The Recline and Fall of Western Civilization 座椅少倾一度,文明多进一步
The woman sitting in front of me on this plane ems perfectly nice. She小学教师资格证报名条件是什么, like me深圳茶溪谷, is traveling coach class1手工雨伞) from Washington to Los Angeles. She had a nice chat before takeoff with the man sitting next to her女性肛裂, in which she revealed she is an elementary school teacher, an extremely honorable profession. She, like me, has an aisle at and has spent most of the flight watching TV. Nevertheless抗皱护肤品排行榜, I hate her.
Why? She’s a recliner.
For five minutes after takeoff, every pasnger on an airliner exists in a state of nature. Everyone is equally as uncomfortable as everyone el. The pasngers are blank slates2), subjects of an experiment in morality which begins the moment the at-belt light turns off.广州居住证续期