallen tree or beyond a muddy ditch made by the winter rains, the trees had thrown out new branches which stretched across my way. I came upon the hou suddenly, and stood there with my heart beating fast and tears coming to my eyes.
(翻译: 昨天夜里,我梦见又回到了曼德利。我仿佛是从那扇大铁门进去的。如今车道像条狭窄的带子,石砌路面长满野草。有时,我以为小道已到尽头,它却又从倒在地上的树底钻了出来,或从冬雨积成的泥泞小沟那头出现了。树木已新抽低枝,挡住我的去路。突然我又来到住宅前面,站在那里,心怦怦地跳,两眼热泪盈眶。)
这是全书第一段,作为开始,气氛就已经开始烘托,而翻译也很简洁。“I dreamt that I went”,翻译是省略了重复出现的代词,一个主语掌管全句。“It emed to that ”译者译为“我仿佛”,去掉了It这个形式主语。而像“now”这样的词,不是译为“现在”,而是翻译为“如今”这类较为文学性的词汇。
2. There was Manderley, our Manderley, cret and silent as it had always been, the grey stone shining in the moonlight of my dream. Time could not spoil the beauty of tho walls, nor the place itlf, lying like a jewel in the hollow of a hand. The grass sloped down towards the a,带爱的成语 which was sheet of silver lying calm under the moon, like a lake undisturbed by wind or storm. I turned again to the hou, and I saw that the garden had run wild, even as the woods had done.
    作者的梦境在深入。而对于梦中场景的描写虽然用词简单,但是却不易理解,如“T左情右色ime could not spoil the beauty of tho walls”,“in the hollow of a hand”,“sloped down”。译者用了很诗化的语风来处理看似简单的句子。 而“草地斜伸,直达海边,月光下一批啊银色的海水,寂然无波,犹如风平浪静时的湖面”这一个句子中,原文从句分词逻辑紧密,译入汉语时,译者拆开了从句,符合汉语里逻辑稍松的习惯,并且“calm”一词单独译为了一个分句,着重强调了寂静的气氛。像这类将一个较长的,用关联词连接着不同从句的长句,译者常常把它们按照逻辑拆开,顺接关系的常常省去了连接词,使它们在汉语中看着比较自然。除了上述一例外,还有“the trees had thrown out new branches which stretched across my way”,译者将其译为“树木已新抽低枝,挡住我的去路”。
3. Weeds were everywhere. But moon light can play strange tricks with the fancy, even wi
th a dreamers fancy. As I stood there, quiet and still, I could swear that the hou was not an empty shell but lived and breathed as it had lived before. Light came from the windows, the curtains blew softly in the night air, and there, in the library, the door would stand half open as we had left it, with my handkerchief on the table beside the bowl of autumn flowers.
But moon light can play strange tricks with the fancy, even with a dreamers fancy”这一句的处理是我很喜欢的一处。在阅读原文时,在这里我稍稍停顿了一下,想弄清作者到底想传达一种什么感觉,原文中对月光有一定拟人化的成分,而fancy在辞书中的意思又比较生硬,如果我是一位译者,在这里可能会显出我对这里的难以把握。而译者很完美地传达了这一句的含义,语调,也同样的,相当富有美感。“even with a dreamers fancy”的翻译上,调整了语序,也把介词很恰当得表达出来,是一个得当的意译。
4. Then a cloud came over the moon, like a dark hand before a face. The strange feeling went. I looked again upon an empty shell, with no whisper of the past about it. Our fear and suffering were dead. When I thought about Manderley in my waking hours I would not be bitter. I新乡洗浴 would think of it as it might have been, if I could have lived there without fear. I would remember the flower gardens in the summer, and the birds that sang there, tea under the trees, and the sound of the a coming up to us from the shore below. I would think of the blown flowers from the bushes, in the Happy Valley.
“with no whisper of the past about it”,译者完美的处理了很难在中文中直接对应表达的介词“with”。如果我来尝试翻译,可能会译为“不带着对过去的低语”,但是和译文比较发现我
5. I turned the light on, and with a shock of surpri saw that the room was fully furnished, as though it were in u-----I had expected to e chairs and tables covered with dust-sheets, but nothing was covered up. There were brushes on the dressing-table, scent and powder. The bed was made up. There were flowers. Shoes were placed before a chair. 钱钟书经典语录F海阔天空歌曲or one extraordinary moment I thought that something had happened to my brain that I was eing back into time and looking at the room as it ud to be, before she died. In a minute, Rebecca herlf would come back into the room, sit down at her dressing-table, and reach for her comb and start running it through her hair.

本文发布于:2023-07-01 05:08:06,感谢您对本站的认可!



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