1.Balance of payments: The t of accounts recording all flow of value between a nation's residents and the residents of the rest of the world during a period of time.
2.International investment position: Complementing the balance of payments accounts is a balance sheet called the international investment position.
1.Foreign exchange:Foreign exchange is the act of trading different nations’ moneys.
2.Exchange rate : An exchange rate is the price of one nation’s money in terms of another nation’s money.
3.Spot exchange rate: The spot exchange rate is the price for “immediate” exchange.
4.Forward exchange rate:The forward exchange rate is the price t now for an exchange that will take place sometime in the future.
5.Foreign exchange swap外汇互换: A foreign exchange swap is a package trade that includes both a spot exchange of two currencies and an agreement to the rever forward exchange of the two currencies.
6.Arbitrage: The process of buying and lling to make a (nearly) riskless pure profit.
7.Depreciation: Under the floating-rate system a fall in the market price of a currency.
8.Appreciation: Under the floating-rate system a ri in the market price of a currency.
9.邓梦婷Devaluation : A discrete official reduction in the otherwi fixed par value of a currency.
天空人体艺术10.大学班会主题Revaluation重估: The antonym describing a discrete raising of official par.
1.Exchange-rate risk : If the value of the person’s income, wealth, or net wealthy changes when exchange rates unpredictably in the future.
金岭西域2.Hedging : Hedging is the act of reducing or eliminating a net ast or net liability position in the foreign currency.
3.Speculating: Speculating is the act of taking a net ast position (“long”) or a net liability position (“short”) in some ast class, here a foreign currency.
4.Forward exchange contact: Forward exchange contact is an agreement to buy or ll a foreign currency for future delivery at a price.
5.Forward exchange rate:It is the exchange rate at which a bank agrees to exchange one currency for another at a future date when it enters into a forward contract with an investor.
6.Currency futures: Currency futures are contracts that are traded on organized exchange, by entering into a currency futures contract, you can effectively lock in the price at which you buy or ll a foreign currency at a t date in the future.
7.Currency option : Currency option gives the buyer (or holder) of the option the right, b
ut not the obligation, to buy foreign currency (a call option) or to ll foreign currency (a put option) at sometime in the future at a price t today.
8.Currency swap: Two parties agree to exchange flows of different currencies during a specified period of time.
9.Covered international investment: Our pound liability in the forward contact matches her pound ast position, so we have hedged her exposure to exchange-rate risk. We have a hedged or covered international investment.
10.Uncovered international investment:三年级的英语 We do not know for sure what this future spot exchange rate will be, so her investment is expod to exchange-rate risk. This unhedged investment has a speculative element to it.
11.Covered interest arbitrage: It is buying a country's currency spot and lling that country's currency forward, to make a net profit from the combination of the difference in interest rates between countries and the forward premium on that country's currency.
12.Covered interest parity:宣誓举手正确姿势图片 Since Keynes we have referred to the condition CD=0 as covered interest parity.
13.Uncovered interest parity: When the expected uncovered differential equals zero(EDU=0),at least for the average investor, we have a condition called uncovered interest parity.
14.Capital controls: It is restrictions on the ability of financial investors to transfer moneys in or out of the country.
1.Purchasing power parity:The concept of purchasing power parity contains our core understanding of the relationship between product prices and exchange rates in the long run.
2.Law of one price: Law of one price posits that a product that is easily and freely traded in a perfectly competitive global market should have the same price everywhere ,once th
e price at different places are expresd in the same currency.
3.Absolute purchasing power parity:Posits that a basket or bundle of tradable products will have the same cost in different countries if the cost is stated in the same currency.盘古开天辟地图片
4.洛神赋图作者是谁Relative purchasing power parity: Posits that the difference between changes over time in product-price levels in two countries will be offt by the change in the exchange rate over this time.