2019年10月 中国应用语言学(英文) Oct. 2019 第42卷 第4期 Chine Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol. 42 No. 4527On Translation of Cultural Images in Chang Hen Ge from the Perspective of Reception Theory怎么更改微信支付密码
杜威五步教学法>烧饼做法Yiying Y ANG
婚姻存续期间University of Y ork
Bad on concepts of horizon of expectation and indeterminacy in reception theory, this paper reports a comparative analysis of Chang Hen Ge , a narrative poem written by Chine poet Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty, and its English translations by William John Bainbrigge Fletcher, Herbert Allen Giles, Xu Yuanchong as well as Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang. Results are as follows: 1) Xu ’s translation is the best in that he adds annotations and combines literal and free translations so as to explicate cultural connotations and underlying implications of images while meeting and broadening target readers ’ hor izon of expectation. In addition, he tries to replicate figurative characteristics and transform rhetorical techniques of original cultural images to retain the source text ’s indeterminacy and aesthetic value and to provide target readers with inten aesthetic experience. 2) There are inappropri
ate and inaccurate translations of cultural images in all the four English translations, and they are caud by differences in ethnic history, religious belief, mode of thinking, features of English and Chine as well as the subjectivity of translators.
沉沦是什么意思Keywords: Chang Hen Ge, reception theory, horizon of expectation, indeterminacy, translation
strategies of cultural imagery, comparative analysis, poetry translation
请假单格式1. Introduction
Chine classical poems posss great artistic charm and cultural value and therefore have been extensively studied and translated by scholars and translators at home and abroad. As a principal element of poetry, imagery reflects ntimental feelings of poets and carries typically ISSN 2192-9505 Chine J. of Appl. Ling. 42-4 (2019), pp. 527-541 DOI 10.1515/CJAL-2019-0031© FLTRP, Walter de Gruyter, Cultural and Education Section British Embassy12岁女孩身高