更新时间:2023-06-30 05:09:00 阅读: 评论:0

Collective effervescence集体欢腾
the wealth of nodes财富结点西葫芦籽
ants aren’t smart, ant colonies are. ---biologist Deborah M. Gordon
蚂蚁不聪明,可他们群集起来却非同小可。---生物学家德博. 戈登
in the science fiction novel Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, Cpry Doctorow takes us to a post-scarcity future world in which death has been made obsolete by personality recycling, adhocracies have replaced bureaucracies and corperations, and social captial--- called Whuffie--- is the coin of the realm.
在科幻小说《魔幻王国的起起落落》(Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom),作家Cpry Doctorow把我们带到了后匮乏未来世界,在那里死亡经个性的回收变得过时,临时委员会制度替换了官僚和合作制,被叫做Whuffie的社会资金是国家硬币。
since material want and human suffering are virtually non-existent, traditional forms of social incentive have disappeared---Whuffie has replaced money altogether as the engine of the economy. the thing is, you get Whuffie from others---it is the measure of your reputation as determined by other people---frien
ds, neighbors,complete strangers: the more you conform to what your social group expects of you, the more Whuffie--- social money---you get.
Doctorow's world remains for now a futurist flight of imagination, but as we discusd in the previous chapter, people are forming and maintaining many new types of social groups, making social captial---the esteem and status members receive from one another---more valuable than ever. Moreover, social nodes built on affinity and passion develop a culture all their own, which can make them insular, gated communities. The more valuable social capital becomes inside a clo-knit community, the more likely it is that people in the group will strive to earn more of it by conforming to that group's expectations.
Unfortunately, this creates a predictable cycle: the more people conform, the more clouded and distorted a group's collective thinking becomes. in other words, for marketers, social nodes, the defining channels of the new fragmented landscape, are often clod and parochial, deaf and dumb. the very qualities that make a community cohesive can make it lf-protective and resistant to outside perspectives and information---particularly the overtures of marketers. A community that shares the same views rarely wants to risk that affinity by introduing ideas that could change the compact and chemistry that attracted the members in the first place.
How does the ri of new online groups, or social nodes, change the way companies need to go to
market? instead of focusing on individual consumer behavior and attempting to categorize individuals into artificial groups, marketers must now understand how organic, lf-lecting groups of consumers think and act---and then turn that information into an invitation by (targeted) members to join their groups.
英语贺卡“group i ness”
Before we can understand what makes a group tick, we need to know what makes a group stick. Sociologists have a five-dollar word for what makes a group cohesive:entitativity--- meaning the n that a group has a conscious reason to exist in the first place. A simpler phra sometimes ud is "groupiness." As we noted earlier, utility plays a major part in the nsation of groupiness. People are motivated to form and join groups for rational reasons, and tho reasons almost always revolve around lf-interest. Group membership must have its advantages, otherwi why bother?
社会学就什么使一个群体具有凝聚力有一个5美元的说法(five-dollar word):实质性(entitativiy)---意为一个组织的存在意识应摆在首位。简而言之即是“群体性(groupiness)。”正如我们前面指出,公用事业局在groupiness起到至关重要的作用。人们由于理性的原因形成或参加团体组织,这些原因几乎都是围绕着自身的利益。组成员必须有自己的优势,否则何必呢?
Our ancient brains tell us to form groups for protection or gain, so it starts with a notion of utility. Early groups formed around pure functionality: hunting cooperatives, later farming collectives; safety in numbers; the availability of mates.
More recently, numerous studies have been conducted to better understand why people join and stay with a particular social group, like an online community. Oxford University rearchers define a gathering of people as a group "when its members are collectively conscious of their existence as a group; when they believe it satisfies their needs; when they share aims, are interdependent, like to join in group activities, and want to remain with the group."
