Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 见我课件
Unit 3 Unit 4 复习
金牛座女Six elements of a story:
1. Plot(情节)What happens?
2. Setting(场景)Where does it happen?
3. Characters(人物)Who is involved?
4. Point of View(视角)Who is telling the story?
5. Time structure(时间结构)When does it happen?
6. Dialogue(对话)How do the characters speak and what do they say?
1. Plot --The story-line of a short story or a novel: what happens and the order in which it happens. Shape of the story:the opening(开端),the development(发展),the climax or crisis point (高潮),the anticlimax(突降),the coda(结局)
the climax--The point in a story or novel or play where everything comes to a head. This high point (usually a problem or dramatic moment) has to be resolved in some way. Crisis / critical point-- This is often the climax of the action. However, it may also be a moment which drives the plot along.
The coda--Usually something which is added on after the end of a story or novel. ('Coda' means 'tail' – so a coda is the tail of the tale!)
复习The Sniper written by Irish writer Liam O’Flaherty p33 Task 4 重点
2Setting---where a story takes place –its physical location and the circumstances, which led up to it. (或者: physical tting—a description of the place, key information about the c别逼我
haracters, events or reasons for the story) . Setting consists of the time, place, and mood of
a story. Its functions
~Introduce the time and place of the story;
~Help to create expectations, mood and atmosphere of the story;
~Establish the mood of the story;
~Have a definite impact on the character development and plot;
~Outline the general theme.
3 Characterization --The way an author leads us to understand the way a particular character
looks, feels, thinks and behaves.
A. Direct Characterization --how the characters look. ( writers often describe the character
with some detail, ( p39 看一看The Way Up To Heaven) and then to emphasize the attributes as the story-progress. For example Paper Pills)
B Characterization Via Action --how the characters act or behave, or what they do
C Characterization Via Conversation or dialogue--what the characters say and how
they say it. (Actual conversation, Soliloquy独白,Thoughts of the character, Speeches of others)
P47 The End of Something Task 13 重点
page 51 Hills like White Elephants重点
Could we have another beer?'
'Can't we maybe stop talking?'后脑勺疼自我疗法
'Would you do something for me now?'
'Would you plea plea plea plea plea plea plea stop talking?'
'I'll scream,' …
The girl is trying to persuade her lover to stop talking about the abortion, politely/tenderly at first and angrily/disgustedly at last, becau her lover is trying to persuade her to take the abortion, emingly politely/tenderly but actually forcibly. The girl can't bear the pressure from him.
D. Characterization Via Situation/Setting--This is where the tting and situation have a
direct influence on how the reader perceives the character.
The Man Who Talked to Trees --在完全相同的环境中,一对双胞胎兄弟从开始的不分彼此,到后来的截然相反,对同一问题的针锋相对,再到最后的结局:热爱自然的弟弟因大树的倒塌而生命枯竭,哥哥因倒塌的大树而身亡。
4. Point of View-- The eyes through which we e the story: this will usually be first person, or
a third person’s point of view. It is concerned with WHO is telling the story.
First person narrative. ( first-person point of view) --The character us the first person pronoun "I" when narrating the story. or The story is told by the person who
experienced it. He or she tells us directly what happened, and may tell us
what he or she felt or thought, or said. The reader often must pay clo
attention to the actions and words of a first person narrator to determine his
objectivity becau as readers, we are shown only one side of the story.
Third person narrative—(third-person point of view) Here the story is told by someone outside the story, who knows about what happened, and who reports it.
1) In some forms of third person narrative, the narrator is simply like a camera which records
what is happening, almost as if we were watching a film.观察的近义词是什么
The Sniper is a good example of the “I am a camera” third person narrative The story-teller very rarely mentions what the sniper is feeling or thinking - what is important is the ries of actions which make up the story.
2)Third person narrative en from only one of the characters' point of view. (Night )转接电话
3)Third person narrative showing the same events from two or more different character's
points of view.
4)Third person omniscient narrative 第三人称全知叙事Y ours by Mary Robison