Market Status Q uo and Production T echnology of CPP Film in China
CHEN Y ing1,2
(1.School of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai200030,China;
2.Wuxi Huanya Packaging Materials Co.,Ltd.,Wuxi214028,China)
1 Production capacity and annual de2
mand of CPP
1.1 Situation of production and market of CPP
最小的偶数是什么The production of CPP originated from the eighties
of the twenty2century in China.With20years’develop2
ment,now there are more than30CPP processors with
over50lines and capacity of about200kt/year.The av2
erage annual growth rate over the last20years of CPP is
more than20%(tab.1),one of the packaging materials
with high growth rate.
T ab.1 Production capacity of CPP f ilm in China
Y ear
Estimated annual
Currently,the capacity of CPP film is a little more than demand.I f the process ors expand the capacity blindly, the tragedy of BOPP would happen to CPP film.
1.2 Production lines气血不足的症状
白衣天使的作文The import lines dominate the production lines.Be2 fore1996,most of the import lines are for single layer film.After1996,most are lines for three2layer film or five2layer film.Most of the over50lines were
imported from Mitsmbish,Reifenhaur,Lenzin,W&H,Collins and Battendfeld.
In recent years,with the improvement of machining and film processing technologies in China,some change happened to the market of CPP film.
The first one is that the occurrence of down2blown PP film equipment and down2blown PP film(IPP)izes some of the CPP market.In1998,IPP equipment de2 buted in Guangdong.Characterized by low investment in equipment,good mechanical properties and low price, the IPP film replaced part of CPP.The China2made IPP equipment could process co2extruded film,vacuum alu2 minum plated film,and film for clothing packaging and boiling.
But IPP film is of mi2oriented film,and its flat2 ness is inferior to that of CPP film.Nevertheless,the mechanical properties and haziness are superior to tho of CPP film.Compared with the CPP lines,the automa2 tion level and efficiency of IPP lines are low and quality of IPP film is poor.
The cond one is that China2made CPP lines came into being.Though there are some problems existing in the China2made CPP lines,the total capacity of lines have reached20kt to30kt.It is believed that with the improvement of the China2made CPP lines,they will in2 fluence the processing of CPP deeply.
The third one is that the special materials for CPP film depend more heavily on import than that of BOPP and IPP film.Almost60%of the materials for CPP film are imported.Now there are only three resin suppli2 ers,which can provide the materials for CPP film in Chi2 na,including Shanghai Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.,Beijing Yanshan Petrochemicals Co.,Ltd.,and Daqing Petro2 chemical Company of PetroChina.The resins provided by the three suppliers can be solely ud for normal mul2 ti2layer film,mi2boiling film and the core layer of alu2 minum plated film.The materials for aluminum plated film,high temperature boiling film and film with special properties still depend on import.
2 Developing trends of CPP f ilm
2.1 N e w materials f ind wide applications in CPP f ilm
Innovative materials endow the CPP film with new properties,which enlarge the application fields of CPP film.For example,anti2bacterium materials make the CPP film with performance of anti2bacterium.m2PP,m2 PE2LLD and S2PP can also enhance the properties of CPP film.The incorporation of m2PE2LLD into PP re2 sults in toughening CPP and fosters the impact strength of CPP film.If m2PE2LLD with low density is added, the heat alable temperature is lowered to80to100℃.
(Continued on page10)
第18卷 第6期中 国 塑 料Vol.18,No.6 2004年6月CHINA PLASTICS J un,2004
(Continued from page9)T ab.3 Main imported grades of PE2LLD in China
英语贺卡Grades M FR/g・(10min)-1Density/g・cm-3Country and region/Company Applications 4240F 2.0-K orea/SanSung Film
4220 1.8-K orea Film
140 1.8-K orea Film
7050 2.0-Kuwait Film
FU149M 1.00.919K orea/Oil Comany Film
LL205S 1.850.923K orea/Dalin Film
1002F 2.0-Saudi Arabia Film
FV149M 2.00.919K orea/Oil Film
F33H 2.00.921Japan/Mitsubishi Film
330 2.0-Japan/Mitsubishi Film
7506 2.0-American Film
204P 2.0-America/Dow Injection Moulding PF0218F,0218D 1.5-Canada Film
6606 2.0-Agentina Film
L F2021 2.0-Malaysia Film
H28 2.0-U.K.Film
2020 2.0-Indonesia Injection Moulding 1820S1 2.0-Indonesia Injection Moulding 28H 1.50.924Australia Film
120 1.60.919Taiwan,China/Tai Plastics Film
T ab.4 Consumptions of various PE2LLD products in China in2002
Products Agricultural
Packing films
(including wrapping films)
Injection and blow
moulded parts
(including tube)
Rotation moulded
Consumption/kt85064015012012014010020 Percentage/%39.729.97.0 5.6 5.6 6.5 4.80.9
(Continued from page7)
transformers,their typical thickness is over40μm.This kind of films will also grow fast.It is estimated that the consumption of films for electric and appliance parts will ri to45kt in2006from23kt in2003.
3.2 Development of market and ne w kinds of f ilms
Now,processors of BOPET films should focus on the tap of films for special applications,such as flame re2 tardant film,high2clarity film,copy film,tracing film, film for air2conditioners and electrically heated films. Now there are many newly developed BOPET films with particular properties as shown in tab.3.
Films with special performance have a niche mar2ket,so they can ll at a good price and processors can make profit from it.
T ab.3 Some B OPET f ilms with particular performance Classification according to properties Trade name of the new film Mechanical properties
High strength film
High surface hardness film
Optical performance
Fully transparent film
Nonluminous and coar film
Colour film
Electricity performance
Anti2static film
Surface conductive film糊涂反义词
Chemical property
Flame retardant film
Light barrier film
G as barrier film
Surface property
Sticky film
Smooth film
Thermal behavior
Heat shrinkable film
Heat resistant film
(Continued from page8)
2.2 Co2extruded cast f ilm with high barrier property
With the increasingly strict requirement of medical and food packaging for CPP film,such as good oxygen and water barrier performance and low rudimental chemical s olvents, the single layer CPP film can not stand it any more.S o the co2extruded cast film with high barrier becomes the first choice.It is of good barrier and aroma2keeping properties, thus prolonging the shelf life of goods,such as freezed foods and boiled foods.Its excellent oil and organic s olvent resis2 tance enables it to be ud for the packaging material of edible oil,fast food,milk and pharmaceuticals.
2.3 Micro porous breathable CPP f ilm
Incorporation of pore2inducing additives in CPP film and stretched at certain temperature,the CPP film will be breathable.In general,the pore2inducing additive is CaCO3.The number and size of pores depend on the stretch ratio,loading and size of pore2inducing additive as well as stretch temperature.The breathable CPP film is ud to package vegetables,flowers and fruits as well as sanitary articles.
2.4 B lending modif ication enhances the properties of CPP f ilm
Blending modification technology leaves a new room for CPP film to develop.T ake the conductive CPP film as an ex2 ample,the addition of conductive materials into CPP film en2 dows it with permanent anti2static behavior,thus it can be ud as the packaging material for electric elements.
・Prent Situation of PE2LLD Resin in China