Since 2000, the depreciation of US dollar has only reduced the appreciation range of RMB against other currencies, and has not changed the basic characteristics of RMB exchange rate as a management floating exchange rate. The voice of RMB exchange rate appreciation is a voice in the wilderness. Stability is conducive to the economy.
感动作文开头结尾Maintaining the stability of RMB exchange rate obviously helps to create a good environment for China's economic development and maintain the RMB exchange rate The basic stability of the rate is conducive to its cost accounting and expanding foreign trade with overas investors. More importantly, it can protect their investment interests. Stabilizing the RMB exchange rate is conducive to the operation of the central bank's monetary policy and overcoming the tendency of deflation.
China and many developed countries have strong economic complementarity. The countries mainly import primary and light industrial products from China Products are conducive to adjusting the industrial structure, improving the level of economic developmen卤水怎么保存才不会坏
t, low labor costs, and relatively cheap prices of export commodities. It helps to improve the real income level of residents in importing countries, stimulate consumption growth in other fields, and stimulate economic growth.
Appreciation of the RMB exchange rate will make the benefits disappear.