You okay boss?
Yeah, i'm fine.i just can't I just can’t come through the water.
So you're my new partner?
beyoncethat's right.
Not the best way to meet with my head halfway down the toilet.
Doesn't exactly square with Teddy Daniels: the man. The legend, I’ll give you that
the Legend?企业成功的因素 What the hell are you boys smoking over there in Portland anyway?
Seatle. I came from the office in Seatle.儿童节贺卡
How long have you been with Marshals?
Four years.
So you know how small it is?
Sure. What about you? You got a girl? Married?
I was. she died.
Jesus ...I, i
don't worry about it. There was a fire at the apartment building, while i was work . Four People died. It was the smoke that got her not the fire That's important.
石斛的食用方法 I'm sorry.
Where are my goddamn Cigarettes?
Well here. have one of mine
I could swear they were in my jacket when I got on.
Government employees will rob you blind.
They give you a briefing about the institution before you left?
All I know is it's a mental hospital芦荟开花.
For the criminally insane.
Well, if it was just folks running around, hearing voices and chasing butterflies, i guess they wouldn,t need us个人简历照片