粮油食品类 cereals,oils and foodstuffs 化工产品类 chemical products 土畜产类 native produce &animal by-products 机械产品类 machinery products 纺织丝绸类 textiles and silks 仪器产品类 instrumental products 轻工业产品类 light industrial products 五金矿产类 metals & minerals 工艺品类 arts and crafts 技术出口类 technology exports 医药类 medicines and drugs 粮油食品类粮谷(Cereals) 肉食(Meats) 蛋品(Eggs and Egg Products) 豆类(Beans and Peas) 水果(Fruits) 蔬菜(Vegetables) 油籽(Oileds) 罐头(Canned Goods) 酒(Wines,Beers and Liquors) 油品(Oils) 软饮料(Soft Drinks) 糖果(Confectioneries) 糖(Sugar) 饼干(Biscuits) 奶制品(Dairy product) 米制品(Rice product) 面制品(Flour product) 方便食品(convenient Foods) 花生制品(Groundnut products) 调味品(Condiments) 盐(Salts) 杂项食品(Miscellaneos products) 饲料(Feedstuffs) 土畜产品 土产品(Native Products)工业原料(Industrial Raw Materials)畜产制品(Animal By-Products) 纺织丝绸类原料类(Raw Materials)半成品(Semi-Manufactured Goods)成品(Manufactured Goods) 轻工业产品类 日用百货(General Merchandi)鞋(footwears)塑料制品(Plastic Articles)箱包及皮件(Suitca,Bags and Leather Products)纸张(Paper)纸制品(Paper Products)文教用品(Stationery)体育用品(Sports Goods)西洋乐器(Western Musical Instruments)中国民族乐器(Chine Musical Instruments)玩具(Toys)照相及电影器材(Photographic and Cinemato graphic Supplies)家用电器(Houhold Electrieal Appliance)建筑材料(Building Materials)玻璃器皿(Glasswares)厨具(Kitchen Wares) 工艺品类玉制品(Jade products) 珠玉等(Percious Stones,etc) 手袋(Handbag)
手套(Gloves) 帽(Headwears) 伞(Umbrella) 家具(Furnitures) 瓷器(Porcelain Wares) 编织品(weaved and Knited Products) 扇(Fan) 画(Painting and picture) 工艺品(Arts and Crafts) 机械类产品机床(Machines Tools)动力机械及设备(Power Machines and Equipments)轻纺机械(Machinery for Light Industry and textile Industry)石油化工机械(Petro—Chemical Machinery) 印刷机械(Machinery for printing Industry)粮食加工机械(Cereals Processing Machines)食品加工机械(Foodstuff Making Machines)成套工业设备(Complete Industrial Equipments)运输机械(Transport Machinery)拖拉机及辅助设备(Tractors and Auxiliary Equipments)其它农业机械(Other and Agricultural Machines)工具和农具(Tools and Agricultural Implements)杂项机械(Miscellaneous Machinery) 仪器产品类 光学仪器(Optical Instruments) 电子仪器(Electronic Instruments) 分析仪器(Analytical Instruments) 通讯设备(Communication Equipments) 仪器仪表和电子元件(Nuclear Instruments and Computers) 核子仪器和计算机(Nuclear Instruments and
Computers) 实验室仪器(Laboratory Instruments) 医疗仪器(Medical Instruments) 化工仪器及其它(Chemical Apparatus and Others) 自动化控制仪表(Automation Control Instruments) 电工仪表(Electric Instruments) 材料试验机(Material Testing Machines) 示教仪器(Educational Instruments and Equipments) 其它仪器(Other Instruments) 五金矿产类非金属矿产品和制品<(Non-Metallic Minerals & Products) 建筑五金及制品(Building Harware&Metal Products) 耐火材料(Refractory Mat
erial) 铸铁制品(Cast Iron Products) 非金属建筑材料(Non-metallic Building Materials) 铜、铝制品(Brass,Copper&Aluminium Product) 有色金属(Non-Ferrous Metals) 技术出口类生产技术(Technology for Producing) 研究、方法(Rearch Method) 材料(Materials) 其它(Others) 成套设备和技术装置(Complete Sets&Equipments) 新工艺和生产线(New Process&Production Line) 医药类药材(Crude Drugs) 西药(Western Medicines) 中国医药保健品(Chine Medicines&Health Produts) 化工产品类原油及石油产品(Crude Oil&Petroleum Products) 橡胶及橡胶制品、乳胶制品(Rubber&Rubber Products,Latex products) 无机化工原料(Inorganic Chemicals) 化学试剂(Chemical Reagents) 有机化工原料(Organic Chemicals) 其它产品(Miscellaneous Products) 染料、颜料、油漆、油墨、农药、塑料(Dyestuffs Pigments Paints Printing Inks PESticides Plastics)
