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For centuries beads have been ud鹏程万里的意思
across the globe as a trading currency, and embodiment of personal wealth. Since early times they have been ud as adornment of both people and their surroundings. This can still be en today in clothing, accessories and costume jewellery.
You can u beads to create wonderful and simple bracelets, necklaces & earrings. You can add decoration to your favourite fabric hand bag, make things for the home such as beaded curtain tie backs, or add a personal touch to lamp shades with a beaded fringe.
Equipment needed Tools
• R ound No Pliers: for making loops in your wire, and opening jump rings.• F lat No Pliers: for closing crimps & fastenings.• S ide cutter Pliers: for cutting wire and tiger tail.• C urved/ bent end Tweezers: for picking up beads & findings.• L ocking Tweezers: for holding your work in progress.
• B ead Storage
boxes: to keep your beads safe and organid.
Wires and Threads
• T iger Tail: thin tightly twisted strands, coated in clear nylon. • J ewellery Wire: available in gold or silver plate, copper and brass, in various gauges / thickness to suit your project.• B ead Wire: available in various colours and can complement the bead shade. • B eading thread: ideal for light, small beads. • T honging: ud for larger beads and pendants.• M onofilament: strong & flexible thread similar to fishing line. • Elastic: ideal for bracelets.• M emory Wire: heavy wire coils that once cut remembers its shape. Ideal for chokers, bracelets & rings.
• W axed Linen: very strong, easy to thread & knot.
Jewellery Findings
Most common Necklace & Bracelet findings • H eadpins: the have a small ba at the
bottom and are ideal for creating hanging drops. Once your feature bead(s) are in place, cut the end to approx. 8mm. U round no
pliers to grip the wire half way down and create a loop for threading. Ensure there are no gaps in the loop or it will fall off your necklace.• C allotte: the create a neat finish by hiding knots and loo ends, they also provide a small loop to which
a fastening can be attached. Calotte crimps can be ud on all threads.• F lat or round Leather Crimp: the can be ud on leather or thonging and are
pinched clod over the end with flat no pliers. A split ring and hook can be added to the loops at either end for fastening.• B arrel clasps: the are ideal for using on tiger tail or thread and come as screw or magnetic fastenings. To cure, thread a crimp bead on the tiger tail then through
the loop at one end of the barrel clasp,
bring the tiger tail back through the crimp bead creating a small loop, pinch the crimp bead clod with flat no pliers and repeat for the other side. • S piral cage: the are available in various sizes and are ideal for creating pendants with a bead or mi precious stone enclod in the wire cage. • J ump Rings: the can be attached to the hole in pendants so they can be threaded and hung correctly.
They can also be ud with Trigger clasps to form a fastening and are available in various sizes.• C rimp beads: the are tiny ring like beads which can be pinched clod with flat nod pliers. They a
re ud to cure the ends of thread, monofilament or tiger tail. • B olt Rings: the are dainty fastenings which can be attached to the ends of threads or tiger tail using crimp beads.• T rigger Clasp: the are ideal for heavier necklaces. Larger jump rings can be ud and attached to the other end of your project to form a fastening.• H eavy hooks: the can be attached to your project with either a callotte or leather crimps to form a fastening.
Most common Earring Findings • E ye pins: the are
similar to head pins, but
instead of a flat ba
小草鱼they have a small loop
at the bottom to add
an additional hanging
• K idney Wire: the are for
u with pierced ears. They
pass through the hole in the
ear and have a looped clasp
at the back. They also have大葱炒肉
a small loop which can be
clod to cure the drop in place. • L ong Ball Wire: the are
similar to the kidney wire,
however they do not have a
clasp to cure them. They
have a spacer and small
metal bead to produce a
longer drop earring style.
• E ar posts/studs: the
are also for pierced ears
and have a small loop for
attaching drops.
• E ar clips: the are for non-
pierced ears and have a
small split loop for attaching
• E ar Screws: the are also
for non-pierced ears and
have a clip mechanism and
a screw to tighten gently for
extra curity on the ear.
They have a small split loop
and a callotte for attaching drops. Bead Types
• G lass beads: the can
be either individually made
or presd / moulded on
production lines.
• R ocaille beads: this is a
牛仔音乐general term for small
round beads, available in
various different sizes, also
know as Seed Beads.
• P ebble beads: the are
larger than Rocaille beads
with a larger hole. They are
slightly more rectangular than
• B ugle beads: the are
cylindrical shape beads and
can have round, hexagonal
or twisted hexagonal sides.
Available in various lengths.
• S equins: the are shiny
laminated plastic or thin
metal discs with a small
hole in the centre. They can
be flat or cupped to reflect
the light and ud subtly can add a new dimension to your project.
• O ther materials:
you can also get
natural beads
made from bone,
shell and wood.
Plastic is another
medium ud for
making beads, the can be inexpensive and ideal for everyday costume jewellery.
• C heck that you have sufficient beads, thread, Tiger Tail or thonging and the correct finding before starting your project. • L ay out all your materials so that they are easily accessible.• E nsure you are working on a flat surface. • W ork over a tray with sides or on a plate, to catch any dropped beads.
Hints & Tips
• W hen using head or eye pins - if your feature bead slips over the ba or eye pin u a small rocaille bead to keep it in place.• A small blob of clear nail varnish will cure knots and also can be ud to stiffen thread so you can pass it through beads without a needle. • U the same colour beads in different shapes or textures together to add an interesting look to plain projects.• E xperiment with two or three different lengths attached at both ends to create a multi stranded necklace.• U a pebble bead to cover the crimp bead attaching the fastening to prevent it from cat怎么问面试结果
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