准备运动‘Action’ Words: How to create impact(英文简历恬静怎么读tips)
海尔冰柜怎么调温度 一直有学弟学妹咨询写简历和出国文书的事宜,而自己在准备简历的过程中也经常会苦于词汇是否用得准确且不太重复。之前也帮着稍微修饰过几份简历,发现有时候大家就是用词典进行了翻译或者同一个单词反复使用。今天无意中在学校的career center(虽然他们的Lectures很无聊,但是资料还是有值得挖掘的地方,建议大家多上去淘淘宝)发现了一份不错的参考资料,看了以后觉得对简历的开头词总结归纳地挺好的。希望能跟大家共勉:)
Addresd Advid Argued Briefed Chaired Coached Commanded Communicated Consulted Contacted Converted Convinced Co-operated Corresponed Counlled Debated Directed Encouraged Explained Guided
Handled Helped Influenced Instructed Interviewed Introduced Lectured Led Mediated 欣悉
Met Named Negotiated Nominated Persuaded Prented Promoted Recognid Recommened Reconciled Referred
Related Renegotiated Reported Responded Reviewed Showed Sold Speficified Spoke Stated Suggested Smmarid Trained Translated Tutored Validated Verified Welcomed
Making changes
Accelerated Added Adjusted Balanced Changed Combined Corrected Decread Diminished Doubled Edited Eliminated Enhanced Enlarged Expanded Followed-up Heightened Improved Improvid Incread Induced Innovated Integrated Intensified Maximid Moderated Modified Moulded Moved Perfected Reduced
海带炖排骨Re-evaluated Rehabilitated Renovated Reorganized Revamped Revid Simplified Smoothed Stimulated
Straightened Streamlined Tightened Transferred Transformed Trebled Updated
Accomplished Achieved Attained Authored Built Caud Compiled Completed Demonstrated Effected Organid Produced Proved Realid Resolved Satisfied Shipped Solved Succeeded Won
Arranged Asmbled Began Co-founded Conceived Constructed Created Developed Devid Drafted Drew-up Established Formed Formulated Fostered Founded Generated Initiated Inspired Instituted Invented Launched Made Originated Piloted Pioneered Planned Prepared Rearched Scrutinid Sifted Sought
Raid Set up Shaped Started Undertook
Acquired Awarded Cho Collected Earned Extracted Gained Hired Included Obtained Procured Purchad
Received Recruited Rescued Saved Selected Took
Assured Conditioned Consolidated Continued Serviced Supported Maintained Monitored Policed Prevailed Ran Regulated Reinforced Secured Ensured Galvanid Insured Kept
Checked Discovered Examined Explored Found Hunted Inspected Investigated Located Looked Perceived Pinpointed Sourced Studied Surveyed Unearthed
Catalogued Clarified Compod Defined Described Designated Detailed Formalid
Highlighted Identified Illustrated Mapped Marketed Projected Propod Recorded Substantiated Typed Worked Wrote
In charge
Administered Authorid Captained Conducted Contracted Controlled Dealt Delegated Employed Governed
Headed Influenced Managed Mastered Officiated Ordered Presided Promoted Reprented Spearheaded
Took Over
Audited Budgeted Calculated Computed Correlated Financed Networked Paid Procesd Profited Programmed Scheduled Systemid Tabulated
企业自查报告范文Delivered Dispatched Displayed Distributed Forwarded Placed Publicid Revealed Sent Submitted Supplied
Allocated Allotted Appraid Appreciated Arbitrated Assd Assumed Decided Determined Diagnod Elected Evaluated Interpreted Justified Prioritid
Positive Action
Aided Applied Aspired Assimilated Assisted Attended Enabled Enacted Enjoyed Enlisted Exceeded Executed Expedited Experienced Foresaw Implemented Incorporated Involved Motivated Orientated Participated Performed Played Plead Prompted Provided Screened Served Structured Surmounted Targeted Travelled Unified Ud Utilid
Other Uful Action Words
Accompanied Appointed Assigned Brought Clod Concluded Exhibited Expended Facilitated Familiarid Filed Finalid Prohibited Stopped Tested Treat
Positive description words to highlight your best attributes
Ambitious Able Active Capable Competent Comprehensive Confident Conscientious Consistent Dependable Distinctive Diver Economical Effective Efficient Energetic Enthusiastic Excellent Exceptional Exclusive Experienced Fair Harmonious Helpful Honest Honourable Humorous Imaginative Loyal Notable Permanent Practical Prestigious Proficient Punctual Qualified Reliable Resourceful Responsible Sincere Stringent Substantial Successful Technical Thorough Thoughtful Tolerant Understanding Uful Versatile Vital Vivid Wide Wi