Surfboard knowledge
1.Surfboards type
1.冲浪板分类Follow the length and material
Short Board less than 7’(Except specialty boards)
2. Retro Fish Board鱼板
廉洁准则3. Egg Board蛋形板
4. Fun Board (mi tip no)FUN板,板头不是那么圆,偏尖的是FUN 板。
Minimal (Round No – Same Shape as Long board but just shorter) length from 7’to 9’.
中板与FUN板是同一尺寸范围内的板子,但是区别在于板头(NOSE),板头偏圆的是中板,板头偏尖不那么圆的是FUN BOARD。
Long board over 9’
a)Standard Model标准模板
b)No rider Model(has no concave) be able to stand on no。
c)Classic Model (50/50 Rail)经典模板,板缘圆形50/50
d)High performance model (For competition) like Harley Ingleby Ride竞技版型。
4. GUN
long and narrow shaped board Normally for Big wave like Hawaii North Shore
5. Speciality board
New Trend popular surfboard design. It is short and wide no design like retro fish but it has high performance bottom shape and non fish tale. There is no category of the shapes that it will called Speciality board.
SUP board (Stand Up Paddle) ---should be same as below.爆炒虾仁的家常做法
枪板-窄又长,以应付像夏威夷地区的大浪而设计之。配上桨,应付大浪,而且长度范围超过长板,从7‘2“ 至超过12“
Soft board
It is normally constructed with EPS core with IXPE soft surface and bottom has smooth slick bterial.
2.Surfboard Knowledge for parameter
冲浪板各种参数:(1 Feet =12 Inch,1Inch =2.54CM)
Length(長度)- 從板頭到板尾的呎吋(浪板的丈量是以英制單位為標準).長度通常是衝浪板種類區分的依據,可參閱衝浪板種類
-Width(寬度)- 通常較寬一點的板子穩定性較好,窄一些的則靈活性較佳
Board Length
The length of the board is determined by weight of the surfer, experience and type of waves being surfed.
Board Width
Width determines how loo the board will be. The wider the board the more stable it will
be. Beginners need to keep this in mind when getting your first board. Make sure it has plenty on width to keep you stable.
-Rail(板緣)- 板緣的設計影響最大的是板子轉向的效能。
For Rail,follow the angle of edge,like 40/60,round…
The rails are the "edge" of the surfboard and run from the tail to the no of the board. Rails are where the deck and the bottom meet. Like the other parts of the surfboard, rails have their part to play in shaping the overall performance of the surfboard. The shape of the rails determines how water flows over them when the board is planing and turning. Different shapes have different us. Rails are thickest towards the center of the board and thinnest at the tail and no.
Hard and Soft Rails硬板缘和软板缘(不是材质是形状的形象称法)
Hard rails and soft rails are the two main types of rails. Soft rails are nice and rounded with no defined edges and a smooth transition. Hard rails have a distinct edge and may meet the bottom of the board in a corner. Soft rails are common on traditional longboards and provide good stability and plenty of drive. However, a board with soft rails will not turn as easily as a hard-railed board. The harder the rail, the quicker and tighter the board will turn
Hard Rail硬板缘
The hard rail is thicker providing better floatation. The are great on shorter boards for s
maller days as they help you drive across the flat ctions. 硬板缘提低供良好转向性,通常用短板。