长春市博物馆英语口语:文化差异1. Pre-listening Vocabulary
Refer to
Make the most n
Take the formal
In the given situation
County part
鱼池设计图2.Hush then listen
Cultural generally refers to a t of learn knowledge, standers, values, believes, morals, laws, customs, habits, and behaviors, share by individuals and societies that returns how individuals, arts, feels, and u onelf and others. Often people about culture unconsciously u their personal cultural background, as the guide for judging the actions of the people. They think their way of doing things makes the most n. In the business world, this habit often takes the formal expectation. That the other side will behave in the certain way in the given situation. Or the others will e their p
articular problem in the same way we do. The expectations are understanding in the world, are quite different among different peoples. Such differences are called cultural differences. Since international business is esntially in social activity among different peoples, it is very important to understand the different perspectives of the people in the world. This understanding should exist in the almost every part on international business. Therefore, when your counter parts are motivated by a different t of rules, you have to pay specific attention to what is going on inside their heads. And you need to understand what motivate their decisions. The business man who well understands the cultural differences is
usually the winner.
Section B: speaking up
1. Typical dialogue.阿胶枣
1) Background information: On his way to a family party in America, Mr. Zhou Fang and his business partner Mr.Berry Jackson talked about cultural differences. Mr. Zhou Fang, Mr. Berry Jackson.
2) Practical dialogue:
Mr. Zhou Fang : It’s very kind of you to invite me to your family party and to pick me up here.
Mr. Berry Jackson: It’s my pleasure.
Mr. Zhou Fang : Besides, my home is far away from here. It will cost you a lot if you take a taxi. Thank you for your consideration. I didn’t know you have such a beautiful luxurious car!
Mr. Berry Jackson: Thank you. I bought only a few months ago. Mr. Zhou Fang : How much did you spent on it?
Mr. Berry Jackson: Mm…well…you know, it is hard for me to give a specific answer.
Mr. Zhou Fang : I am very sorry. I have unconsciously violated to the taboo. In my cultural, people asks such questions all the time. Mr. Berry Jackson: I understand. But sometimes we need time to
bridge the cultural gap. Now I’ll tell you a true story dealing with a Saudi company. An American business man prented a Saudi Arabian client with a multi times billion dollars proposal in the pig skin binder. You know result of his did.
Mr. Zhou Fang : In Muslim culture, anything related to pig is considered with taboo.
Mr. Berry Jackson: Yes, as a result, this American company not only lost the deal but was tost out in black list from working with Saudi business.
Mr. Zhou Fang: Jesus! International deal makers have to bow to local traditions and etiquette that a subtle yet potent.
2. Typical dialogue.
1) Background information: Ms. Lily Tang and Mr. Yang, the colleague from foreign countries, were talking about the relationship of the management and culture. Ms. Lily Tang, Mr. Yang.
2) Practical dialogue.
Ms. Lily Tang : Our boss was angry with Kuno, you know the Japane sales reprentative.
Mr. Yang: Why was that?
Ms. Lily Tang: When our boss asked him whether the article number
c to zero were sol
d well in his north market, Kuno said yes. As another fact, this product was not at all competitive.
Quite embarrassing! When the Japane said yes, it simply means I understand your questions.
Ms. Lily Tang: I think some relationship between the management and culture. What do you think?
Mr. Yang: Yes there is indeed. I think cultural difference occur in management on three levels.
Ms. Lily Tang: Three levels? Go ahead.
Mr. Yang: First, artifact and indicate level. Second, the behavior and actions level, the third is called morals, believes and values level.
Ms. Lily Tang: Great, penetrating analysis!
Mr. Yang: The primer cultural issues are the ones which has most directly impact on cooperation between the colleagues and partners. Ms. Lily Tang: Do you think our cultural ingredient should be managed?
Mr. Yang: For one thing, culture differences on the behavior should be focud becau they heavily 推心置腹的意思
impact the work effectiveness of the workers in management; otherwi, they relate such problems in