当今的投资界,除了沃伦·巴菲特,最受敬仰的莫过于基金公司Baupost Group的塞斯·卡拉曼了。自从1983年卡拉曼成立了自己的基金公司,他不仅创下无可匹敌的收益率(年复合增长率超过20%),还时常分享他对市场和投资睿智又经典的见解。
21: Why Margin of Safety
Value investing is the discipline ofbuying curities at a significant discount from their current underlying values and holding them until more of their value is realized. The element ofthe bargain is the key to the process.
Becau investing is as much an art as ascience, investors need a margin of safety. A margin of safety is achieved when curities are purchad at prices sufficiently below underlying value to allowfor human error, bad luck, or extreme volatility in a complex, unpredictable,and rapidly changing world.
According to Graham, 'The margin of safety is always dependent on the price paid. For any curity, it will be largeat one price, small at some higher price, nonexistent at some still higher price.'
Value investors ek a margin of safety,allowing room for imprecision, bad luck, or analytical error in order to avoid sizable loss over time. A margin of safety is necessary becau…
· Valuation is an impreci art
· Future is unpredictable, and
· Investors are human and do make mistakes.
· 未来是无法预测的;
· 投资者也是人,是人就会犯错
22: How Much Margin of Safety
The answer can vary from one investor to the next. How much bad luck are you willing and able to tolerate? How much volatility in business values can you absorb? What is your tolerance for error?It comes down to how much you can afford to lo.
Most investors do not ek a margin of safety in their holdings. Institutional investors who buy stocks as pieces of paper to be traded and who remain fully invested at all times fail to achieve amargin of safety. Greedy individual investors who follow market trends and fadsare in the same boat.
The only margin investors who purcha Wall Street underwritings or financial-market innovations usually experience isa margin of peril.
How can investors be certain of achieving a margin of safety?
· By always buying at asignificant discount to underlying business value and giving preference totangible asts over intangibles. (This does not mean that there are not excellent investment opportunities in business with valuable intangible asts.)
· By replacing current holdings as better bargains come along.
By lling when the market price of any investment comes to reflect its underlying value and by holding cash,if necessary, until other attractive investments become available.爬山穿什么鞋
· 永远要以超级划算的价格买入实际价值高得多的股票,比起无形资产吗,应更偏好有形资产(但这也不是说那些拥有大量无形资产的公司中就没有好的投资机会了);
如何学拼音· 当出现了更划算的股票时,替换掉现在手中的;
· 当某个股票的真实价值开始反映到股价上来时,卖掉换成钱,如有必要,一直抓着,直到你发现新的好的投资机会。
Investors should pay attention not onlyto whether but also to why current holdings are undervalued.
It is critical to know why you have made an investment and to ll when the reason for owning it no longer applies. Lookfor investments with catalysts that may assist directly in the realization of underlying value.
蒜香炸排骨Give preference to companies having good managements with a personal financial stake in the business.
进士科Finally, diversify your holdings and hedge when it is financially attractive to do so.
23: Three Elements of Value Investing
鲁迅作品简介1.Bottom-Up: Value investing employs a bottom-upstrategy by which individual investment opportunities are identified one at atime through fundamental analysis. Value investors arch for bargains curityby curity, analyzing each situation on its own meri