Unit 1 Fairy Tale
A Glimp at Words and Expressions
Plea read the following ntences. Pay attention to the underlined part in each ntence and e how the expressions are ud in the context, and then write down its meaning in the blanks provided.
1. They gave themlves ridiculous airs, and would not keep company with any but persons of quality. | (associate with; make friends with) |
2. This news had liked to have turned the heads of the two eldest daughters, who immediately flattered themlves with the hopes of returning to town. | (make sb. conceited )a |
3. …they went to law with him about the merchandi. | (went to legal preceedings against ) |
4. If your daughter refu to die in your stead, you will return within three months. | ( in stead of you; in your place ) |
5. The beast responded, “You are very good, and I am greatly obliged to you.” | (am grateful to you) |
6. Will you give me leave to e you sup? | (give me permission) |
7. …her newly found happiness and material comfort with the Beast | (give comfort to) |
| |
A Sip of Word Formation
Build Your Vocabulary
Decide which form of the negative prefix to u to make each word. Add the prefix and write the whole word.
active | inactive | adequate | inadequate |
agree | disagree | approve | disapprove |
believe | 淘宝男鞋disbelieve | plea | displea |
complete | incomplete | sufficien | insufficient |
conclusive | inconclusive | dependent | independent |
equal | unequal | even | uneven |
frequent | infrequent | distinct | indistinct |
kind | unkind | friendly | unfriendly |
legible | illegible | proper | improper |
organic | unorganic | legal | illegal |
personal | impersonal | reversible | irreversible |
probable | improbable | mobile | immobile |
prove | disprove | continue | discontinue |
responsible | irresponsible | as的用法总结measurable | immeasurable |
satisfied | dissatisfied | moral | immoral |
success | Non-success | formal | informal |
七只小羊的故事usual | unusual | satisfactory | unsatisfactory |
existent | inexistent | stop | Non-stop |
| | | |
A Smart Word Player
The word in capitals at the end of each of the following ntences can be ud to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank this way.
Example: He said “Good morning” in a most friendly way. (FRIEND)
1. There is no doubt that cannabis will remain an _illegal drug for the foreeable future. (LEGAL)
2. It was quite impossible for us to drive all the way from Paris to Madrid in one day. (POSSIBLE)
3. He made a (n) unsuccessful attempt to climb the highest mountain in the range. (SUCCESSFUL)
4. To take the boat out with four children under the age of ten and with no life jackets on board was quite irresponsible of him. (RESPONSIBLE)
5. The dress she was wearing was quite ___________ for the occasion. (APPROPRIATE)
6. It was very impolite of him to insult his mother in front of his aunt. (POLITE)
7. They were a completely _________ family and I never thought that one day I would marry one of the daughters. (RELIGIOUS)
8. As a politician he was dishonest志在必得 and it was not long before nobody trusted him. (HONEST)
9. 朱厚熜The goods were imperfect and had to be returned to the store we bought them from. (PERFECT)
高尚的意思10. She was ________ with her life and decided that things had to change. (CONTENTED)
这部分是Text A的练习,共有六个部分组成。每部分都是按照大纲要求掌握的各项基本功精心编写的。教师应该指导学生在熟读和理解课文的基础上,认真做每一项练习,严格训练学生的基本知识和基本的语言能力。
Build Your Vocabulary
Fill in the blanks with the given words to complete the following ntences. Plea note that some can be ud more than once.
in of to down on from after at toward for near with |
1.Very luckily, the victim was found near the back door of the barn some 14 hours after the disaster and rushed to the local hospital. After 10 hours of operation and weeks of intensive care, she was relead from the hospital with fragments of the bombs still in her legs. “I am not afraid of anything now after my first death.” She said she when interviewed on TV the other day.
2. Mr. Cord arrived at his personal goal thanks to his dedication to painting, but also becau of his amazing attitude toward his ambition. We could learn 气功人from him that nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
3. I stay healthy for the past decade, and my wife just takes it for granted. Conquently, she was surprid when I told her that I suffered from rious allergy the days. “How come? Allergic to what, my dear?” she asked with a worried expression on her face. “Nothing rious, really. I …I just fell allergic to the houwork you assigned me.”
4. After the prentation I reflected on what Dr. Nord said. Yes, it is far from enough for a student to just remember what the professor and the textbooks are saying. In terms of
memory we are definitely no better than modern computers. But we do have our strength: the creativity. Not only are we expected to acquire the knowledge pasd down from欧式个人写真艺术照 older generations, but also we are suppod to create new knowledge of our own. This is why we are always asked to write something original in our term papers.