International Finance
一求全责备的意思. Terminology
1. Balance of payments
无从2. Cross exchange rates
3. Real exchange rates
4. Effective exchange rates
5. Absolute purchasing power parity
6. Relative purchasing power parity
7. Covered interest rate parity
8. Uncovered interest rate parity
9. Expenditure changing policy
墨鱼排骨汤10. Expenditure switching policy
狮子和白羊11. J-curve effect
12. Marshall-Lerner condition
13. Triffin dilemma
14. Sterilized intervention
15. Non-sterilized intervention
苹果手机简介16. Currency substitution
猫头鹰男孩17. Bill of exchange
18. Promissory note
19. Collection
辣椒炒鱿鱼20. Letter of credit