The findings boil down to five basic rewards of group membership: social, entertainment, informational, status, and transactional. Socially motivated individuals desire to get to know others, meet and make new friends, and grow attachments among like-minded people. Tho eking entertainment from their communities hope to play, find playmates, pass the time away, or relieve boredom. Members looking for information want to learn how to do new things, solve problems, generate new ideas, or make decisions. Tho eking status want to impress others,
feel more important, or gain social cachet from the association. Finally, some people are simply looking to do business---buy or ll things, negotiate or bargain.
But there must be something more than unvarnished utility to explain why a group of people stays together. And, when given a choice between veral groups of equal benefit, why do people choo one group over another?
According to sociologist Mark Granovetter, the strength of interpersonal ties in social groups could be defined as "a combination of the amount of time, the emotional intensity, the intimacy, and the reciprocal rvices which characterize the tie."
腐竹怎么凉拌社会学家马克•格兰诺维特(Mark Granovetter)表示,社会群体中人际关系的力量可以定义为“时间,情感强度,亲密度,以及互惠服务关系的一种组合。”
The fact is, individuals derive part of their personal identity from the groups they belong to (as well a
s the ones they reject). Group lection rais complicated issues surrounding personal worldview, values, and attitudes.
As sociologist Charles Stangor puts it:
正如社会学家查尔斯(Charles Stangor)所说的那样:
Generally, becau we prefer to remain in groups that we feel good about, the outcome of group membership is a positive social identity---our group memberships make us feel good. Social identity might be en as a tendency on the part of the individual to talk positively about the group to others, a general enjoyment of being part of the group, and a feeling of pride that comes from group membership.
We have determined that the motivation for joining a group starts with utility; members lect a social group becau they will derive some value from the effort---they might save time or money, increa or gain knowledge, earn rewards, bonus, discounts, or prizes. But people also want to share common interests with others, to be a part of a community of others who like what they like. Group membership must satisfy an emotional need.
In Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, his 1912 study of Australian aborigines, Emile Durkheim coined the phra "collective effervescence" to describe the emotional state members of
a tribe get swept into when they gather together. Collective effervescence, Durkheim obrved, is a perceived "energy" that overtakes a crowd of people, causing the individuals to act in a way that is not normal for them.
《宗教生活的初级形式》(Elementary Forms of the Religious Life)中,于1912年对澳大利亚土著人的研究中,涂尔干(Emile Durkheim)杜撰了“集体欢腾(collective effervescence)”来形容一个部落
According to Durkheim, the emotional bonds necessary for collective effervescence hinge upon three things: a common focus, periodic asmbling, and collective rituals.
涂尔干表示,集体欢腾必须的情感纽带取决三件事:共同焦点,定期集会,以及集体仪式。In their landmark 2001 study entitled "Brand Community," Albert M. Muniz, Jr., and Thomas C. O'Guinn t out to define the common characteristics inherent in a strong consumer community. Echoing Durkheim's work, the study identified three main characteristics of strong brand communities:
在阿尔贝特(Albert M. Muniz, Jr.)和托马斯(Thomas C. O'Guinn)具有里程碑意义的题为“品牌社区(brand community)”的2001研究报告中,他们定义了一个强劲的消费团体中固有的共同特点。与涂尔干的研究相呼应,研究确定了三个强大品牌社区的主要特点:
1. Shared Consciousness---the deep n of connection that members feel toward one another, and the collective n of different from others not in the community. It is sometimes referred to a "shared knowing of belonging."
Rearch by Tom Postmes and S. Alexander Haslam at the University of Exeter shows that groups can congeal quickly and almost immediately asrt influence over the members:
汤姆(Tom.Postmes)和亚历山大(S. Alexander Haslam)在埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)的研究表明,群体能够迅速凝结而且几乎能够立即行使对成员的影响力:
Indeed, induction may partly explain why powerful forms of social influence can be obrved in small groups in the labs: Even when the groups have a very brief and cursory history and limited prior experience of interacting together, they very readily develop norms, solidarity and notions of social identity. If this social identity is salient, group members will be influenced to behave in a way that is consistent with the content of this identity and with group norms. A key tenet in all this is that social regulation and social identification are cloly bound up with social validation. In other words, we turn to the group to help us deal with and understand the realities we face, we value the group for providing this understanding, and if we value groups they impo their understanding upon us. The relation between identification and validation is a reciprocal one.