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iron and steel industry 钢铁工业
ironworks 铁厂
朱砂的作用和功效foundry 铸造车间
steelworks, steel mill 钢厂
coking plant 炼焦厂
electrometallurgy 电冶金学
powder metallurgy 粉末冶金学
blast furnace 鼓风炉
mouth, throat 炉口
hopper, chute 料斗
stack 炉身
belly 炉腰
bosh 炉腹
crucible 炉缸
slag tap 放渣口
taphole 出铁口,出渣口
pig bed 铸床
mould 铸模(美作:mold)
tuyere, nozzle 风口
ingot mould 锭模(美作:ingot mold)
floor 平台
hearth 炉底
charger 装料机
ladle 铁水包,钢水包
dust catcher 除尘器
washer 洗涤塔
converter 转炉
hoist 卷扬机
compressor 压缩机
tilting mixer 可倾式混铁炉
regenerator 蓄热室
heat exchanger 热交换器
gas purifier 煤气净化器
turbocompressor 涡轮压缩机
burner 烧嘴
cupola 化铁炉,冲天炉
emptier 排空装置
trough 铁水沟,排渣沟
skip 料车
rolling mill 轧机,轧钢机
blooming mill 初轧机
roller 辊
bed 底座
rolling-mill housing 轧机机架
drawplate 拉模板
shaft furnace 竖炉
refining furnace 精炼炉
日交易reverberatory furnace 反射炉
hearth furnace 床式反射炉
firebrick lining 耐火砖衬
retort 反应罐
专业实践总结报告muffle 马弗炉
roof, arch 炉顶
forge 锻造
press 压锻
pile hammer 打桩锤
drop hammer 落锤
die 拉模
blowlamp 吹炬(美作:blowtorch)
crusher 破碎机
iron ore 铁矿石
coke 焦炭
bauxite 铁钒土
alumina 铝
cryolite 冰晶石
flux 熔剂
limestone flux 石灰石溶剂
haematite 赤铁矿(美作:hematite)
gangue 脉石
cast iron 铸铁
cast iron ingot 铸铁锭
slag 炉渣
soft iron 软铁
pig iron 生铁
wrought iron 熟铁
iron ingot 铁锭
puddled iron 搅炼熟铁
round iron 圆铁
scrap iron 废铁
steel 钢
crude steel 粗钢
mild steel, soft steel 软钢,低碳钢
hard steel 硬钢
cast steel 坩埚钢,铸钢
stainless steel 不锈钢
electric steel 电工钢,电炉钢
high-speed steel 高速钢
moulded steel 铸钢
refractory steel 热强钢,耐热钢
alloy steel 合金钢
plate, sheet 薄板
corrugated iron 瓦垅薄钢板
tinplate, tin 马口铁
护肤品大牌finished product 成品,产品
异国恋怎么维持mifinished product 半成品,中间产品
ferrous products 铁制品
coiled sheet 带状薄板
bloom 初轧方坯
metal strip, metal band 铁带,钢带
billet 坯锭,钢坯
shavings 剃边
profiled bar 异型钢材
shape, ction 型钢
angle iron 角钢
frit 烧结
wire 线材
ferronickel 镍铁
elinvar 镍铬恒弹性钢
ferrite 铁氧体,铁醇盐
cementite 渗碳体,碳化铁
pearlite 珠光体
charging, loading 装料,炉料
fusion, melting, smelting 熔炼
remelting 再熔化,重熔
refining 精炼
casting 出铁
to cast 出铁
tapping 出渣,出钢,出铁
to insufflate, to inject 注入
heating 加热
preheating 预热
tempering 回火
temper 回火
hardening 淬水
annealing 退火
reduction 还原
cooling 冷却
decarbonization, decarburization 脱碳
coking 炼焦
slagging, scorification 造渣
carburization 渗碳
ca hardening 表面硬化
cementation 渗碳
fritting, sintering 烧结
puddling 搅炼
pulverization 粉化,雾化
nitriding 渗氮
alloy 合金
floatation, flotation 浮选
patternmaking 制模
moulding 成型(美作:molding)
calcination 煅烧
amalgamation 汞齐化
rolling 轧制
rawing 拉拔
extrusion 挤压美容院减肥
500字美文摘抄wiredrawing 拉丝
stamping, pressing 冲压
die casting 拉模铸造
forging 锻造
turning 车削
milling 铣削
machining, tooling 加工
autogenous welding, fusion welding 氧炔焊
arc welding 电弧焊
electrolysis 电解
trimming 清理焊缝
blowhole 气孔