Ability to perform the work 能力履行工作
Ability to continue as a going concern 持续经营能力
Acceptability 可接受性,可接受程度
Acceptable level of detection risk 检查风险的可接受水平
Acceptance of engagement 接受委托
Accept an audit engagement 接受业务委托
Acceptance procedures 承兑程序过程
Accepting the engagement for the first time 首次接受委托 一张照片是什么
Access to ast 对资产的接触
According to 根据,依据,依照
Account balance 账户余额
Account balances and transaction levels 相关账户、交易层面
Account for 对……进行会计处理,核算;解释
Accountability 经管责任 问责性
排版Accountability 成本会计
Accounting 会计,会计学
Accounting advisory rve 会计咨询服务
Accounting estimate 会计估计
Accounting firm 会计师事务所
Accounting information 会计信息
Accounting period 会计期间
Accounting policies 会计政策
Accounting policy alternative 会计政策变更
Accounting professional bodies 会计职业组织,会计职业团体
Accounting records 会计记录
Accounting responsibility 会计责任 姬瑕
Accounts receivable listing 应收帐款挂牌
Accounts receivable 应收账款
Accounting rvice 会计服务
Accounting standards 会计准则
Accounting Standards for Business Enterpris 企业会计准则
Accounting system 会计系统
Accounting treatment 会计处理承包地
Accruals listing 应计项目挂牌
Accruals 应计项目
Accuracy 准确性,精确性
A change in engagement 变更约定书
Addre of the audit report 审计报告的收件人
An adequate accounting and internal control system 适当的会计和内部控制系统
Adjust the financial statements 调整财务报表
Adjusting and reclassification entries 调整和重分类分录
Additional audit procedures 追加审计程序
Addre 收件人,收信人
Administration of State-owned Asts (the~) 国有资产管理局
Administrative laws and regulations 行政法规
Adequately disclod 适当披露
Advance 预付款
Adver impact 不利影响,负面影响
Adver opinion 反对意见
Advisory group 咨询组,顾问组
Adver opinion 否定意见
Agency fee 代理费,代理费用中财社
A general knowledge of …, a preminary knowledge of 初步了解
Aged trial balance 过期账项试算表
Aged trial balance 账龄分析表
Aggregate 累计 总计,合计为……
Aged analysis 年老的分析(法,学)研究
Aging schedule 账龄分析表
A general knowledge of 聚四氯乙烯初步了解―――的情况
Agents 代理人
双麻花辫Aggregate 总计
Agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务 执行商定程序
Alternation of document and record 变造(更改)文件和记录
Alteration of records or documents 文件或凭证
Alternative audit procedures 替代审计程序,备选审计程序
Amend 修改,修订
A more knowledge of 进一步了解的情况
A more particular knowledge of 进一步了解
Amortization 摊销
An acceptably low level 可接受水平
An initial audit 初次审计
Analytical capacity 分析能力
Analytical procedures risk 风险性测试风险
Analytical procedures 分析性程序
Analysis of errors 错误的分析、研究
Annual financial statements 年度会计报表,年度财务报表
Anomalous error 偶发性错误
Appendix 附录,附表
Applicable 适用的
applicable laws and regulations 适用的法规
Application systems 应用系统
Apply consistently 一贯地实施
Approach the materiality level 接近重要性水平
Appropriateness of audit evidence 审计证据的恰当性
Appropriateness 适当性
Appropriate 适当的征用,挪用
Appropriate authorization 适当的授权
Approval 批准,核准
Approach the materiality level 接近重要性水平
Appropriateness 适当性
Appointment ethics 任命伦理学
缓解紧张最快的方法Appointment 任命
Asrtion (会计报表上的) 认定;确认
Asrtions 认定
Assd level of control risk 对控制风险的评估,控制风险的评估水平
Asss inherent and control risks 评估固有风险和内部控制风险
Asss material misstatement risks 评估重大错报风险
Assd level of material misstatement risk 重大错报风险的评估水平
Ast retirement order 资产报废通知单