事实上,感应现象可以部分地解释,为什么有力的社会影响力可以体现在实验室小团体中。即使这些组织的历史非常简单草率,相互作用方面的经验有限,他们准备好发展制订规范,团结一致和社会身份概念。如果社会身份突出,工作组成员的行为将受到影响与此身份内容和群体规范所一致。所有这一切的关键原则是,社会管理和社会认同和社会确认密切相连。换句话说,我们依靠群体的帮助处理事情,理解我们所面临的现实,我们非常重视群体提供的理解,如果我们的重视团体强加于我们的理解。社会认同和社会确认的关系是互惠的。2, Shared Rituals And Traditions---Like all communities, online groups must be mindful of the power of rituals. According to word-of-mouth marketing expert Jackie Huba, rituals "are the shared experiences of a group.They create emotional glue. To an outsider, a ritual can be weird,
wacky, or just plain stupid. To people inside the organization, they may be metaphors for life, death, or renewal." From the "welcome aboard" e-mail to the currency of group communications to the marking of passages and achievements, rituals are part of what makes a community vital. An enduring group not only does things together, it celebrates a shared history, culture, and consciousness.
2,共同的仪式和传统---像所有社区一样,网络群体必须铭记仪式的力量。口碑营销专家杰克(Jackie Huba)表示:礼仪是一个群体的共享经验,他们创造情感的粘合剂,对于局外人来说,这个仪式可能
3, Moral Responsibility--- a n of duty or obligation to the community as a whole, and to its individual members. It is that n of moral responsibility that galvanizes collective action.
Importantly, Muniz and O'Guinn also discovered that successful communities are like exclusive clubs---there are admission criteria.
people feel special when they are welcomed into    a discerning group. They get psychic rewards from being acknowledged by the other members who share similar values, visions, and ideas. According to the study, the best groups may have little hierarchy and may even be leaderless, but each has "insiders," who know a little bit more than others and are the keepers of shared traditions a
nd the cret language of the group. Not surprisingly, some brand communities actually from in opposition to another brand--- the rearchers found Saab owners were vehemently oppod to V olvos, for example. Again, we e the power of oppositional force in bonding like-minded people. Finally, the best groups--- they called out as "exemplary" fan groups for Ford Bronco, Macintosh, and Saab---were fiercely loyal and vocal. Group members often evangelized the brand better than the parent companies did and actively recruited new members. In other words, the consumers did not simply drink the Kool-Aid---they shared it with their friends.
人们感到特别的欢迎,当他们把眼睛是雪亮组。他们得到精神奖励不受其他成员谁有着相同的价值观,理想和思想认识。根据这项研究,最好的群体可能没有什么层次,甚至可能群龙无首,但每有“内部人”,谁知道多一点,而且比其他共同传统的饲养和组的秘密语言。毫不奇怪,实际上从反对到另一个品牌的一些品牌社区---研究人员发现,萨博业主强烈反对沃尔沃,例如。同样,我们看到在武力夺取政权的对立结合志同道合的人。最后,最好的群体---他们称之为“模范”的福特野马,Macintosh和萨博---扇集团进行了激烈的忠诚和声乐。小组成员经常传教的品牌优于母公司并积极招募新成员。换言之,这些消费者并没有简单地喝的Kool - Aid ---他们与朋友分享它。
Frank and Jack
In fact, he may have been a kid from Hoboken, New Jery, but legend has it that Old Blue Eyes was even buried in his Tenne Squire blazer. If you are not familiar with the title, do not worry: while not exactly a cret society, the Tenne Squires association does pride itlf on clo-lipped exclusivity. The association was started in 1956 by the Jck Daniel's Distillery as a书法入门教程

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