I don’t have a filter when I talk.
You’re the mighty oak that holds the houhold together.
The world will break your heart ten ways to Sunday.
He’s moaning and groaning.
Sometimes it’s not, they got a broken wing, they’re an easy target.
Being of rvice, to your need.
I want her to stop acting so superior to me.
I took care of that jerk off that was in front of your hou.
And she wanted me to lo weight and stop my mood swings, both of which I’ve done.
Pat: Hey! Hey, wait a cond! What are you doing What happened How come you weren’t outside What the hell’s going on
Tiffany: I can’t, I can’t do it.
Pat: What do you mean, you can’t do it You can’t do what
Tiffany: I can’t give the letter to Nikki.优秀班组事迹材料
Pat: Tiffany, what are you talking about What do you mean you can’t give the letter to Nikki
Tiffany: Becau what am I getting in return What are you doing for me You said!
Pat: You said if I wrote a letter, you’d get it to Nikki.
Tiffany: I know.
Pat: That was the t-up.
Tiffany: Becau I do this time after time after time, I do all this shit for other people and then I wake up and, and I’m empty, I have nothing!
Pat: What are you talking about You em like you’re a tough girl to me. Why don’t you just do things on your own
Tiffany: I always get mylf in the fucking situations. I give everything to other people and nobody ever, I don’t get what I want, okay I’m not my sister.
Pat: Alright, well, ask for you. What can I do for you
Tiffany: I can’t do it.
Pat: Tiffany, what do you want me to do Think of something.
Tiffany: There’s this thing.
Pat: There’s a thing, okay. What kind of thing
Tiffany: It’s a thing, it’s a thing. It’s a, it’s a dance thing.
Pat: It’s a dance thing, all right.
Tiffany: It’s a competition thing at the Benjamin Franklin hotel. Tommy would never do it with me and I misd it every single year.
炒馒头怎么做好吃Pat: Well, Tommy’s dead, so he’s not gonna fucking do it.
Tiffany: Would you plea!
Pat: I don’t have a filter when I talk.
Tiffany: Can we have one conversation without you reminding me that my goddamn husband is dead
Pat: Yes, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Okay, I’m sorry.
Tiffany: But I can only do it if I have And now I’m about to miss it for another year.