灭火的基本方法1、The runway felt different this time.It startled him for a brief moment.
2、Then it all hit him like a wet bale of hay.The bar was t at nine inches.
3、higher than his personal best.That’s only one inch off the National record,he thought.The intensity of the moment filled his mind with anxiety.He began shaking the tension.It wasn’t working.He became more ten.Why was this to him now,he thought.He began to get nervous.Afraid would be a accurate.
澄怎么组词4、description.What was he going to do?He had never Then out of nowhere,and from the deepest depths of his soul he his mother.Why now?What was his mother doing in his thoughts at.
5、a time like this?It was simple.His mother always ud to tell him when you felt ten,anxious or even scared,take deep breaths.So he did.Along with shaking the tension from his legs,he gently laid his pole at his feet.He began to stretch out his arms and upper b关于智慧的成语
金边富贵竹ody The.
6、light breeze that was once there was now gone.He carefully picked up his pole.He felt his heart pounding.He was sure the crowd The silence was when he heard the singing of some distant birds in flight,he knew.