The inspection items, as listed hereafter, are tho that should be submitted to and inspected by the Owner’s Reprentative and/or the Society Surveyor during the cour of building the said ship. The inspection items for dock trial should be carried out according to procedure propod by GLS and confirmed by all parties concerned.
Sea trial items are excluded from this list, which is included in the a trial procedure by GLS Design Department.
小滑块>开学新计划怎么写3.报验申请单在正式检验前一天17:00 前提交为宜、市内提前2个工作日、市外提前5个工作日。在正常节假日的情况时,要尽可能给予更多的提前通知。(设备到厂时参加库检)The application for inspection should be delivered to Owner and Class preferably before 17:00 of the day, inside the city to
be ahead Two working day,outside to be ahead five working days,before the appointed insp time. In ca of any official holiday, the inspection notification shall be given as much earlier as possible.(Attending store-insp. When equipment to store)4.本清单中参加方以*为标记,请注意,在有任何检验方无故缺席的情况下,检验工作原则陶澍
The attending party of insp are identified with * in the list. Attention is to be drawn that the insp shall be carried out at the originally specified time without any delay in ca of any abnce ,and upon completing the insp, a Certificate of insp attached with relevant record if any is to be signed by the attending party ,copied to the abnt party as the ca may be.
After completion of inspection the participating party shall make the comments and sign on the Acceptance Certificate. When the given comments for an inspection items are successfully dealt with the Acceptance Certificate shall then be fully signed in order to indicate acceptance.
6.本检验清单分为5部分,分别是H、HO、M、P、E 代表船体、舾装、轮机、管系、电气。
The inspection items are grouped into 5category being H, HO, M, P, E reprenting hull, hull outfitting, machinery, piping, and electrical respectively.
Should there be any inconsistency or contradiction between this inspection items list and the specification ,the relevant plans or workmanship drawing, the latter shall have the preference. 8.除本报验项目表所列项目,验船师和船东临时增加的项目应事先书面通知建造方,在施工条件允许的条件下,建造方应尽可能给予支持。
Except the items in the list, the surveyors and the reprentatives should notify the builder in writing if they request additional checking temporarily, builder should accept it as possible as long as it does not unreasonably disturb the builder’s working process.
Except the items in the list, the surveyors and the reprentatives should notify the builder in writing if they request additional checking temporarily, builder should accept it as possible as long as it does
not unreasonably disturb the builder’s working process.